▪️❤️First Kiss//Part Five💚▪️

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💚Scar POV💚

It was evening, and the sun was setting gorgeously over the horizon. Scar sighed deeply. His mind was on Grian, remembering that beautiful moment. Grian had kissed him on the cheek, and Scar never expected it at all. It was amazing. Scar sighed romantically, his emerald eyes sparkling. He was sitting on the edge of the magical village, overlooking the sunset beside Grian's mansion.
Suddenly, a whoosh whizzed by him. Scar quickly turned his head from side to side, checking if any anyone was there. He looked up to the roof, and dangling from a string, was a fancy letter wrapped in red velvet ribbons, with gold accents. It was very fancy. Scar peered curiously at it, and reached out and untied the string. It had a marvelous golden outline, with silver floral patterning decorating the outside. Scar was in awe. Who sent me this? He thought to himself. He quickly opened the letter. It read:

Dearest Scar, I would request you to come and join me at the barge at midnight, during the full moon. I have something to ask you that may change our relationship forever. Please come.

I love you.

Sincerely, Grian ❤️

Scar's cheeks went red. Oh Grian... how sweet of him. Of course I'll come, anything for him.
He thought, sighing romantically. Grian was so polite, sweet, and kind. Scar would never turn down an offer like that. He smiled, staring into the rose-gold sunset for a few more moments.

Later that night, the moon was full and bright, thousands of silver stars glittering in the magnificent night skies. Scar was nervous. It was midnight. He was curious what Grian would ask him, but nervous at the same time. He rocketed into the brilliance ant night sky, gliding effortlessly through the chilly night breeze. He slowly saw the lights of the barge gleam ahead of him. His heart gave a happy jump. He swiftly landed on the entrance board. Scar gasped as he saw a polished spruce table, lanterns hanging from the brilliant fence posts, candles, and bunches of roses. There were only two chairs at the table, across from one another. He blushed heavily. This must be important... he set up a whole display for us. Scar thought to himself. He glanced around. No sign of Grian. He slowly walked over to the table, his footsteps echoing off the barge walls. He pulled back from the glittering golden chair, and sat down quickly and quietly. The full moon was against the horizon, glittering and glowing intensely. Scar waited for a few more moments, growing nervous as the minutes ticked by. Where was Grian? There was still no sigh on him. Scar was beginning to worry. Suddenly, the most handsome man he'd ever seen stepped out into the moonlight. Grian was wearing a brilliant white suit, with a red velvet tie, and a rose attached to the top of it. He was stunning. Scar blushed heavily, gazing into his sapphire blue eyes.
Grian gazed back, his face just as red as Scar's. He slowly walked over, and sat across from Scar. The moonlight illuminated both of their faces, the candies flickering in the background. Then, Grian spoke. "Scar, ever since yesterday, I've completely fallen in love with you." Grian said to him. Scar gasped, his face red. "I love you too Grian.. you're handsome, funny, kind, adorable. I love you more than I've loved anyone in my life." Scar confessed, pouring his emotion on Grian. Grian just stared, his icy sapphire eyes sparkling. "Scar, will you be my boyfriend?" Grian asked him, his soft eyes gazing into his. Scar gasped, in awe. His face turned red. He really loves me as much as I love him. "Yes Grian, I would love that. That's the best thing that could ever happen to me." Scar replied to him. Grian stared lovingly into his eyes and whispered: "you are the best thing that ever happened to me." Suddenly, Grian quickly leaned in and pressed his lips against Scar's. Scar was in shock. Then, he eased into it. The two males were locked in a dreamy kiss, their lips tightly locked together, arms wrapped around each other. It was magical. The moonlight illuminated the two of them, while they kissed in the starry clear night skies. Once they had been kissing for several minutes, their lips slowly backed away. Scar stared into Grian's gorgeous eyes. He's really mine. We're really together. We kissed. I have a boyfriend. His thoughts were circling back and forth, with excitement. Grian hugged him fiercely, wrapping his small arms around Scar. The two of them flew home, hands interlocked, eyes gazing into one another's. Once they reached the magical village, Grian quickly kissed Scar's lips once more, and whispered: "goodnight love. See you tomorrow my darling." Scar blushed, and smiled. The door then closed, leaving Scar staring motionless. It was amazing. Grian was now his boyfriend. He finally had someone he could be with. Who he could love. Who he could kiss unafraid. Grian was the perfect one for him. Scar kat awake, deep in his bed, gazing up at the ceiling. He slowly drifted off to bed, with dreams of his new boyfriend.

(872 words)

Yeah I know this one was short but I tried to include the most cute romantic fluff I could, I hope you liked it lmao bye bye my lovelies

//Meant to Be//Scarian//Scar x GrianWhere stories live. Discover now