▪️❤️The First "Date"//Part Three💚▪️

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💚Scar POV💚

Scar couldn't stop thinking about last night night, when he was seen by Grian outside his window. It was so embarrassing. But what he did see was Grian shirtless, and it was very awkward. His face went red. He thought of Grian's body. He was blushing furiously. He's so cute... I wish I could just touch him, or kiss him, or hug him. Scar thought longingly. He really wanted to just be around Grian. Talking to him, near him. Being with the man he loved.
Then he remembered that Bdubs had told him to ask Grian out. The thought of that sounded amazing, but scary at the same time. How would he do it? He didn't even know if Grian liked him back. Scar shivered nervously. The thought of that made him both excited and terrified at the same time. He couldn't resist the urge to do so. Not any longer.

❤️Grian POV❤️

Grian was deep inside the mansion, sorting his chests, crafting up supplies for the barge. His mind was on Scar.
He couldn't stop thinking about him, and wasn't sure why. It's just Scar, why am I obsessing over him so much?
He thought, unaware of his true feelings. He sighed, gazing into the midday horizon. Professor Beak flapped over to him, the scruffy blue bird resting on his shoulder. Grian smiled, petting the silly bird's head feathers. Suddenly, the chat started blowing up, as it usually did in afternoons and mornings. Grian payed close attention to it, staring intently.

<GoodTimesWithScar> I want to ask Grian to kinda- hang out? Just me and him.
<BdoubleO100> Oooh I know what you're asking him
<cubfan135> Wait, your asking Grian on a date?
<GoodTimesWithScar> No, no just ... want some alone time with him. Just to be with him
<BdoubleO100> yeah yeah, sure. Well good luck Scar I'm excited for you
<falsesymmetry> is there some dating going on that I need to know about?
<Iskall85> haha looks like someone's got a crush

Grian froze, his face red as an apple. Is Scar asking me on a DATE? He thought, blushing hard. Was Scar really falling for him? Was Scar asking him out? All the questions floated around in Grian's head for the next hour. He lay on his couch, overlooking his mansion with a tired expression. Grian had done a lot of work, preparing for the barge, making sure he had everything stocked. His shop made so much money, which was nice, but he had a lot of work to do gathering everything. Grian sighed, collapsing his small body on the couch. He closed his eyes gently, tired as ever. Suddenly a loud knock came from the large doors of the mansion. Grian bolted awake, turning his head quickly. He stepped off of his couch, and walked quickly over to the large wooden doors of the mansion. He quickly swung the door open, and standing there, was Scar. He was wearing a tie, a suit, a very red blushing face. That's an awfully nice outfit for just "hanging out"... Grian though suspiciously. Scar was staring into Grian's eyes, his beautiful emerald gaze piercing his.
Grian couldn't look away. His eyes were so pretty, glimmering in the sunlight. Then, Scar spoke. His face was the reddest Grian had ever seen. "Grian... would you like to... I don't know... hang out, walk around the server together, just you and me?" He asked. Grian's face went red. That sounded just like the break he wanted from working. "Of course Scar! I'd love to!" He replied, smiling at the muscular tall man. A smile appeared on Scar's red face, his eyes drooping. Scar gazed at him, with a very romantic expression on his face. He leaned closer to Grian. Grian blushed furiously. He's looking at me like this... this face... it's so... Grian thought to himself.

Minutes later, The two of them were walking through the woods of a forest full of color, nature, life, and sounds. The trees were emerald green, the leaves swaying in the evening wind. The crickets chirped, and the bright blue and orange flowers glimmered in the sunlight. They were walking two feet apart, but Grian noticed Scar staring at him. Whenever Grian turned to face him, Scar hid his face and turned away.
Grian sighed. Oh Scar... he's so nervous around me. Grian thought sadly. All of a sudden, he noticed his favorite spot in the forest. The gorgeous clearing, overlooking a glimmering lake, with purple wildflowers dotted here and there. Grian felt a rush of joy, and without thinking, grabbed Scar's hand and started dashing over to it.

💚Scar POV💚

Scar was string into Grian's gorgeous icy blue eyes, feeling nervous. He wanted to hold his hand, but didn't have the guts. All of a sudden, Grian quickly grabbed his hand, and started running. Scar blushed furiously, feeling a rush of joy. He smiled, staring at their hands interlocked. He ran with Grian, following him up a grassy dry path. They ran for a few moments, the breeze ruffling their hair. Grian pulled himself and Scar up on a grassy green clearing, their hands still tight together. The two of them were laying down, side by side, hands intertwined, and staring into each other's eyes. Scar was string into Grian's gorgeous face, and Grian was staring right back at him, a smile across his sweet face. They were laying down in the silky green grass, the breeze blowing in their hair. It was magical. Grian's face was bright red, and so was Scar's. But this time, he didn't care. This time, he wasn't embarassed. He was happy. Scar slowly sat up, overlooking the sparkling blue lake below, in the horizon. Grian sat up with him, pressing his head against Scar's shoulder, closing his eyes. Scar instinctively wrapped his arms around the blonde haired man, and pressed his head to Grian's. He could feel the warmth of touching Grian's skin. It was magical. Then, Grian did something Scar never expected. Grian sat up, faced him, and swiftly kissed his cheek. Scar felt the soft peck, his eyes wide, and his whole face grew red. He... he kissed me! I don't know ... I can't believe it. Scar thought, in awe. The two males had their arms wrapped around each other, cuddling tightly. Scar felt as though his whole world was turning upside down. This was the greatest day of his life.

❤️Grian POV❤️

Grian knew now what he was feeling. He was in love. He had just figured out, when the two of them were staring at each other, in the long silkily grass. It was the perfect time to kiss him. No better time... I'm so happy I did it. Grian thought, staring at the handsome man. He is so adorable. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner. He thought as he wrapped his arms around Scar even tighter than he had before. I'm in love. And I don't regret it. He thought to himself, smiling.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching, and standing there, was Bdubs and Cub, with surprised expressions. Grain instantly let go of Scar, his face red. Oh no... they saw us cuddling! At least they didn't see me kiss him... He thought anxiously. Cub had a expression of pure envy and anger. Bdubs on the other hand, had a happy, excited expression.
"What. Was. THAT?" Cub spat angrily. Grian blushed furiously. "Oh, I was just uh... hugging Grian! Cause he's- my uh friend! Yeah!" Scar stammered nervously. Cub raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "I saw it all. All of it." Cub spat, glaring angrily at Scar. Scar was hiding his whole face, shaking with anxiety. Grian felt a pang of sadness. He slided over to Scar hugging him closely. Cub stared with pure envy. Then he turned his face to Grian, his face fuming. Grian gulped anxiously. "You kissed him." Cub spat, glaring at him. Grian's eyes went wide with anxiety. Bdubs turned to face Cub. "Hey, why so upset? They're so cute together!" Bdubs exclaimed. Somehow, Cub looked even angrier. Cub buried his face in his hands, then whispered something quietly in Bdubs' ear. Bdubs' brown eyes went wide. Grian was unable to hear it, but he was pretty sure what was going on. Cub liked Scar, more than a friend. Cub was in love with Scar, and was jealous that Grian had taken him. Well... that's not my problem. Scar and I will be together.... I know it. He feels the same as I do. I can see it. I know it. I sure hope so. Grian thought to himself. Then,with one last glance at Scar, the man who had stolen his heart, he glided away into the night sky.

(1459 words)

This is where it gets g a y but anyway I had a lot of fun writing this fricken scene, I wanted to include a lot of fluff for maximum cuteness ❤️ anyway by bye my lovelies

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