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Felix was the last one to finish getting ready as he ran over to the 3racha dorm. "Woahhhh someone's going all in" Chan chuckled looking at Felix.

He was wearing an old got7tour t-shirt, neon green cargos and his white combat shoes with a got7 bucket hat and his lights tick. "Always gotta be prepared Christopher". The group just chuckled at him as he ran out of the dorm and waited impatiently at the cars for them.

Eventually they were in the cars, Felix being with Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin while the other 4 drove closely behind. Chans car was full of screams coming from beside him as literally every got7 song was blasting out through the aux cord. "Lixie baby, save some of your voice for the concert and the backstage meeting without any other ahgases" Chan giggled at the boy as his face lit up at the last part of the sentence. "WE'RE MEETING THEM TWICE?" Felix basically screamed as they pulled up the venue. "Did you forget I'm friends with BamBam?" The elder just question with a small laugh as his boyfriend remembered. "Oh yeah.... Anyways hurry up were gunna be late for sound check." Not another word was said before Felix ran up to the doors waiting to be let into sound check. The boy turned around to see the others walking slowly so he just went in without them.

Soon enough, the boys were next to Felix in front of the stage watching the 7 boys Infront of them in awe, especially the young blonde boy who couldn't keep his eyes off of the stage for a second. When double B jumped off of the stage to talk to Chan, the blonde couldn't keep his eyes off BamBam as he couldn't believe he was this close to him. "Ayo Chan watssup" the boy said doing a little handshake with him. "Yo DoubleB how you doing?" Chan asked BamBam giving him a hug.

Felix had just stood there awkwardly and slowly bowed down to The rest of the boys when they came over to speak to chan. "We'll see you guys after the show" Mark said bowing down to the group of 8 infront of them. Felix watched as the boys went backstage and couldn't move as he was frozen in place. "Um Felix... Felix" The boy was knocked out of his daydream when Minho started waving his hand infront of his face. "Oh um sorry what?" Felix said looking at him. "The concerts about to start" Jisung said from besides minho. The second those words were released, the blonde boy turned on his lightstick and pressed his bucket hat which suddenly lit up green although it was supposedly just a normal got7 bucket hat that was found online.

"Sweet talk to me babe It's magical,Sweet lullaby" Felix yelled out as Lullaby was being sung. This was the first time the boys had heard the other sing besides Chan and Changbin and it took them by surprise, maybe bringing him to a concert was a good idea as it clearly gets him to come out of his comfort zone with his voice.

The concert had just finished and the group of 8 were taken backstage with the groups manager to meet the got7 members privately. All of them were very excited for the little meet besides Felix. He acted all happy but now it was all happening he was really nervous. While they were walking to the room, Felix tried his best to calm himself down and this didn't go un-noticed by Chan who was walking next him. "Hey are you okay?" Chan asked the younger boy who was fiddling with his fingers. "Just nervous" the other responded in which the latter nodded his head with a reassuring smile.

Before they knew it, they had reached got7's room. The boys took a deep breath in besides Chan as they were let into the room and Felix shakily bowed at the group in front of him as they bowed back towards them. 7/8 of the boys had already introduced themselves before the show started but as Felix was too nervous and surprised he still hadn't spoken to the group. Hyunjin turned towards Felix and whispered in his ear, "are you going to introduce yourself or not?" Felix took that as a sign to introduce himself to the boys "hi... I'm um... I'm Felix" the blonde said with quick bow causing everyone to chuckle at his nervousness. "Hey there's no need to be nervous, also nice hat" Youngjae said to Felix causing him to look up at his hat, which was still lit up making him turn it off. "Thank you" the boy said still abit scared even after being reassured. "So, this is the Felix you wont shut up about Chris?" Everyone turned their attention to Chan and BamBam, who made Chan blush with his question. Chris just nodded a tiny bit causing the room to explode into fits of giggles.

Eventually the boys of got7 had to go so everyone took each others numbers, said their goodbyes and left. "See it wasn't that bad" Seungmin said to Felix who was still abit shaken that he had spent time with thee got7 "I guess" the blonde said agreeing with Seungmins statement he had made. After exiting the venue the boys headed to their separate cars. "Me, Changbin or Minho should invest in getting an 8 seater car" Chan chuckled as he started driving away. The others just laughed while agreeing.

Soon enough the boys had reached their dorm complex and got out of the cars walking towards the elevator. They split off into their own dorms after hugging each other. Felix went off to his room while Hyunjin, Minho, Seungmin and Jeongin stayed in the living room to talk amongst themselves. Felix had a shower then changed into a hoodie and some shorts. When he went over to his desk to grab his phone he saw he had a message from one of his old friends.

Yangyang_x2 Hey Felix, maybe wanna hang out tomorrow and have a catch-up?

Yongbokie Hey Yang, I'm up for that, what time you wanna meet and where?

Yangyang_x2 Lets say 12 at the McDonald's closest to your uni?

Yongbokie Sure I'm okay with that, see you tomorrow seen

And with that Felix put his phone on charge, said goodnight to the boys, walked over to the 3racha dorm to find them sitting in their living room. He went over to Chan sat on his lap and gave him a small peck on the lips causing Jisung to say ew. "Don't act like you and Minho don't eat each others faces around us" Felix giggled before getting up to give Chan a hug and say goodnight to everyone before walking back over to his dorm and going to bed.

It's Always Been Him/ Felix (Skz), Yuta (Nct)Where stories live. Discover now