I love you

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I'm not really happy with this chapter, but I hope you enjoy!

  "Javy!" I scream, my hands ghosting towards the ejection handle.

  You coward. A voice whispers. Are you really gonna leave him?


"Coyote, come on!" Maverick yells, repeating my pilots name.

In a matter of seconds, we are going to crash into the earth's surface.

My hand grips the ejection handle, but I am frozen. I can't move. Come on. I think to myself. Pull the handle. Come on, damn it.

  My senses are overwhelmed with the sound of Maverick's missile lock, ringing in my ears, pulsing in my wrists.

  "Pull up, pull up, pull up," rings over and over again, the automated female voice yelling calmly. Like I'm not about to die. Like we're not about to die, about to explode into a firey ball of nothingness.

The ground serges closer and closer, and my eyes squeeze shut, and I hold my breath, waiting. Waiting for impact.

Time slows. Just for a second, but it does.

Maverick is still yelling.

  That's when I hear Coyote cry out, and the plane veers upward, twisting left, then right, before straightening.

I burst into tears of relief, yanking off my oxygen mask, wiping my face with my hands. I hear Maverick's breath of relief, and the ringing of missile lock is gone.

  "Coyote, Are you okay?" Maverick asks, but my pilot speaks to me instead.

  "Fox, are you okay?" He asks, twisting in his seat, trying to look at me. I can basically hear his heart hammering in his chest, his breaths coming in gasps.

  "Holy shit, man." I sob, my voice cracking. "You fucking scared me. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. Y-yeah, I'm okay." He makes out, breathing hard.

"Good." Maverick says, and I hear our captain breathing. "G-good."

I lean back in my seat, wiping at the tears on my face. The engines hum, we are gliding on peacefully. My Coyote is silent.

"Javy, are you alright?" I ask uncertainly, and he starts speaking, before I yell. "Watch out!"

He veers to the right, tilting the plane and slamming us to the side.

Phoenix and Bob go spinning by us, their left engine smoking.

"Bird strike!" Maverick calls, and we watch Phoenix try to gain altitude, her and Bob shouting back and forth.

I break down, collapsing in my seat, closing my eyes because I can't handle anything else.


I clamber out of the cockpit, grabbing Coyote's outstretched hand, pulling him into a hug.

He seems startled, but his arms wrap around me none the less, and I squeeze him tightly.

"You scared me so much, asshole." I mumble into his chest, my eyes welling with tears again. His lips graze my temple.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers for the hundredth time. "I'm so so sorry, love."

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