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  An: not spell checked.

"Ready for takeoff, over." I com into the tower, wrapping my fingers around the handles in front of me as Coyote guns it, shooting down the runway.

I grit my teeth, letting out a breath of relief as we are airborne, the wheels of the jet loosing contact with the ground. We are levitating, pulling away from the earth.

"Hallelujah!" I whoop, a smile on my face. Coyote laughs, the musical sound echoing through the comms. I smile, even though I know he can't see it.

  "Falcon one is airborne, currently waiting for falcon two, over." I com in, using our code names. Coyote pulls the plane into a wide arch, and we have a clear view of the ground below. Rocky hills and distant shores, the coast of Fighter Town is stunning.

  "A beautiful day." I comment to my pilot, gently pressing my hand too the window, the glass flush against my palm.

"Fritz is supersonic, headed towards Falcon one, over." Our Wingman speaks into the Com. He comes up on the radar, pulling up to our right. I send him a wave, and he waves back, his green helmet catching the light.

"Hey, Fox. Hey, Coyote." He says, and my pilot gives him a half- hearted wave. Coyote isn't super found of the pilot, especially with his history of being a flirt. Specifically too me, the only female pilot in our small glass back in the day.

"You boys ready for this?" I ask, and I get two quiet 'yep's. I roll my eyes at their tense atmosphere.

"Keep your eyes on the radar, doll. He should be here any second." Fritz says as we gain altitude. I roll my eyes, opening my mouth to speak, but Coyote cuts me off.

"Her callsign is Fox, and you should address her as such." Coyote says calmly. "We are in the air, not the bar."

"Woah, chill there, Coyote." Fritz says, and I can hear the smirk on his face. "Where is this guy, anyhow?"

"Two miles too our north." I say quickly. "Just jumped onto radar."

"Good morning, aviators." Maverick's voice says, and Coyote tilts the plane. "This is your Captain speaking."

I can see the small grey dot that is Maverick flying towards us, the radar beeping.

"For today's exercise, we will be dogfighting. No missiles, only guns. If I shoot either of you down, you loose. If one of you shoots me down, I loose. Now here's the kicker, whoever is shot down first has too do two- hundred push-ups."

Captain Maverick makes a sudden, steep climb upwards.
"The dogfight starts now."

  "Let do this, Coyote." Fritz say, pulling ahead and just the the left of us.

  "He's coming around! I repeat, Maverick is coming around!" I call, twisting in my seat. "Coyote, bank right"

  I am pulled too the left as my Pilot grunts, following my instructions.

  "Shit, he's on me!" Fritz says, diving down towards the hard deck with Maverick in hot pursuit.

  "Hang in there, Fritz, I've got him." Coyote says, expertly twisting the plane around.

   "Coyote, pull behind him." I say. "Try to scare him off."

"Roger that, Foxy." My pilot says, just as Fritz begins to pull up.

  "Get him the fuck off me, Coyote!" He bellows, twisting into a strange dive, pulling negative g's. Maverick flips inverted, and I cringe as he gets tone.

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