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  An: not spell checked!

I sigh, plopping down on the metal bench. Coyote sighs, leaning against the lockers. The top of his flight suit hangs at his hips, revealing a sweat soaked white tank top. I tug at the collar of my shirt, groaning.

"It's hotter than the gates of hell out here." I curse, tugging on shorts and a purple tank top.

Coyote stretches, his dog- tags jingling around his neck, his arms reaching above his head. I watch his biceps tighten, still defined from the push-ups.

What the hell, Joy. I think too myself, focusing on tying my shoes.

"We need to do our best." Coyote says, his arms swinging back down to his sides. "Maverick is a beast."

  "It's just training all over again. Beat- the - instructor." I smile at him, and he shoots me a grin back.

  We both look up as the door swings open, and I internally groan.

"Coyote, you really didn't help me out there." Fritz remarks, stepping into the locker rooms. His black hair is in a matted pile on his head, and I frown at him.

"We would have, dipshit, if you hadn't pulled away from us." I say, jumping to Coyote's defense. "You left us before we could come up with a plan."

"My plan was to win, doll face." Fritz remarks, tugging off his t-shirt, leaving himself shirtless. I glance away, my face heating. "But obviously, I didn't share that plan with Coyote."

"You win by communicating with each other. It's not my fault I don't read minds, Fritz." Coyote snarls, glaring at him. "And, like I said before, her name is Fox."

  I glance at him, surprise written all over my face.

"Aww, does it make you mad, Mister 'Wannabe boyfriend'?"
  Fritz asks, a smug look on his face as Coyote pushes of the lockers, taking a threatening step towards him, before pausing.

  "Does it make you upset that she isn't interested in you? That she'll never be interested in you?" Fritz taunts, his face pulled into an ugly smirk.

Coyote is quiet, his nostrils flaring. I stare at him, mouth slightly parted.

He breaks eye contact with the other pilot, turning on his heel and pulling off his flight suit, leaving him in his shorts and shirt. Pulling on a flight jacket, he looks at Fritz one more time.

"Fuck you."


He strides out of the locker rooms, with me scurrying after him.

I follow him out of the facility, along the walkways that lead to the Barracks.

"Coyote." I say, picking up my pace. "Coyote."

"What?" He asks, turning to look at me, and I bump into his chest. His hands grab my shoulders as he looks down at me, and I swallow.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "I've never seen you act

  "I'm fine, Foxy." He says, giving me a grim smile. "Let's just... forget about this, okay?"

I nod, and he lets go of me, and we continue down the pathway.

  And even though I said yes, I know I will never, ever be able to forget today.


(Years before TopGun: Maverick.)

Some backstory for ya'll :)

  I step into the room, crisp beige uniform scratching at my skin. I inhale deeply, glancing around the hang- out room at the boys that would be my squadron. The twenty- one officers are spread out around the room, the six closest to me at a small table.

  They glance up from their game of cards, each of them shooting me a smile. Except one, a dark haired boy with dark eyes.

  "Hello." I say, smiling, my grip on my small backpack tightening. "I'm Joy. Joy Calaway."

  One of them stands, a tall blonde, with clear eyes and a strong jaw. He reaches out his hand, shaking mine.

  "I'm Jake." He says. He pats the one nearest to him, who glances up from his cards.

  "This is Javy, and the one with bleached hair is Chris." Jake says. He opens his mouth to continue speaking, but the last few hold up their hands, speaking.

"I'm Christian." Says one with bright blue eyes, startling against his dark skin.

"I'm Henry, and this is my brother Mathew." Says a small Spanish pilot, tapping his Identical brother's shoulder, who waves up at me, eyes remaining trained on the cards.

  "This is gonna take forever." Javy mutters, looking up.
"The one with RBF is Kingston, lives up to his name by being a total asshole and bossing everyone around. Then there's John, Matthew number Two, we call him 'M', Benjamin, Howard, Penn, Peter, Joseph, Luke, we call him 'Lucky', Tyler, Alec, Cooper, the one that's sound asleep is Tim, then Eric and Sam."  He lets out a breath, giving me a smile.
  "And you are our Twenty-second officer... Joy, right?"

  "Y-yeah." I say, smiling. "Who's gonna be my pilot?"

Javy grins, pointing at himself.
  "I hope you don't get sick too easily, Joy. I fly crazy."

  "You'll be fine." Henry re-assures, his brown eyes looking at me kindly. "Just be glad you aren't flying with Jake. That's a nightmare."

  "O-okay." I say, plopping down in the chair next to Jake, looking at my hands.

  "Relax, Doll, we don't bite." Kingston says, looking up at me.

  "Doll?" I question, quirking my eyebrow. He grins at me, and I glare at him. "Wow, Javy was right. You really ARE an asshole."

  The room laughs, and Kingston chuckles, his eyes looking be up and down. I frown, glancing at Javy, who's eyes are on the dark haired pilot.

  "You are a sly little thing, aren't you?" Jake remarks, shooting me a wink, before dealing me a small pile of cards.

I take them in my hands, glancing around the table.
"So... what are we playing?"


Okay so 1. Protective Coyote is kinda hot

And B. some fun backstory for you all, not sure if all my facts are correct, but It's fun writing about Baby Fox. :3

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

- ❤️Kena

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