Chapter 32

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Gwyn's laugh echoed through the empty hallway as he swept her off her feet, cradling her under her knees and around her back as her arms wrapped around his neck. Azriel continued walking, as familiar with the House as he was with breathing. He stared deep into his wife's shining eyes - his mate's eyes - allowing himself to feel all the love and adoration that glittered within.

"You know I can walk, Az," she giggled, even as she leaned into his chest. His answer was a playful growl.

"Nonsense. It is a husband's sacred duty to carry his wife over the threshold to their marriage bed." He kissed her hair. "And what manner of male would I be if I did not consider my duty with utmost seriousness and dedication." Gwyn snorted.

"Gods, you're ridiculous."

The shadowsinger hummed in agreement as they reached his door, the lock clicking as dark wisps gently pushed it open. He smiled, happy that Nesta had helped him with the room before she and Cassian took their leave. The woman in his arms gasped as they entered. Countless flames floated from candles that littered the space, enough to cast the entire chamber in golden light.

"Azriel." He felt her words against his jaw before her lips pressed there. "This is beautiful." He settled her gently on the edge of the bed, crouching in front of her and grasping her hands atop her thighs.

"You deserve all the beautiful things in all the world. This is the very least of that." The Illyrian gazed up at Gwyn, chest squeezing as he took in her form in the candlelight. The lace that hugged her lithe frame seemed so delicate, and he felt the need to feel it under his fingertips. He traced her neckline, the ridges of the pattern so at odds with the silken skin underneath. He could feel the hammering of her heart under his palm, and when he looked up he found her blushing. One of his thumbs stroked over her knuckles while the other moved from her dress and up over her collarbone and up the column of her neck before tracing the line of her jaw. "I nearly wept when I saw you walking toward me tonight. Every time I think it's impossible for you to be more beautiful, you end up proving me so, so wrong." The corners of her lips lifted, her hand reaching out to trace along the collar of his dress jacket. Azriel blew out an exhale, tenderly pushing tendrils of copper away from her face. "How are you feeling? About everything?"

They hadn't had much time to themselves since the mating bond had made itself known to him, the couple having been swept into celebratory dinner and dancing at the High Lord's river estate. They took care to avoid giving each other food, however, unwilling to invite the frenzy without speaking about the whole situation first. But it had been an incredible night, and he had never felt so loved and cherished and happy.

"About everything?" Gwyn echoed. "I'm... thrilled, to be honest." His heart stuttered.

"You are?"

The Valkyrie rolled her eyes before gripping his tanned face in her hands. "Of course, I am, Azriel," she cooed, a tiny hint of exasperation singing in her voice. "I became your wife today. You married me. And, as if that weren't enough to make me the happiest woman in the world, the mating bond snapped for you - something you've desired for so long."

"I confess, I was anxious that perhaps it might be overwhelming for you," he conceded, giving a small shrug. "I know the mating bond is not something you've coveted like I have."

"That may be true, but..." His wife studied him, chewing on her bottom lip while she chose her words. "My heart belongs to you, Azriel, and I cannot imagine being anything but joyous that I am your mate. I need time, of course, before we accept. I'm not sure I'm ready for the frenzy. But I love you, and I trust in that. In you. In us."

Heart swelling, soul set on fire, Azriel surged upward and kissed her hard, cradling her nape so as not to push her backward. He felt her hands roaming over his chest and shoulders, and there was never a more arousing caress than that of his wife - his mate - desperate to feel him. He released her and stood, pulling her up with him. His hands settled upon her hips as he leaned in to brush his lips over hers once more.

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