▪️❤️Conspiracy//Part Eight💚▪️

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(Beware of the Mega Angst)
❤️Grian POV❤️

Grian awoke to the feeling of Scar's arms wrapped around his chest. It was early morning, the sun shining brightly out from the shiny glass window. Scar was still snoring lightly, deep in his sleep. Grian slept the best he had in a while last night. With Scar close to him, he felt protected and safe. Scar's muscular body was pressed up against Grian's, keeping him warm. Grian slowly slipped out of bed, yawning. Scar shuffled in his sleep, feeling his arm around for where Grian was. Grian giggled, watching Scar sleepily shift in bed. Grian noticed his shirt was still off, so he reached into his red clothing bag, grabbed his favorite red velvet sweater, and some jeans, and quickly got dressed in the closet. He pulled the closet door open, only to see Scar stretching his long muscular arms, yawning. Grian smiled at him. Scar rubbed his eyes tiredly, and slowly got out of bed. "Looks like someone's up and ready." Scar said to Grian, smiling. Grian smiled back at his boyfriend. Scar stood up, revealing his muscular torso. Grian couldn't help but blush. Scar giggled. "You do that every time my shirt is off." Scar said, laughing to himself. Grian blushed furiously. Grian giggled again too. Scar smiled back at him, his emerald eyes gleaming. Scar quickly slipped into the closet, and moments later he came out wearing his casual Scar clothing. He was wearing a white shirt, a leather jacket unbuttoned, a belt, some brown jeans, boots, and his hat. Scar smiled confidently. "You look great!" Grian complimented Scar. Scar smiled, blushing. "So, how did you sleep?" He asked, hands on his hips. "First night in a while I had good sleep actually." Grian confessed. Scar smiled brighter. "I slept amazing- I was so warm this close to you." Scar said to Grian. Grian blushed, remembering the warm feeling of Scar's body pressed up against his. Scar stepped closer to Grian, and put one arm around him. Grian smiled at his boyfriend. All of a sudden, Grian remembered he had to go gather materials to restock the barge. Oh damn- I don't want to leave Scar be. But I have to restock my shop so I can earn money to pay for everything. Grian thought to himself. "Hey... Scar, I have to get back and restock my shop." Grian whispered to Scar. "I love you, I'll be back in a few hours." Scar smiled at Grian. "I love you too... take care babe." He whispered, his voice soft as snow. Scar quickly pressed his lips against Grian's, kissing him swiftly. After the two had their kiss, Grian waved to his boyfriend, and rocketed into the bright blue morning sky.

💚Scar POV💚

Scar stared at the shape of his boyfriend, winging away. I wonder when he will be back. Scar wondered to himself.
Last night was incredible. He was able to sleep with Grian, holding him closely and tightly as much as he wanted. The bed was so warm, and so peaceful. Well, I guess I should get to work, building some more trees around the Magical Village. Scar thought to himself, as a few of the trees had been struck by lightning a few days back. He stepped out onto the deck, the sun shining down on his face. He pulled a shulker box out of his inventory, and grabbed some oak wood, leaves, and planks. He started building up the foundation of the tree trunk, whistling to himself while he worked.

🖤Cub POV🖤

Cub was deep in his pyramid, thinking to himself. Cub had been planing to trick Scar into thinking Grian cheated on him, and he had just the idea. Cub knew that Mumbo was in love with Grian, so he had to make use of it. He quickly grabbed his communicator and typed a private message to Mumbo.

<you whisper to MumboJumbo> Mumbo, meet me at my base. It's important.
<MumboJumbo whispers to you> Alright, I shall be there in a minute. Coming.

Cub knew this was his chance to break Grian and Scar up. He could then have Scar all to himself, and Mumbo could have Grian to himself. He had just the plan. Moments later, he saw the shape of a mustached man flying his way. Mumbo landed next to Cub, eager to hear what Cub had to say. "Mumbo, have you ever wanted to have Grian to yourself? Because he and Scar are in a relationship. And I've been in love with Scar for years, and we have the change to lie about it and break them up. I can tell Scar that you and Grian kissed and fell in love, to make Scar know Grian "cheated." When Scar then asks you if it's true, you tell him yes. Scar will then believe us, and the two will slowly break apart, leaving us to be with who we love." Cub whispered to Mumbo. Mumbo's eyes went wide. "I mean... we could try, but would that work? I love Grian and want him badly... so I guess we could try." Mumbo whispered back. He nodded. "Alright. Let's try it. It's my one chance at getting Grian back." He whispered, confidence on his face. Cub smiled. This has to work. It has to.

