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It had been a week or two since felix had met jisung's roomates, who he also writes and produces music with, and felix would be lying if he had said that their little group hadn't hung out almost every single day, inside and outside of university.

This had drawn more attention to felix,which he didn't exactly like, seeing as he's always distanced himself from everyone besides his friends. Being friends with Chan,changbin and jisung was clearly intolerable to many people as the so called 'loners' which was aimed towards Felix,Minho and Hyunjin suddenly started hanging out with the popular students on their campus.

Felix hadn't heard anything from his horrible ex since that day, up until about an hour ago when he was in a park eating ice cream with chan. Jaehyeong had sent Felix a photo of the two together which caused him to look around very cautiously. "Are you okay Filly?" Chan asked in a worried tone, nothing the youngers face had dropped. All Felix could do was show the latter his phone which contained a photo of him and felix together

 All Felix could do was show the latter his phone which contained a photo of him and felix together

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(Let's just pretend they're at a park)

Looks like your having fun with your new boyfriend Bokkie

Don't call me that Jaehyeong and he's nit my boyfriend so don't even bother, just leave me alone

And with that the number was now blocked.

Chan had asked the younger to stay at his house with the others, including two people that hyunjin was friends with that none of us had met before. Felix just agreed to the idea that the latter had presented. "Can we go back to mine so I can get some stuff?" And with that chan nodded towards the now blonde-haired male with a small smile.

After trying to convince chan to come up to his apartment with him while he packed his bag for the night, the latter had finally agreed as they pulled up into the apartment car park. One they had reached Felix's apartment, he picked up his dance bag which was by his sofa and carried it to his room to put some clothes in while chan sat on the sofa and waited patiently for the youngster to finish. After a few minutes had passed, there was a knock on the door. Chan walked to the door and opened it seeing as felix was in the bathroom getting his toothbrush and toothpaste while making sure he looked okay in the mirror. "Who is it?" Felix inquired but there was no reply just a few soft muffled words coming from the front door. The young Aussie had exited the bathroom and went to his game shelf to choose a game for the group of boys to play, when he overheard chans conversation with the man at the door.

Felix had known that voice anywhere and with no hesitated, he walked to the door only to be greater by his ex. The young boy that was now stood next to chan looked up at the taller male with disgust before kicking him in the balls and slapping him. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, COMING TO MY APARTMENT WHEN I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE YOU COCK SUCKING MONEY FUCK, GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!" The small boy had yelled in his unhumane deep voice causing the man to back away and run. All chan could do was stand there in amazement while Felix had walked back over the games shelf and took cards of humanity off of it before placing it into his bag along with his toothbrush,toothpaste and his hairbrush.


fter a few minutes the two Australians had arrived at chans dorm. As they walked in felix plopped his bag down and joined everyone else around the oddly large coffee table. "Ah you're both here. Seungmin and Jeongin, this is felix" Hyunjin haid said while pointing at me and then at chan "and this is chan". The two males had sent a small smile towards the boys and then politely bowed before sitting down fully.

It was around 8pm by now and the boys had order mcdonalds as that's what everyone had agreed on. Although felix was insisting in paying for the meal, chan had already paid for the meal while felix was trying to say he'd pay.

While everyone had waited for the food to arrive, they had moved the coffee table and were all sat in a circle on the floor playing cards against humanity, which felix had brought with him. The game ended just as the food arrived. "I'll get it" Jisung said, hopping off of minhos lap (hehe minsung) and running towards the door almost tripping. A few seconds later he came back with all the bags of food, which he needed help carrying because of how many bags there were, 2 having their drinks in and 3 contains everyone's food. "Who ordered a salad with a Spanish fruit punch?" Seungmin Inquizeted (not a word but we roll with it) while felix put his hand up and grabbed a straw out of one of the bag that contained the drinks.

Once everyone had finished their food, the rubbish left was placed into the kitchen bin and then everyone sat in a line facing towards the 98" TV (how rich were these mfs") as Netflix was put on and everyone had decided on a film to watch which was hairspray.

Turned out the minute the film had started, the blonde aussie started singing to the first song that had played word for word. This left chan in shock "I didn't know you could sing?!" Chan exclaimed in a shocked tone, looking at Felix. The young male had just ignored chan and sung the words "Baltimore and me" in a perfect falsetto that even he himself didn't know he could do.

Song after song all everyone could hear was chan and felix singing and swaying along to the songs. By the time the film had finished, it was around 1am as they started watching it at like 11 and the film is almost 2 hours long. Felix slowly stood up and grabbed his bag. "Channie, can I change in your room?" The boy asked with a small head tilt. Chan nodded "if you want you chan brush your teeth in my bathroom too" and felix just nodded and made his way into chans room, which had a little blow up bed next to it as he was staying with the latter male in his room while hyunjin was staying in changbins room, Minho was staying in jisungs room and seungmin and jeongin were going to sleep in the spare room.

After felix got changed into a pair of joggers and a baby blue hoodie, he waltzed into the little en suite to brush his teeth and sort his hair out, as if he wasn't going to put his hood over it anyways. As he exited the little bathroom perched over in the far corner of the room, he had walked back into the bedroom and then into the living room to join the others. Although he walked in on jisung and minho kissing while everyone else looked disgusted. "Oh felix come sit, we're playing truth or dare" Chan said as he patted the space next to him. Felix just walked towards Chan and laid his head on the elders shoulders feeling tired. "Felix, t or d?" Jeongin asked the tired looking boy. "Truth" felix said with a tiny yawn. "If you could date anyone in this room, who would it be?" The second jeongin asked that question felix pointed at chan. When chan looked at the boys small finger pointing at him, he let out a tiny chuckle. "Chan, t or d?" Hyunjin asked. "Dare" chan said boldly. "Kiss Felix". The second Felix heard that he perked up and blushed abit.

After Felix had consented to the kiss, the two boys lips crashed together and for a moment time stopped and it felt like the world evolved around the males as all of the youngers worries had faded away. They kissed for a good two minutes before the had to be pulled away from each other, which resulted in a sulky chan and a giddy Felix who was now laying on the latters shoulder while his eyes fluttered shut causing him to fall asleep.

A/N this was written at 12am don't worry about any spelling mistakes, this chapter was over over 1000 words so I'm impressed.

Next chapter will be released ASAP (stan stayc)

It's Always Been Him/ Felix (Skz), Yuta (Nct)Where stories live. Discover now