The end

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I am up before Javy the next morning, scrolling through my phone as the sun begins to rise.

  I am naturally an early riser, and he... is not.

I listen to him snoring peacefully, popping in AirPods to listen to a podcast and edit photo's from our chaotic beach trip.

  It's fair to say, I didn't play football, but sat on the sidelines with my phone, taking pictures. I got a bunch of great action photo's of the boys, and I giggle quietly too myself.

I shift, gently wiggling my feet out from the bottom of the blanket, glancing at Coyote, before looking back at my phone.

  He is awake, watching me, but I pretend not to notice, my eyes on the phone screen. He pokes my side, and I roll my eyes, squinting at him.

  "What is it?" I ask, taking out my earphones. He grins, taking the phone from me. He begins to scroll through the pictures from yesterday, and I cuddle into him, my head resting on his shoulder.

  "You're a great photographer." He murmurs, his voice still groggy from sleep. I hum in agreement, propping up on my elbow to look at him.

  His eyes are pulled from the phone to look me in the eyes, still foggy from sleep. He gives me a derpy look. I huff, taking my phone away from him.

  "Here, I'll show you my favorite picture." I say, and he plays with the tips of my hair, twirling wavy strands around his fingers. I quickly scroll back into my photo memory, biting my tongue in concentration.

"You're really pretty." He hums, and I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"Are you crazy?" I ask him, laughing. He shrugs.

"Maybe a bit." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Foxy."

"Whatever, Javy." I say, and he sighs, rolling onto his stomach.

  "Here, I found it." I say, handing him my phone. It's a picture of him shoving Hangman, who's face is contorted into a grimace.

  He laughs, and I shush him; it's still early.

  "Holy shit, that picture makes him look terrible." He says, and I chuckle.

  "Blackmail." I say, smirking. "When he finally picks up a girl, this is the picture I'm showing her."

Coyote smirks, playing with the bracelet on my wrist.
  "We have a ton of embarrassing stories to tell her." He says, smirking. "Like the time you made us laugh so hard beer came out of his nose."

I chuckle, looking at the ceiling.
  "Or the time you two had a push- up contest, and basically couldn't do anything the rest of break."

Coyote frowns.
  "I'm still mad he beat me, though." He mutters.

I open my mouth to reply, when the door flies open, and I screech, jumping up.

Phoenix pushes Hangman into the room, and he tumbles out across the floor. I stare at them as she curses him out, plopping down on Coyote's unmade bed.

  Rooster peers around the corner, laughing.

  "What the hell, guys?" I ask, laughing.

  "I just won some cash." Hangman says, propping himself up on his elbows, a satisfied smirk on his face. "I bet you that two would be together by the end of the year."

  "And I bet you wouldn't." Phoenix grumbles, and Rooster collapses on the floor next to Hangman, looking up at Coyote.

  "So you finally grew a pair and asked her out?" He asks, and Coyote groans, covering his eyes with his hands.

  "Why are we friends with you all, again?" He asks, and Phoenix throws a pillow at him.

  "Because we are an absolute blessing." She says, and I sigh.

  "I don't think blessing is the right word for it, Phoenix." I say, trying to step over Hangman, but he grabs my ankle, causing me to fall onto the floor.

  "Hey, don't bully Coyote's future wife!" Rooster says.

  "Can I be the maid of honor?" Phoenix asks, and Coyote throws his hands into the air.

  "We're not getting married!" He says, exasperate, his ears red from blushing.

  "At least not yet." Hangman says, and I jump up, diving under the covers and hiding beneath them.

  Coyote shouts something about embarrassing me, putting an arm around my waist and tugging me towards him.

I hear Payback and Fanboy at the door, and I plug my ears, groaning.

Coyote is right. Why are we friends with them, again?

'Fox' officially finished, joining my collection of TopGun and TopGun Maverick fIcs!!

  Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and voting!! It all means the world!

Love you all!! May God bless you!


(If you liked this fic, check out my other TopGun fanfictions!)


Osprey: A TopGun fanfic. (Iceman)
The sister; a TopGun fanfic. (Hangman)
Tiny Dancer: a TopGun fanfic. (Bob)


Tornado: a TopGun fanfic (Phoenix.)

Coming soon!

  A maverick x reader

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  A maverick x reader.
   (Titled 'Wingman')

Thanks again!

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