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Liked by minhoe,hanji,hyunjean and 18,346 others

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

Hanji what's amnesia?
Hyunjean jisung Google it so no one has to explain
Yongbokie ji, its when you forget memories of something or someone, that's the only way I can put it

Minhoe damn bro, who hurt you?
Yongbokie I'd rather not explain



                            Dance racha + jisung

Felix, what's up?

Yeah, you know you can trust us

He's trying to talk to me again

I'm guessing you mean your ex no one liked?

That's exactly who and he won't leave me alone

Bok at this point I would just block him on everything possible if you haven't done already

I have minho I really have but he keeps finding ways to contact me

Listen if at any point it gets to hard to cope with him, call us and the police, okay, now come to the studio you have to practice the song with lyrics
Read by hyunjean,yongbokie + 1

That's exactly what felix did, he blocked him on everything possible and slipped his shoes on ready to leave. As he was about to fish his keys out of his dance bag after he trapped it under his clothes, something was slipped through his letterbox in a fairly large envelope.

He opened it before he left and when he saw the small printed photos in it his faced dropped almost immediately. He quickly placed the photos in his dance bag along with a box of matches and a lighter.

He checked his surroundings and his car before getting in it to drive to the studio that was located at the side of his university.

The drive there was quite slow but the music playing through the aux made the drive seem faster than it was as before he knew it he was in the underground car park of the university. He turned off the car and got out, making sure to watch around him as he took out his bag and locked thr car behind him before walking towards the stairs which lead him to said studio.

When he finally made it up the 3 flights of stairs he walked down the oddly large corridor and into the practice room. He walked into the large room to be met by the eyes of his three friends jisung,hyunjin and minho. Felix had just simply smiled at the 3 that gave him a welcoming look. "Guys before we start I have something to show you" Felix mentioned as he placed his bag on the shiny floor and opened it. He hesitantly took out the envelope and walked towards the males with it. "These came through my letterbox as I was about to leave". Felixs words were very close to almost silent in terms if how they were said.

All the memories of him and his ex came rushing back to him a few days ago when he got a message from said ex. Felix of course ignored the message that was sent and clearly his ex wasn't impressed. "How did he find out where you lived. Didn't you move out after you two broke up?" Jisung inquired with a confused look. The black-haired male hadn't thought about that. "I- I don't know how Jaehyeong found me.." Felix said now concerned. "I don't care what you say, I'm staying with you until he leaves you alone" Hyunjin abruptly said knowing felix would try to decline his offer. "But-" "no buts yongbok, I'm staying with you". Felix couldn't be bothered to argue with the taller male.

Eventually, jisung had started playing the song he and his friends had been working on for the choreography that the eldest male had in mind.

After a solid 2 hours of practicing the required choreo for the competition the boys had entered, they were all tired and hungry. "How about you three come with me to get food with my 2 roomates? It's on me". The 3 boys had agreed to the meal that was being offered. All of them had been dying to meet jisungs roomates. Especially the younger male of the 3 eager dancers.

"I'll meet you guys at the restaurant in around half an hour, don't be too late" Jisung stated as everyone around him had nodded slightly, as they all started to walk out the room. Felix,Minho and Hyunjin were going to travel with felix while jisung was going to get one of his roomates to drive them lot.

When 30 minutes had past, all 6 boys were sitting round a table together, looking through the menus after introducing themselves. There was one male in particular who had caught felixs eyes. His name was chan, well Chris, seeing as he was also an Australian student at their university. "Hey felix, I feel like i recognise you from somewhere," Chan had said, it took felix a while to realise that him and chan had music together on Fridays after school. "Oh yeah, I think we do music together on Fridays" Felix inquired with a somewhat questioning sound. Chan nodded "your the kind of introverted kid at the back of the class right?" Felix just sent a small nod his way.

Felix had always found chan an attractive person, he just never wanted to admit to anyone, not even himself. He was scared to come to terms with his feelings after what Jaehyeong did to him. He could never admit that he liked chan because of that one person who made him feel like crap. Realistically felix would have to really trust chan and become close to him to even admit his feelings to himself.

Hello author here, I would just like to say that considering this is the first chapter it's near on 1000 words and I have tried writing before but it was hard so I gave up.

Turns out writing in third person is alot easier that first person haha. I'd really appreciate it if you could share this story as it's my first time being confident enough to actually go through with something such as this.

It's Always Been Him/ Felix (Skz), Yuta (Nct)Where stories live. Discover now