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Chan decided that night that he was jealous but also happy but mostly jealous, like why was another boy holding Felix that way? He had so many questions running through his head to the point where he hadn't slept all night but thankfully they didn't have any classes for the week. The group were supposed to hang out today and meet up at the park just around the corner. As Chan arrived he noticed there was only 6 of them and his boyfriend wasn't there. He didn't think anything of it because he didn't want to think negatively. "Hey, where's Felix?" Chan asked the boys who were busy having their own conversation. "He's at the SM building again" Hyunjin replied with an eyeroll "ugh is he with that Yangyang dude again?" He asked clearly jealous "No he's with a different NCT member called Jungwoo" Jeongin said back "although he is supposed to meet up with Yangyang later" Seungmin finished looking at Chan, As if in that moment, Felix's laugh could be heard as he walked through the park next to a guy with was assumed to be Jungwoo. Felix didn't even noticed the group there as him and Jungwoo ran past them and towards another guy in whose arms Felix jumped into. which Chan guessed was Yangyang.

This caused Chan to become jealous of the two boys Felix was Hanging out with I mean, yeah they're like celebrities but that didn't stop Chan from feeling jealous knowing how close Felix was to them. Chan wanted to go over to them and hug Felix but the boys all stopped him as they knew the oldest of the group was jealous. He just ignored the boys words and called out for Felix while running towards him. "Oh hey Chan, where'd you come from?" The younger asked giving him a hug in which he returned. "Ah so this is the Famous Chan you we're telling me about Yesterday. Hi I'm Yangyang from Wayv/NCT U " he said with a smile holding his hand out for Chan to shake, which he hesitantly shook. "I'm Jungwoo from NCT 127" the boy bowed down to Chan who smiled back at him "Nice to meet both of you, anyways I should be going back to the group, don't come back too late tonight" Chan said walking off without forgetting to give Felix a kiss that was hesitantly returned which was wiped off as Chan walked away. "He's just jealous I'm hanging out with you two as if I haven't hung out with him everyday for the last 8 months" he giggled walking away standing inbetween the two NCT members, as they headed towards the bowling alley.

As they arrived they went over to their lane and added their names, Yangyang's being double Y, Jungwoo being boba ball and Felix being Aussie. "I'll go get drinks for us" Jungwoo said causing the other two to nod. As he walked off him and Yangyang started talking about nonsense until the boba ball came back. When he arrived back with the drinks the game started and no one even noticed the group of 7 boys show up 2 lanes away from them.

Chan looked over to where Felix and the two NCT members were after noticing them there and he got overly jealous when he saw what he saw and he even took a photo for proof. Felix was Sat down with Yangyang's arms wrapped around him while they were laughing as Jungwoo didn't hit any of the pins either try. It was now Felix's turn to bowl and he was the first one to get a strike out of the three, considering how bad he was when it came to bowling and everyone knew how bad he was so the two boys behind him looked shook and started chanting "aussie" until Felix said "oi" back to them as they clapped which gained everyone's attention in the bowling place.

They finished the game an it ended with Felix winning and Jungwoo losing. After the game they went into the arcade and played a few games and also taking pictures in the photobooth with Felix stuck in his phone case as he watched the other 2 do it aswell. They left he place and went to the nearest restaurant to get food as they were all starving and after that they went to the cinema and watched a random movie that sounded appealing. By the time they had finished everyone went back home as it was almost 1 am because they went other places after the movie had finished. Felix said bye to the other two as they walked off to go to their dorms and not even 15 minutes later Felix arrived at home and ignored all the worried faces in the living room and went to his room to have a shower. He was in the shower for a good half an hour if not longer having his own mini concert which he was sure the people in the living room could hear very well.

He walked back in the room only to be greeted with Chan sitting on his bed. "Are you cheating on me?" Chan asked looking at Felix dead in the eye, clearly serious "No Chris I would never-" he was cut off by having a phone pushed into his face which had a photo of him and Yangyang hugging in it "This tells me different" Chan said with a serious face. "Chris its not- you know what fine, fuck you" the younger said getting changed and grabbing his bag stuffing clothes in it along with his laptop, chargers and his wallet before putting his shoes on and walking out his bedroom in tears then out the front door, heading towards the WayV dorm.

When he arrived he knocked on the door to be greeted by Ten. "Hey Felix, what's wrong?" the older asked pulling him into a hug while walking to Yangyang's room. When they entered, Yangyang instantly noticed the boys crying state and got up from his bed, giving him a big hug. "H-he thinks ive cheated" the boy cried out gripping onto the younger boy tighter

It's Always Been Him/ Felix (Skz), Yuta (Nct)Where stories live. Discover now