Cheer Eddie.

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Your Dad comes up to your room to let you know that the Munson boy was downstairs waiting for you. You excitedly jump up from your bed and head down to your boyfriend of almost a month. Your Dad still couldn't say the words.

Your parents were on their way out to a friend's anniversary party. They tell you that there's money on the counter and to go out and grab a bite,but to be back with the family car by 9. You thank them and take Eddie's hand and starts to head for the stairs,but Eddie pulls against it and redirects you,pulling you back toward the living room. You catch onto his hint and go into the living room and you both plop down onto the couch as your parents were still running around getting ready.

You lay your legs across Eddie's lap so you weren't sitting on his lap to avoid getting disapproving glares from your Dad.

You played with Eddie's hair and then with his guitar pick necklace. You both leaned in for a sweet kiss,but pulled apart as soon as you heard your parents walk in.

"Edward,you be sure to be gone by the time we get back." Your Dad tells Eddie.

"Dad." You scoffed.

"Its not a school night. Its freaking Saturday. He could at least stay till midnight. Mom? You said that,remember?"

"I did say that,Hon." Your Mom confesses to your Dad.

"She's a senior now,(Y/Dads/N). We've gotta start loosening the reigns a bit. Have a little faith in her."

"I have plenty of faith in her,Honey,Its him-- " Your Dad complained as he and your Mom left the house.

"Ugh,finally. They're gone." Eddie breathes a sigh of relief.

"No." You peek through the curtains behind the couch and watch as your parents pulled out of the driveway. You waited till they were out of sight.

"Now,theyre gone." You giggle as Eddie pulls you onto his lap and starts nipping and kissing your neck.

"So,what should we do with this big ol' house all to ourselves?" He asks.

"Don't know. What do you wanna do?

"Well I do have a few things in mind." He smirks.

"Do they involve me getting naked? Cause ya know I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." You say nervously.

"N-No. No pressure to do that.(y/n). I told you whenever you were ready." He kisses your forehead.

"There is this one thing I've been wanting to do."

"What's that?" You ask.

"Well,I wanna see your room. You can learn a lot about a person by what's in their bedroom."

"I tried to take you there when you got here,but you stopped me."

"What and have your Dad think I'm about to corrupt his daughters virtue or something? The man clearly thinks that because my last name is Munson I must be bad news."

"Shh.." You peck his lips and get off is lap,leading the way upstairs to your bedroom.

Eddie steps into your room and looks around at all your scholastic awards and medals hanging on your walls. He gently touches a few medals and continues looking and spots a poster with a ballet dancer on it. He looks back at you,confused.

"Thats Yvonne Craig. Shes a ballet dancer. She also played Batgirl on the show Batman in the 60's.." You mentioned,hoping he would know who she was.

"Right. Okay." He smiled and then seen your ballet slippers that hung on the other wall.

"So you dance? Man,(y/l/n) you are full of surprises."

You chuckle.

"I use to but I stopped."

"Oh?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah. I- I- I...didn't enjoy it anymore. So my parents took me out." You say hoping he wouldn't question you further about it.

You take a seat on your bed and that's when Eddie's eyes landed on your green,white,and yellow Hawkins High cheer uniform.

"So you picked cheer instead? To cheer for those forced conforming ass-holes."

"Hey," You shook your head letting him know you disapproved of his words.

"It makes me happy,so yes."

You sat on your bed criss-cross-applesauce.

Eddie stood there still looking at the uniform. He was thinking about how adorable yet sexy you look in it.

" You wanna try it on?" You ask him.

"Me?" He points to himself.

"Well,yeah. You've been staring at it long enough."

"You should hear all the things I'm thinking and not saying when I look at this thing. Thinking about you in it,doing your little cheer thing." Eddie mimics some halfhearted cheer moves.

You smile as he does this.

"You put it on and I'll let you feel me up. And lets face it I'm pretty sure you can convince me to push the boundaries."

He looks back at the uniform and then back to you. Contemplating.

"You're on (y/l/n)." He shakes your hand as you solidify the deal.

He takes the uniform off the hook it hung on and starts to head for the bathroom to change.

"Right here,Munson."

His eyes widen and places the fit on the bed. You start taking it off the hanger as he starts taking off his jacket and vest hes never without. You,never taking your eyes off him. Eddie takes off his shoes and then his ripped up jeans. Lastly he removes his shirt.

Your eyes left his body for just a second as you notice his very prominent erection through his boxers.

He looks down at himself now knowing why you looked away.

"S- Sorry." Eddie says as he grabs the skirt to conceal his boner,quickly putting the skirt on.

"Its fine. I didn't know if you wanted me to see." A giggle escapes you.

Eddie tried to think of anything but what was going on in his shorts. He tried to zip up the skirt,but the zipper wasn't budging.

"Uhh,yeah the zipper isn't going anywhere. I probably should lay off the pretzels for awhile." He jokes.

You look as your boyfriend stands there half naked in your cheer skirt.

He grabs the top and slips into it.

"Christ. I doubt these buttons are gunna close either so,here I am..." Eddie says,again doing his half hearted cheer moves.

He then looks over at you rummaging around in a drawer on your nightstand.

"Hey. Hello. I'm over here. (Y/N)? Wait what is that?"

You pull out your polaroid camera.

"Theres four pictures left. Make it worth my while?"

"(Y/N)? No,come on. This was suppose to be for your eyes only."

"And they will be,Eddie. Please?" You beg as you get down on your knees in front of him. Looking up at him innocently.

You in this position only turned him on all the more. 'You definitely are worth it' he thought to himself.

Eddie groans internally,and gives in to you.

"Alright. Fine. You win,(Y/L/N). Take your damn pictures."

You giggle excitedly and point the camera up at him.


Eddie smiles while flipping the bird at your camera.

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