Chapter 26

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Azriel started at the soft knock on the door. His attention had been so painfully focused on the woman in the bed. Was she breathing? Was that a new bruise? What had she seen? What had she felt? How had it happened? He had so many questions, and she wouldn't even be able to answer. And wasn't that best? Wouldn't it be better not to demand a full report and just comfort her?

The High Lord entered, dipping his chin in greeting. "How is she doing?" Azriel's eyes flicked to the redhead.

"She's alright, as far as I can tell." He lifted his gaze back to his brother. "Thank you. For helping her."

Rhys tucked his hands under his jacket, finding his pockets as he paced to the other side of the room. "I told you that I wouldn't tell you what I saw. But there are some things that I think you need to know. So you can support her the way she needs." That caught Azriel's attention, the muscles in his back tightening as his looming shadows darkened.

"Go on."

"Merrill is the one responsible for putting her in this state. Apparently she has been honing daemati powers in secret," Rhysand started, tucking one side of the curtains away from the window he faced. Well, that explained a lot of things. It didn't answer the question of why, but at least the shadowsinger knew how it came to pass. "There was a flash of her vision. Merrill locked her inside a very specific intersection of her subconscious, where her nightmares and fears reside. I know, Azriel, that you are particularly aware of what some of those things are. I wanted you to be... prepared."

The shadowsinger slumped, torso curling over the wrapped hand that he'd been gripping.

And that would explain the injury to her voice. His lovely Gwyn - the embodiment of love and light - writhing alone in the sewers, screaming until her voice completely gave out.

"I'm prepared to support her in whatever way she needs," he murmured.

"Which brings me to my next... suggestion." Starlit violet eyes flashed, confirming he had his spymaster's full attention. Azriel bristled. It had been a long while since that solstice night when Rhys had ordered him away from Elain. While it was probably the best choice, and while Azriel was ultimately thankful for the resulting shift in his interests, it always put him on edge when Rhys felt the need to be the High Lord as opposed to his brother. He couldn't quite tell which he was now.

"Go on."

"I want you to focus on Gwyn first. We can continue searching for Merrill."

Azriel rose, siphons flashing and wings flaring. "Are you telling me not to go after the bitch who did this to -"

" No , Azriel. I am simply saying that you've barely slept in over two days. She needs you at your best. And it's become quite apparent that you need her." Rhysand crossed the room and put a supporting hand on his shoulder. "Don't sacrifice this time together, while she heals." There was no condescension painting the High Lord's face. No secrets in his eyes. They were soft, like when he looked at his mate. Azriel dipped his chin in agreement, earning a squeeze.

"We will keep you abreast of any developments, of course. And I am not prohibiting you from participating. But now that Gwyn is safe and protected - and after seeing the emptiness in my dear brother's eyes these last days - I hope that you will give yourself some time to recover and cherish what you have. Because what you have, mating bond or no, is precious."

Azriel's throat bobbed, feeling the love of his brother hanging in his words. "I know it is. She is." The shadowsinger grasped Rhysand's shoulder, then, and the two males shared a brief, quiet moment. "You have my eternal gratitude, Rhys. For bringing her out of this. And... and for understanding my heart better than perhaps I even understood... that Solstice. I was so angry with you, but it was a catalyst to everything that led me to her."

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