Chapter 30

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"Truly, Gwyn, the dress is gorgeous. I'll be honest, when we first visited the seamstress I wasn't sure if she could really bring it to life," Nesta exclaimed, linking an arm with her copper-haired sister. "But, Cauldron, she created a masterpiece. I'll be going to her for Starfall, mark my words!"

"I'll have to make sure she understands that I'm the priority, with her increased popularity," Gwyn giggled, giving the eldest Archeron a tug and curling her other arm into the crook of Emerie's elbow. She couldn't recall a time she had been more content as she walked down the cobbled streets of Velaris arm-in-arm with her sisters.

There had been no word or sighting of Merrill for months - not since the day the witch had invaded her mind. It was always a concern, tucked back behind the constant joy that had filled her life. She was planning a wedding, nearing the completion of her first draft of the Valkyrie tome that the elder priestess had begun, and came home every evening to the safety and comfort of the male she loved. She could feel heat in her cheeks just thinking of him - sharing a bed and a life. He had been so achingly tender and patient with her as they continued to explore intimacy after intimacy. There had been moments of searing pleasure, and also blinding fear and pain. And during those difficult moments, his beautiful scarred hands and strong arms would wrap around her and whisper that he was there, that he loved her and was proud of her, that nothing she could or could not do would ever change that. They still hadn't gone all the way, but she had recently come to the conclusion that she was ready. When they had spoken about it, Azriel had suggested they wait until their wedding night. Perhaps it was a bit old fashioned, he'd told her, but it would give them another week to keep growing closer and more comfortable with the growing desire between them. She had no doubt that their wedding night would be the thing dreams were made of.

To think that, not so long ago, she never would have believed a future like this was within her reach.

And now she walked in swishing skirts, bumping shoulders with two women who were so much more than just her best friends and chosen sisters. Their laughter and chatter echoed around them, swirling like Azriel's shadows in the golden glow of the sunset. As they approached the next intersection Gwyn unwound their arms and pulled the other two into her by the shoulders.

"This is where we part ways, my incredible Valkyries." Gwyn's words hummed between her lips and she squeezed her sisters close, earning contented sighs in return.

"You're sure you'll be alright on your own?" Nesta asked, pulling away so she could look Gwyn in the eye. Teal eyes softened, and the former priestess felt her heart fill with gratitude that she had such loving companions in her life. She nodded.

"It's only a few more blocks to the book shop, and Azriel is meeting me there," she replied, giving them a gentle, encouraging smile. "We'll see you at the House."

The sun had set by the time they were through with their hugs and farewells, and Nesta and Emerie finally continued down the street after Gwyn had once again assured them that she would be fine walking the few additional blocks on her own. Bless them and their beautiful, caring, protective souls.

She felt like she was floating on air, soul filled with love and satisfaction as she hummed an upbeat melody in time with her steps. The fae lights adorning the front of the sparse collection of storefronts had yet to flicker to life in the absence of the sun, but Gwyn felt warm and at ease.

The first - and only - warning she had was the tingling sensation of a manicured claw against the defenses of her mind. Defenses that she had honed as stubbornly and relentlessly as she did the rest of her training. Her attention snapped to her right, just in time to spy the glint of a sharpened metal edge and the glow of feral, icy eyes in the shadowed crevice between two buildings.

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