Chapter 56

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I wake up in a hospital bed sore as fuck.

As my eyes open i see everyone around me, and by everyone i mean my parents, Ky, Dakota, Isabel, Stephan, Carter, and Saint.

Fuck me, i feel like i just died and came back to life.

"Mom". I try to get out, but fuck my throat is dry. I need some water.

"Oh my gosh, my baby. Your okay". My mom is crying and i'm confused. What happen, why is she crying?

Last thing i remember was using the bathroom at the gala, then Breanna.

Oh my gosh Breanna! That bitch stabbed me.


"Mom im okay". I really need water, cannot talk without it.

"Water please". Ky rushes to get me water from my beside table, he gives it too me. Thank for for straws.

"Breanna". That's the first thing i wanna know about.

"Don't worry, the police have her in custody. She'll be locked up for a very long time, the stupid bitch deserve it". Ky says and i just look at him. Well at least i know he still cares, only took me to nearly die though.

"Look who's awake". A doctor comes in.

"She would've been much sooner if you didn't have idiots working here". Saint snaps at the doctors. This makes me worry like damn how long was i out.

"How long was i out". I question everyone.

"Just 3 days". 3 days!? Why the hell is that not a problem for him. 3 days is a long time, well for me it is.

"Why did it take me that long to wake up".

"You lost alot of blood during your stabbing, then we took you to surgery. Unfortunately surgery didn't go that well and your kidneys stopped working. You needed a transplant but we couldn't wait for one on the list, so Saint gave you one of his and saved your life. Then the doctor forgot to take you off the anesthesia so our apologies. But right now everything looks great, you should be home in a day or two". The doctor leaves and I stopped listening after the doctor said Saint gave me a kidney. 

"You, you gave me a kidney". I swear to you all i'm gonna cry. Why would he give me a kidney, no way he likes me that much.

"We should give them the room, you only get a few minutes though. Then i want my daughters attention". My dad says says and everyone goes but Saint.

"Why would you do that". I'm not mad because he did save my life, but i don't understand why. No way i'm that important to him.

"Are you being fucking for real? Why wouldn't i give you a kidney, i fucking love you. Your one of the few people i give a damn about. I've been a mess these last few days without you. Loosing you is one of my fears, i need you in my life because i love you". Tears stream down my face, i know he loves me cause he says it all the time.

But this time it feels different, like he truly means  it. Hell he saved my life, he better mean it.

I don't bother saying it back and just kiss him. He kisses me back and it's nothing but passion and love.

This is true love. I mean not all guys will just give you a kidney.

We break our kiss and look at each other.

"I'm really happy your okay". Awe, the big bad dominant boy has feelings. I think this is the most vulnerable i've ever seen him, and i like this side of him. I like that he can show some feelings, because for guys that's really hard.

"Me too, and i'm even more happy to get out of this ugly gown". He laughs at me and shakes his head.

"And she's back".

"And im happy to be". I didn't even know i was out that long, but i am happy to be back. Time to get over this and be the bad bitch i am.

Suddenly the door opens and my family and friends come back in.

We all talk and go through what happen and blah blah. I even had to make a statement for the police.

After that i told everyone to go home and get rest, i bet they've all been a mess. I must say it was nice to see my girls again, i love them forever.

Of course begging my parents to go was a hassle but they eventually did, and Saint won't go and making him wasn't an option.

The one person that i didn't speak to yet was Ky. He came in with everyone else but we didn't say a word to each other.

Saint went home to get clothes and now i'm just waiting for his return.

As i'm waiting suddenly my door opens and it's Ky. Well this is gonna be fun.

"Hi, you okay". I don't wanna argue with him, but we have things to talk about.

"Fine, i thought you went home".

"I was outside getting air. I could've leave without talking to you. I already made that mistake and i won't do it again". Hm, finally he wants to talk.

"Well im happy you wanna talk, just upset that it takes me almost dying for you to realize you were an ass. I know what i said was wrong and i've apologized for it a million times. But i'm done saying sorry because i know my wrongs. I was mad and i should've never said it, okay i know that. But treating me the way you did was wrong and if anyone should apologize it's you. And if your not going to do that then go". Maybe i'm being a little harsh but i felt bad for so long about it.

Now i realize it's not my fault anymore.

"That's why in here princess. I acted like a jerk and i should've just accepted your apology. Instead i ignored you like an idiot, and after finding you almost dead i lost my mind. I've been going crazy these last few days without you. Thinking that my last words to you were so bad, i wouldn't be able to live with myself. So i'm really sorry for acting like that, i love you so much you don't understand. Your my little sister and i got you forever". Tears stream down my face.

Now this is the apology i deserved, it came a little late but i wouldn't ask for a better one.

"Are you gonna give me a hug or just stand there". I laugh through my tears and he comes to me.

"I love you Ky". I say while we hug.

"I love you too princess".

I'm really glad we are over all this drama. I just wanna get my life back and focus on my clothing line, graduation & my relationship.

It's time i take control and be the bad bitch i am.

Thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed it
Sorry for any errors
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Until next time 💋........

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