▪️❤️Flashbacks//Part Nine💚▪️

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❤️Grian POV❤️

He and Scar were making out in the bed. His tongue was licking Scar's, locking in a tight kiss. The two had their arms wrapped around each other. Their faces were red, their eyes tired. It had been an eventful, chaotic, dramatic night. Cub and Mumbo had conspired against Scar and Grian, trying to break them apart with lies. Scar had reacted awfully upset, confused and aching. Scar had fallen for their lies, and Grian was still stunned that Cub and Mumbo had tried to break them apart. Trying to break them apart somehow got them closer together. It had been several minutes of making out before Grian eventually backed his head away, gazing into Scar's gorgeous emerald green eyes. Scar was blushing furiously, his eyes full of that romantic look he always gave Grian. "Scar... I love you. We're gonna be okay." He whispered into Scar's ear, reassuring him. Scar was still breathing heavily. "Can I just... kiss you a little more?" Scar asked with tired eyes. Grian blushed heavily. Without hesitation, Grian pressed his lips against Scar's his mouth licking Scar's tongue. He wrapped his arms around Scar and tightened his legs around him too, pressing as close as he could. The two were making out for about a half an hour, before drifting into sleep, arms around each other, shirts off. Grian tossed and turned... when a dream struck him.


Grian was lying in a scorching desert. The sun rays were beating down on him, like blinding lights across the horizon. There, in the midst of him, was Scar, lying down, in a pool of ruby red blood. A sword was stuck through his chest, and blood was splattered all over Grian's hands. Grian screamed louder than he had ever screamed in his life. Panic shot through him like a bullet. "SCAR!! SCAR WHAT HAPPENED! SCAR!" He screamed into the motionless man's face. No response. Scar lay there, dead. The blood smeared across Grian's face as he tried wiping his tears. Grian shrieked in pain. "SCAR! NO! HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THIS!" He wailed into the deadly desert heat, radiating across the dunes. Somehow, he knew he had killed him... but wasn't sure why.

💚Scar POV💚

Scar quickly bolted awake, to hear Grian screaming at the top of his lungs. He was shrieking violently, his arms tugging at Scar's skin. "BABY. WHATS WRONG!?" Scar yelled to Grian, worried for him. IS HE OKAY? IS HE HURT? Scar thought, panic rushing through him. Grian stared into his eyes, his icy gaze wide with horror. Grian took a deep breath. "SCAR I THOUGHT I LOST YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Grian wailed, tears streaming down his face. Scar blinked in utter confusion. "Baby... baby... I'm right here. I'm okay. I'm right here." He whispered, putting one hand on Grian's cheek. He could feel the warm wet tears streaming down his boyfriend's small face. "Shhh.... It's okay baby." Scar whispered to him, trying to calm him down. Scar stroked his dirty blonde hair, pulling him closer. Grian was still crying silently. "What happened..." Scar whispered to Grian, confused on what happened. Grian sniffled. "I- I had a d-dream... where. Y-you were lying t-there d-d-dead and in b-blood." Grian stammered, tears streaming down his face. His eyes were full of pain. Scar gasped. "It's okay baby.... It's okay... shhhh.... None of its real.. I'm here, I'm alive..." Scar whispered to his boyfriend. He pulled Grian tightly to his body, as hard as he could. He gently stroked Grian's hair, murmuring to him gently. "Baby.... Baby.... Shhhhh... it's okay baby. It's okay baby." Scar whispered to Grian softly, pulling him close as he could, burying his face into Grian's chest. Grian sniffled, tears falling slowly onto the white bedsheets. Scar quickly kissed his lips, licking his tongue. His face grew warm as he felt Grian's tongue lick his back. Scar sighed, relieved  that Grian was calmer now. He gently stroked his boyfriend's golden hair, soothing him.
Grian slowly reached out and touched Scar's chest, and Scar blushed furiously. He felt Grian's slender hands across his body. The two slowly drifted off to sleep, deep in the night. When a dream struck Scar.


Scar was deep in the forest, sitting around a glowing campfire. A few other hermits sat beside him, giggling and chatting. Scar felt at ease, calmness surging through him. Suddenly, a creeper appeared, in the tall grass. Before Scar could reacted, it exploded with a whoosh and a boom. Scar immediately got blown backward, only to see Grian's weeping face before everything went black.

Scar awoke, screaming at the top of his lungs. Grian's eyes were wide, "SCAR ARE YOU OKAY?" Grian shouted to his boyfriend. Scar took a moment to realize what had happened. He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead. It wasn't real. "I'm fine...." He whispered to Grian. "Just a scary dream." Grian looked worried. Grian quickly pressed himself closer to Scsr, grabbing his face. "You better be okay babe." He whispered to Scar, his voice soft as snow. Scar sighed, and wrapped himself around his boyfriend. The two eventually fell asleep once more, their arms and legs wrapped around each other's, hands touching each other's chests.

//Meant to Be//Scarian//Scar x GrianWhere stories live. Discover now