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"Well,(Y/n) maybe you should try and help him." Nancy gently nudges you as the two of you are out shopping for something to wear for the back to school dance this Friday.

"Me? Why not you? Miss straight A's since kinder." You chuckle as you rummage through the racks of clothes.

"I am much too busy to take on a lost cause like Munson. No offense."

"Why would I take offense to that?"

"(Y/n). Even Eddie knows the answer to that question."  Nancy says as she puts a pale pink blouse against her. Silently asking your opinion on it.

"Think that's the one." You smile.

"You seem to be doing extremely well now. You can afford to help him if it means that much to you."
Nancy picks up a baby blue off the shoulder top,placing it against you.
"This would look great on you. With your hair..Eddie would- "

You loudly clear your throat as you see Eddie's good friend Gareth walk into the store.

"Hey ladies!! Is Eds shoppin here too?"

You blush softly hoping he hadn't heard what Nancy said.
Nancy slyly steps away from you and Gareth and wonders the store.

"Eddie? What? Who said anything about him?" You tried your best to derail the topic.

Gareth searched for Nancy but couldn't find her.

"Why are you here?" You smirked.
"Buying a dress for the dance?"

"Ha,nope. Just brought my little sister to shop. It's her birthday."

"Oh nice."

"Well that's a nice one you got there." He said.

You hold the shirt out and the put it against you.

"Eddie will love it." Gareth smirked.
"See you later."  He said walking to find his sister.

Did everyone know that you were hopelessly in love with Eddie Munson,including Eddie himself?


It was a little after 10pm at the Welcome Back dance and most of your friends left with their 9pm curfews.except for Nancy who was with walking around with Fred Benson doing school newspaper stuff.  Since you didn't come with a date you decided it wasn't worth staying til it was over so you headed to the front of the school where you parked your car. Once you were out of the gym and in the parking lot you quickly head to your car. Dark and scary places were not your safe space.

"Hey!" You heard a voice shout at you from across the lot.

You were in heels and couldn't scurry fast enough. You must have caught a piece of gravel underneath your heel cause your ankle went one way and your shoe went another and to the floor you went.
You gasped and tried your best to get to your feet but you put an arm out to stop your face from hitting the ground and ended up getting more than just your pride hurt.
Just then you felt two hands pull you up from underneath. You backed up a few steps to see who it was. Eddie.
You actually were relieved it was him and not some serial killer.

"Did they spike the punch bowl in there?" He joked.

"I don't think so. Nance was watching it most of the night."

"Woah. That's gunna leave a mark,(Y/l/n). I'm sure the school nurse is still here,want me to help you there?

You looked down at your arm,it was already bruising and your elbow had a pretty gross scrape on it.
Eddie picks up your shoe and positions it on the floor for you. But you just step out of the other one.

Eddie Munson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now