▪️❤️The Chaotic Night//Part Six💚▪️

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❤️Grian POV❤️

Grian awoke to a bright morning day, the sun shining in beams through the windows. Grian yawned groggily, and stretched his shirt arms tiredly. He couldn't believe what had happened last night. He had asked Scar to be his boyfriend, and he said yes. Grian couldn't resist to urge to kiss his lips, so that what he did. I don't regret it at all. I had to do it.  I love him so much... and he loves me too. I finally have somebody I can be with. I'm no longer alone. Gria thought to himself, smiling. It was around a quarter to 10, as Grian checked his watch. His eyes grew wide. Oh damn, I slept in real late. He thought, stunned at how late he let himself sleep. He usually woke up around 7 am, but this was extra long. He quickly opened his closet, and slipped on his favorite velvety red sweater, some jeans, and some leather black sneakers. He checking in the glossy mirror, brushing back his messy hair. If I'm going to see Scar today I have to look nice for him. Grian thought as he brushed his teeth, tested his breath, and pulled on his glasses. Once he was all ready, he slipped on his paper thin silver wings. He opened the door, and leaped into the crystal clear blue skies. He glided through the thick air currents, doing loops in the air with excitement. He saw the shape of Scar's Snail ahead, and he dived swiftly to the entrance. Grian knocked once. No response. He knocked again. No response. Is Scar okay? He thought as panic shot through him. "Scar?" He called, hoping nothing was wrong with his boyfriend. No answer. Where is he? Grian questioned to himself. He might be in the shopping district- I'll check if he's there. Grian thought as he rocket3 into the sky once more. He glided for a few minutes, in the direction of the shopping district. He felt free up in the cool air of the crystal clear sky. The wind ruffled his dirty blonde hair. Grian sighed happily. It was so peaceful. Minutes later, the buildings of the shopping district loomed ahead of him. Grian dove down near the barge, landing with a loud "CREAK" of the floorboards. He tuned his head from side to side, looking for Scar. Where was he? Grian was beginning to worry. What if he's hurt? Grian thought, panicking. Grian buried his face in his hands, shaking with anxiety. He felt a soft pat on his shoulder. Grian looked up, only to see Scar standing there, rubbing his shoulder. Grian sighed in relief. "Oh Scar thank goodness. I was looking all over for you." Grian said to him. Scar gazing into his eyes, his beautiful emerald green ones shining like stars. "I was gone... because I was getting you this." Scar whispered softly, leaning down closer to Grian. Grian gasped. Scar was holding a bouquet of gorgeous roses, with little green vines hanging down. Scar was blushing heavily.Grian's face went red. Oh how sweet of him! He thought happily. Grian smiled at the handsome man. "Thank you Scar, these are beautiful." Grian replied to him. He was rewarded with a glowing happy expression on Scar. Scar sat down on the bench next to him, wrapping his arms around Grian. Grian suddenly felt so much more safe and secure, with a man like Scar protecting him. Grian blushed heavily. Scar was gazing into Grian's eyes. "Did I ever tell you how hot you are?" Scar whispered, his voice light as snow. Grian blushed heavily. His eyes went wide. "If you thought I was hot, look at you. You have abs and a gorgeous body." Grian replied to him. Scar bluhsed, his face red as an apple. Then, the two of them burst out laughing. Scar giggled, and Grian smothered a laugh. "That was so cheesy." Scar giggled. "I know, I sounded so stupid!" Grian laughed back. They laughed with each other for a few more moments. The two of them sighed. Suddenly, Grian heard a ruffle in the bushes.

💚Scar POV💚

Scar noticed Grian staring at the ruffling in the bushes, so Scar turned his attention there too. The green bushes were ruffling loudly, and all of a sudden Cub ran out of the bushes, tears in his eyes. The tears were streaming down his face, but he was silent. A pang of sympathy shot through Scar. Is Cub okay? What happened? He thought worriedly. He instantly dashed over to Cub, to make sure he was all right. Cub was his best friend, and it hurt seeing him so sad.
"Hey buddy, what's wrong? You okay?" Scar whispered to Cub. Cub shook his head, with a nasty look at Grian. Scar was confused. What is he sad about... Scar wondered. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Scar asked, his arm around Cub's shoulder. "I can't tell you. You wouldn't want to know." Cub whispered, sadness spilling into his voice. Scar's eyes drooped sadly. "I can help. You can tell me, I'm your best friend. Please. I'm here for you." Scar whispered, hugging his friend. Cub shook his head again, this time angrily. He whirled around to face Scar, a sad and angry expression on his face. "YOU DONT GET IT. EVERYTHING IS RUINED." Cub yelled in Scar's face. Scar gulped anxiously, backing away slowly. Grian tilted his head skeptically. Then he stepped up. "Don't yell at Scar like that. He's brilliant." Grian called to Cub, anger rising in his beautiful ice blue eyes. Cub bolted away, fast as lightning, leaving the two of them to process what had just happened. Suddenly, the chat started blowing up, as it usually did in the mornings.

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