💚Scar POV💚

The hours ticked by, and it had now become evening. Scar had been working on his trees most of the day. Suddenly, he noticed Cub flying in his direction. Scar's face lit up. "Hey Cub!" He called to his best friend, waving eagerly. Cub smiled back at him, brighter than he usually did. Cub landed beside him, on his tree. "Hey Scar... I wanted to tell you something." Cub whispered. Scar's eyes went wide. "Go on." Scar said to him. Cub looked awfully upset. "I saw Grian and Mumbo kissing each other. They were blushing, and acting in love." Cub said slowly. Scar's whole face went wide. He gasped, tears in his eyes. It's not true. Tell me it's not true. He thought, his heart pounding like stones in a volcano. Scar couldn't help but burst into tears. Cub put his arm around Scar. Unless... this is a lie. I need to go speak with Mumbo now. He thought, his heart still pounding, tears falling down his cheeks. He quickly rocketed to Mumbo's base, his heart racing. He knocked on the door, crying silently to himself, tears streaming down his face. Mumbo opened the door, with an unreadable expression. "Did you and Grian really kiss?" Scar chortled out, his tears flooding his face. Mumbo nodded. "I'm sorry Scar. Grian told me he doesn't love you. He and I... were in a relationship. We always have been. I kissed him, and were in love." Mumbo spoke softly. Scar felt his whole world turn upside down. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be. This couldn't be true. Scar had no idea about Cub and Mumbo's conspiracy, so he was freaking out. I can't believe it. It was all a lie. Grian lied to me. He never loved me. I was so stupid. Scar thought, bursting into tears. He walked home without flying, tears streaming down his face. Scar felt as though he was as good as dead. Without Grian, he felt like and endless void. He layed down in his bed, crying loudly into his pillow, his bedsheets wet with tears. He cried for what felt like hours before a knock sounded on his door. Scar didn't open it. He left it be. If it's Grian, he doesn't even know I know his secret. He's going to act like he didn't cheat on me. Scar thought angrily, tears streaming down his face. The door opened with a loud creak. There was Grian. He was smiling brightly, with a bouquet of flowers. He sat down, and handed them to Scar. Scar immediately swatted them away. He glared at Grian, tears in his eyes. Grian gasped, his eyes wide, a frown on his face. "Scar, babe, what's wrong?" He whispered. "I know what you did. You kissed Mumbo. You never loved me." Scar yelled into Grian's face. Grian looked shocked and confused. "What!? NO! Scar, I WOULD NEVER. I LOVE YOU TO DEATH. I PROMISE YOU. Why would you ever think that?" Grian yelled, tears streaming down his horror stricken face. Scar just glared back, unable to hide his fury. "Mumbo told me everything, so did Cub. They told me. You don't have to lie any longer, the truth has been spilled. Go live your happy life with Mumbo." Scar chortled out, barely a whisper. He couldn't handle it anymore. Grian looked shocked and confused. "WHAT!? I NEVER KISSED MUMBO. ITS A LIE. YOU HEAR ME, ITS A LIE." Grian yelled, grabbing Scar's head, tears streaming down his face. "I LOVE YOU SCAR. I DONT LOVE MUMBO. HES NOTHING COMPARED TO YOU. Please. Believe me. I promise you, they are lying. I would never cheat on you. You are everything to me. I love you more than I've loved anyone else in my life and that will never change." Grian yelled, hugging Scar fiercely. Scar's frown dropped. Maybe ... maybe it was a lie! He thought. He instantly regretted everything he had said to Grian. "I'm SORRY!" He wailed hugging his boyfriend hard as he could. "It's okay... it's okay... shhh shh..." Grian whispered, rubbing Scar's back, while Scar choked out more tears. "You're going to be okay." He whispered in Scar's ear.
Then Grian slowly pressed his lips against Scar's, as tight as he could. I was a fool to think Grian would cheat on me. He clearly loves me.... I can't believe I fell for it. Scar thought. "That's why Cub was acting so weird! He was JEALOUS OF US!" Scar realized instantly. Grian nodded frantically. "And I always knew Mumbo was in love with me, I just never mentioned It." Grian whispered, his voice soft as snow. They now knew what was going on. "They made a conspiracy. They tried to trick us." Scar realized, his face crestfallen. I can't believe my best friend tricked me. He betrayed me. If only I knew he loved me all this time. I can't believe it... Scar thought, crying softly. Grian wrapped his arms around Scar so tightly he could barely breath. But he didn't care. All he wanted to do was be with Grian. "There there.. shhhh calm down... it's going to be okay baby." Grian whispered softly, rubbing his back. Scar sniffled, tears still dropping down his face. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He whispered softly to Grian. Grian smiled, tears sliding down his face. Grian swiftly slided into bed, Scar still crying loudly. Grian wrapped his arms around Scar's body and buried himself into Scar. Scar wrapped his arms around Grian, crying softly. Scar didn't hesitate to kiss Grian, kissing him as hard as he could, their tongues touching and licking. tears streaming down his face. The two of them lay there, arms wrapped around each other, making out.

(1855 words)

Anyway hope you enjoyed and bye bye my lovelies. ❤️

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