▪️❤️Sharing a Bed//Part Seven💚▪️

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❤️Grian POV❤️

After that last night at the Omega Tree, Grian was exhausted. It was beyond chaotic. Scar had confessed to the group he and Grian were boyfriends, and Grian was nervous who else the others might tell. Grian wanted to have this information private for at least a little while. But it was fine, everyone expected it anyway. Grian loved how cute it was when Scar didn't know what to say. He loved how honest Scar was, that he told the truth easily. Grian trusted him ever so much.
It was mid-morning, around 10:am. Grian was perched at the top of his mansion, gazing into the endless green jungle. He sighed with calmness and ease as the soft breeze billowed his dirty blonde hair. The sky was crystal clear, like a sapphire. Grian didn't notice somebody landing just behind him. "Boo!" A yell tore through the air. Grian shrieked, startled. His eyes softened when he noticed it was just Scar. Grian giggled. "You're so cute, you got so scared." Scar said to him, smiling. His face was red with blush. Grian blushed heavily. "Haha- very funny." Grian said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, with a smile on his face. They both giggled. Scar sat down next to Grian, putting one muscular arm around him.  Grian leaned into Scar's shoulder, closing his eyes. It was calming to be near him. Scar smelled of fresh cut wood, with the tang of leaves. Grian smiled at the handsome man. "Hey babe." Grian whispered to him. Scar smiled, his face red. "Hey cutie." He whispered back. Grian couldn't help but blush. Scar is so sweet. He thought, gazing into his gorgeous emerald green eyes. Scar leaned close and quickly kissed his cheek. Grian smiled as he felt the soft peck. The two of them snuggled together in the morning sun for a few more moments. "Hey, want to head to the shopping district?" Scar asked Grian, stroking his blonde hair. Grian smiled. "Of course, I'd love to." He replied. Anywhere Scar is happy, I'm happy. He thought to himself. The two males rocketed into the crystal clear sky, doing loops in the air, laughing and smiling. They eventually reached the shopping district, and pinpointed a nice bench in front of the barge.
The two sat down, hands interlocked.

💚Scar POV💚

Scar was calm and happy, and at peace for the first time in days. He was sitting with his boyfriend, just enjoying the warm day. Nothing could change his mood. Being with Grian made him feel so much more complete. It made him feel like he had a purpose. "So, how are you?" Scar asked his boyfriend. Grian sighed. "Eh, I'm okay. But being with you has definitely made my day better." Grian replied to him. Scar smiled. He was glad he could help Grian feel better. I'm glad I'm here to help him be happy. Nothing more in the world would I want then to make him happy. Scar thought, staring into Grian's stunning icy blue eyes. Stress and Iskall casually approached them, whispering to each other. They now knew about Scar and Grian, and they were really excited about it. Iskall walked over to them, smiling, his eyes bright.
"How's the cutest couple doing?" Stress asked, giggling. Scar and Grian both flushed red. "We're doing fine. Just spending some time together." Answered Grian, smiling at Stress and Iskall. Scar nodded, and gently pressed his lips against Grian's. Grian looked surprised, but eased into it. It was a quick kiss, but amazing nonetheless. Stress giggled. "I swear every time I see you two you're having a romantic moment." She said to them. Grian barked a laugh. Scar giggled. "Well, this is Grian we're talking about. He's the cutest most handsome man in the world, so why wouldn't I want to kiss him all the time?" Scar replied. Grian blushed furiously, gazing into Scar's eyes. "Oh Scar you praise me too much. I'm just me, not something special." Grian whispered. Scar gasped. That was certainly not the case. "You may think of yourself that way, but you're the most important person in my life." Scar replied to him, his eyes bright. And he meant it. Nobody had ever meant more to him than Grian. Grian's eyes went wide. He smiled back at Scar.

❤️Grian POV❤️

Scar is just so sweet. He's so kind, so truthful. He's brilliant. I can't believe he's my boyfriend. Grian thought in awe. He hugged Scar tightly, and smiled. Suddenly, Scar asked Grian something that made him blush red. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight, in the same bed?" Scar whispered to Grian. Grian's whole face flushed red. The idea of sleeping with Scar sounded so romantically pleasing. He could cuddle him, and snuggle him as much as he wanted. "Of course, I'd love to." Grian answered back. Scar was blushing furiously, but he still was smiling.

Later that night, Grian knocked on the door to one of Scar's magical village houses. He knew Scar would be there tonight. Grian's mind was zipping with romantic excitement. Scar opened the door, his face red as a rose. Grian stepped inside. The whole place was studded with crystals, and beautiful details. "Scar, you're an amazing builder. This is simply incredible." Grian said to him, in awe. Scar smiled brightly. "Thank you!" He whispered. Scar was running his fingers though Grian's dirty blonde hair, without realizing it. Grian giggled. He liked the feeling of Scar's slender hands running through his hair. Scar slowly walked across the room. It was late midnight, and Grian was exhausted. He yawned loudly. Scar giggled. "Want to get to bed?" He asked Grian. Grian blushed furiously. Well- I guess I'm sharing a bed now. He thought, romantic excitement zipping through him. "Alright." Grian replied. Scar walked into a white bedroom, with icy white bedsheets, and crystal lamps. Scar slowly slipped off his shirt. Grian gasped. His face was flushing red fast as lightning. He stared at Scar's beautiful body. He had a muscular chest, and abs along his stomach. Grian couldn't stop staring at his body. Scar looked embarrassed, his face red as a rose. Grian slowly slipped his shirt off too. He was so nervous, blushing furiously. Scar then slowly crept into bed, pulling the sheets over him. Grian reluctantly followed, and got into the bed. Scar and Grian faced each other, blushing furiously.

💚Scar POV💚

The two males were staring at each other, right beside each other in the rather small bed. Scar felt Grian's body against his. He wrapped his arms around Grian, who was facing the opposite direction. Scar held Grian's small body close to him, feeling closer to his boyfriend then he ever had before. Both males were blushing furiously. Slowly, they drifted off to sleep, Scar's arms wrapped tightly around Grian's body. The two of them slept soundly throughout the night.

(1153 words)

OKAY IT GOT KINDA MATURE THERE LETS IGNORE THAT- 🫣 tried to sneak in a bit more sexual stuff- without it being too much lmao anyway bye bye my lovelies

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