▪️❤️Just Friends?//Part One💚▪️

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🔴Grian's Point Of View🔴

Grian was perched up on a rocky cliff. The sky was gray and overcast, silver droplets cascading down in the howling wind. Grian sighed, his icy blue eyes darting back and forth, as he stared down into the endless green jungle below.
"SQUAWK!" Chirped Professor Beak, as the scruffy blue parrot tilted his head at Grian, curiously. Grian stared back, rolling his eyes at the parrot. Well- nothing better to do than go bother Scar- he thought to himself. Grian swiftly leapt up into the air, and rocketed into the stormy sky. The wind ruffled his blonde hair, and the fierce breeze sprayed in his face. He glided swiftly through the gray windy skies, only to see the shape of Scar's Snail Base looming ahead of him. The blonde haired man started diving down swiftly, pinpointing a landing spot, his icy blue eyes squinting. He crash landed in a thorny bush, twigs and thorns nagging his red velvety sweater. Grian tumbled out of the rough bush a moment later, cursing quietly to himself. He brushed the thorns off hurriedly. His left wing was badly torn, and bent. Grian gasped. Oh no.. my wing is broken. Ugh... guess I'll have to buy a new one at the shopping district. He thought bitterly. Grian shifted his gaze to the shiny window, only to see a tall muscular man working away, with bits of wood scattered in his chocolate brown hair. Grian pranced over to the dangling ladder to Larry the Snail. He climbed it, one hand after another. He quickly sliced off his door, as any gentleman would do. Thanks Mumbo, for this silly dare. I'm gonna make a fool out of myself one day. Grian thought to himself quickly. He strutted into the place, only to see Scar, standing tall, with hundreds of shulker boxes, tools, dust, and wood scattered across the spruce floor tiles. Scar noticed Grian, his emerald eyes meeting Grian's. Scar's whole face lit up. "Well howdy, G! Whatcha doing this late in the storm?" Scar asked Grian, his smile wide. Grian sighed, smiling. "You know me, just breaking my elytra." Grian answered, embarrassed. Scar barked a cheerful laugh. "Nothing I can't fix!" Scar replied, his emerald eyes gleaming.
Grian gasped. "You sure you can fix it?" Grian asked the muscular man. Scar nodded quickly, smiling. Scar put one muscular arm on Grian's shoulder. Then, Scar grabbed a shiny metal wrench, and with one quick forceful movement, shoved the bent wing back into shape. It looked good as new. Grian gasped. Wow! He's super strong- Grian thought, surprised. "Thank you so much!" Grian exclaimed, his eyes bright. Scar smiled back at him. "No problem, anything for my good friend." Scar answered, still smiling back at Grian. "Anyway- I thought I'd tell you that I've been working on my terrain." Grian said to Scar, as he thought of his terrible excuse for terraforming. The muscular man's whole face lit up, his emerald eyes gleaming. Scar gasped excitedly. "Yes! You know what this means? We can build a base together, FINALLY!" Scar exclaimed excitedly. He jumped up, his hands in the air. Grain giggled. He was glad nothing unusual was going on with his good friend. "You know it doesn't look anywhere near as good as yours buddy." Grian reassured him. "Mew!" Meowed a small, grey and white tabby cat with green eyes. "Aw! Hi Jellie!" Grian said to the gentle cat, as he stroked her soft fur coat. The tabby cat rubbed up against Grian's legs. Grian giggled. Scar was smiling at the both of them. Grian then glanced again at the ever growing chest monster Scar had in his living room. "So, what are you going do about this chest monster?" Grian asked Scar curiously. Scar shuffled his feet in embarrassment, his face red. Grian giggled. Oh Scar, classic. He's always got a chest monster. Good ol' Scar. Grian thought. Suddenly, the chat started blowing up, as it usually did in the mornings on HermitCraft.


<cubfan135> Argh! I've been working on this redstone all day, but can't seem to figure it out.
<Iskall85> need some help?
<cubfan135> nah, I'll ask Mumbo. He knows best what to do.
<Iskall85> alright, sounds good buddy.
<falsesymmetry> anyone wanna come with me and Stress to the shopping district for lunch?
<cubfan135> ah! Sure, I'll scrap my plans and head with y'all.
<Iskall85> I'll come!
<MumboJumbo> I shall come with you all as well.

//Meant to Be//Scarian//Scar x GrianWhere stories live. Discover now