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I stand in the bathroom, tying my frizzy hair into a ponytail. The red, fluffy strands fight my fingers, not staying orderly. I sigh, grabbing a spray bottle and lightly misting my hair, trying to tame the fly away strands.

I stare at myself in the mirror, tying my hair in place with a rubber band. Frowning, I lean forward, observing my skin.

I have a rather pale complexion, with dots and clusters of freckles thrown around my face. I have a pointy nose and bushy eyebrows shading emerald green eyes. I was called 'Ginny Weasley' often growing up, not that I minded. I mean, who doesn't want to be compared to a strong- minded woman?

I'm rather small, barely 5'5", long and lanky, with little too no curves. I've grown up in baggy clothes my whole life, trying to hide how stick- thin I am.

Coyote knocks on the door, causing me too jump.

"Hurry up, Foxy Girl, we're gonna be late!" He exclaims, and I throw open the door, before letting out a whoop, sliding down the stair banister with my hands in the air, landing neatly on my feet.

Coyote thunders down after me, scooping up my small form and spinning around. I shriek, wrapping my arms and holding tightly too him.

  "How are you two not married?" Fanboy asks, before chucking a banana at Payback, and the fruit hits him square in the nose.

"When he buys a ring, I'll say yes." I say, wiggling from his grasp. Coyote stares at me, eyebrows raised.

"Really?" He says. "Then I'll go pick up a ring right now." His tone is joking, but is eyes are all- too serious, and I avoid his gaze.

Payback gags, causing us all too look at him, before bursting into laughter.

"That's a lot coming from the guy who's married!" Fanboy exclaims, sitting on the couch to tie his shoes. Coyote grins at him, before sticking his head in the fridge.

"Who's the lucky lady, Payback?" He asks. Payback's face reddens, and he looks down.

"Her name is Keri." He grumbles, and I laugh.

"Don't be ashamed, my guy, own it!" I say, headed towards the door. "C'mon, boys, we're gonna be late!"


I drum my fingers on the table in front of me, watching Maverick explain the mission. The pilots around me remained quiet, except for the occasional puff of disbelief.

This mission is crazy.

Coyote shifts uncomfortably next to me, slinging his arm over the back of my chair subconsciously. I glance at him. He meets my gaze, leaning to whisper in my ear.

"This thing is insane." He whispers, his breath fanning out across my neck. Butterflies flip around my stomach, and I internally scold myself.

We have to remain below 400 feet, flying a corse shown on our dashboards. The hardest part is we can not fly at less than 500 nots, moving at increasing speeds to reach the end of the course. 

   And, as the cherry on top, we have to pull an inverted dive into a narrow valley, landing bombs on an incredibly small target, before pulling up to avoid a head-on collision with a mountain.

  After pulling seven plus G's, we have to avoid being taking down by the Anti-aircraft missiles, aka sAM's. If we are super- unlucky, we have to dog fight the enemies fifth-gen fighters all the way home. In F-18's.

  It's a piece of cake.

"First up is Phoenix, Bob, Coyote, and Fox. We're trying something different with two doubles, to see how it goes." Captain Maverick says, glancing at us, before looking at the rest of the class. "In quick session will be Hangman, Fanboy, and Payback. Be ready, Aviators."

I slide from my seat, falling in line behind Hangman as we exit the classroom, headed towards the hangar, our helmets swinging at our sides.

  "This thing is..." I trail off, falling in step next too Hangman. Coyote smirks at me, trotting to catch up.

  "Insane? Impossible? A death wish?" He asks, and Hangman grins.

  "It's perfect to show off our skills, you two. Fly fast, and we'll be fine." He says, and Phoenix huffs, walking next to Coyote.

  "I call bullshit, Bagman. Flying fast is what is gonna get you killed on a course like this." She says, and Bob nods in agreement.

I stare out at the jets, ignoring Coyote's eyes on my face. Stepping away from the group, with Coyote on my tail, I clamber up the ladder.

  "You ready for this?" I ask, sliding my helmet on. He shrugs.

"We've got this, foxy. No stress." He says, giving me a smile as he climbs into the jet.

"No problem." I hum, clicking my oxygen mask into place. Coyote twists around in the uncomfortable cockpit, giving me two thumbs up.

"Easy- peasy." He says, smiling. I grin at him, mirroring his excitement.

"A walk in the park." I say, picking up a New-York accent. My pilot laughed moving to sit correctly.

"It's an exercise. How hard can it be?" He asks, and I shrug.

  "We're the best ones out here, remember, Javy." I say as he begins to taxi, moving the canopy down to lock into place.

  "I don't know. Hangman is quite the competition." Phoenix's voice comes over the Comm, and I hear Bob and I laugh.

  "Oh, yes, Bagman is quite the force too me reckoned with." I say sarcastically, causing Coyote to chuckle in front of me.

I hear Hangman sigh.

  "You know I can hear you all, right?" He says, and I hear Phoenix snort.

  "Yes we know, Bagman. I hope we didn't hurt your feelings." She says.

  "No you don't." Fanboy says over the comms. "Don't lie, Phoenix."

"Guys, guys, minds on the planes, please." Bob says.

Coyote chuckles, speaking to only me.
  "We love this group of crazies, don't we?"


I love this sm.

Looks like authors block has up and left— hallelujah!!

Hope you all have a great rest of your week!!


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