▪️❤️Mixed Feelings//Part Two💚▪️

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💚Grian Point of View💚

Grian was lying on his soft red bed, deep in the hobbit hole. His mind was still on Scar. Why was he so embarrassed around me? Did I do something wrong? I sure hope I didn't hurt his feelings or mess up... Grian thought anxiously, sighing. Scar had acted so weird at lunch. He was staring at Grian, stammering, blushing. It was really confusing.
Well... I guess I could go ask him. That would maybe clear it up. Grian slowly lifted himself out of bed, and stretched. He dashed soundlessly across the yellow birch flooring, and slipped his diamond boots on with a "Clank!" He glanced at the sky, arched his wings, and leaped into the sky. Moments later. He landed next to Scar's Base. He tiptoed around the corner, peeking though the window, only to see Scar, sitting on his chair, his face red as a rose. Grian's heart gave a jump. Scar's emerald eyes were gleaming in the sunlight. His eyes are so gorgeous... Grian thought. Then he stared at Scar's chest. It was muscular, and the outline of abs in the shirt. Grian blushed furiously. Wow... he's got a really nice body. Grian thought, blushing. What was I just thinking? It's just Scar.... But... something feels a little off. It never felt quite the same as it used to. Grian thought, unaware of what he was feeling. He stared at the handsome man for a few more moments. Scar was unaware of Grian's presence. Scar was writing something in a note pad, hiding it around himself. Suddenly, Scar whirled around and met his gaze, noticing Grian. Grian froze. Oh dang! He saw me! He thought, blushing furiously. Scar just stared, his face red, eyes wide. Then he slowly pulled the window open. Grian hopped thought silently. They both were staring at each other. "Grian... uh... what are you doing here?" Scar aked, his face red as a rose.
Grian blushed. "Oh... Scar I wanted to ask you something." Scar looked him in the eyes, his gorgeous emerald gaze piercing Grian's eyes. "Why were you so embarrassed around me?" Grian asked Scar. Scar froze, his face turning even more red. He buried his hands in his face. "I... was just uh... I don't... I..." Stammered Scar. He doesn't even have a reason... Grian thought nervously. The two males stared at each other, blushing heavily.

💚Scar POV💚

Suddenly the door burst open. Bdubs was standing there, a wide smile on his face, his eyes bright. "So, what are you two lovebirds doing here?" Bdubs asked. Scar's face went red. Grian was blushing furiously. Lovebirds!? We're not... but ... Scar thought as he gazed into Grian's gorgeous eyes. Scar started blushing. Grian was staring at the floor, his face red.
Bdubs barked a laugh. "Anyway, Scar, I wanted to ask you if you could spend the night with me and Impulse. I thought we'd watch movies together! I know you get CRAZY for movies and stuff." Bdubs asked Scar, turning his gaze towards him. "Oh! Sure!" Scar answered. This might help me get out of this embarrassing situation... he thought in relief.
Grian glanced at Bdubs. "Well- I'll see you later Scar..." Grian whispered, his icy blue eyes sinking down. He was staring at the floor. Scar instantly felt a pang of guilt. Did I hurt his feelings? He thought nervously. Well... I guess I'll go now. "Bye Grian..." Scar whispered to the blonde haired man. He waved his hand, and followed Bdubs into the crystal clear skies.

Later that night, Scar arrived at Impulse's base. The night was cold and crisp, his breath forming white clouds. Scar shivered. It was freezing. He quickly rang the blue doorbell, desperate to get inside the warmth of the building. His mind was still on Grian. His eyes, his hair, his body. Scar didn't quite understand what he was feeling. I don't know what's going on... I can't stop thinking about him. He thought to himself. Then, the water doorway quickly cascaded to a stop, the last few drops dripping. Impulse was standing there, smiling, his brown eyes bright. "Hey Scar! Glad you could make it!" He exclaimed. Scar smiled at him. "Yeah- it's really cold though so I needa get in." Scar begged. Impulse's chuckled. "Alright, follow me." He said as he beckoned Scar with his hand. Scar followed  him through the narrow passageway, into the large center of the aquatic pyramid. It was a stunning base, the gleaming blue accents and the concrete walls. It was very large and open. He followed Impulse into a room, where there was a large cyan couch, with Bdubs sitting on it, a green blanket covering him. He noticed Scar, and smiled. "Hey!" He said, waving his arms and smiling brightly. Scar waved back. Then, the three sat down and watched movies for a few hours.

//Meant to Be//Scarian//Scar x GrianWhere stories live. Discover now