The Future

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"Thanks for letting us come, Great Uncle Ford. What are we doing again?" Dipper asked, following Ford up the hill. Tubbo and Tommy followed close by, chuckling to themselves.

"So Dipper, the rift that was left from my, ahem, "entrance" is cracking. We're getting alien adhesive."

"We know an alien!" Tubbo said, Tommy nodded.

"Really? What are they like?" Dipper asked, turning around. Ford followed suit, staring in confusion. "Isn't it that half and half kid?"

"Nope! His name is Purpled." Tommy added.
"He's a proper arsehole. Has a flying ballsack as a spaceship."

And that caused Tommy to question Tubbo's morality.

"Whatever. this is a different place, meaning we have something else. Look at the shape in those mountains, you three. What do you see?"

"A Ballsack." Tommy and Tubbo said in sync.

"No- It's a spaceship."

"Oooohhhh. That makes sense." Tommy supplied. Ford just sighed.

"Down here is where I get a lot of my tech-" Ford said, pulling open a door of sorts. "-I only have two magnet guns, so-"

He was interrupted by Tubbo and Tommy just jumping down.

"Uh- Dipper, take this. I'm going down after them." Ford said, handing Dipper a gun.


"Tubbo. Doesn't water work like normal here?"
"Please tell me we won't die."
Tubbo paused for a moment. "WE ARE PROBABLY GOING TO DIE."

They fell, screaming a bit. Before Tubbo stopped and splashed a healing potion just as they hit the floor, allowing them to live.

"Fuck you." Tommy muttered.

Ford came down right after them. Dipper followed, slower and with less elegance. Tubbo snickered.

"How did you both live?" Ford asked as soon as he landed.

"Tubbo decided to splash a Healing Pot. So we're fine."

Ford just looked more confused.


"So! Ranboo, Shroud, Micheal, Soos. You're coming with me so we can give birthday posters for Dipper and I! But we need somewhere big to host it...."

"Oh, how about the High-school gymnasium? That place is empty all year-round." Soos suggested. Ranboo didn't even know Soos that well.

"Perfect! Let's go invite my friends, Candy and Grenda, hang up the flyers, and then go to the gym to host it out!"


"I'll be back!" Mabel said. It had been a few hours, both Candy and Grenda (who reminded Ranboo of Techno a little bit, o7) both declined, so here they were, at the High-school.

Ranboo and Soos came in this time (with Micheal and Shroud of course). Ranboo marveled about the school; he'd never been to one before. It was nice.

Mabel was talking to a teenager with red hair, looking sadder and sadder by the second, until she rushed out of the school.

"Go take Shroud and Micheal to the car, I'll comfort Mabel." Ranboo said to Soos, as he promptly took the kids out. Ranboo took a deep breath before walking out.

Mabel was sitting on the steps, sweater over her head. Ranboo recalls that Tubbo did this sometimes.

"Knock knock?" Ranboo said, sitting next to Mabel.

"Sweater town isn't accepting visitors right now. Go away." was what came from the miserable girl.

"Well, I'll leave a message after the beep. 'You haven't responded to my calls, so I was wondering if you were okay. Do you want to talking about it?'"

"High-school doesn't seem all that exciting. I don't want to get older if that's what I have to deal with! I just wish summer could last forever.."

"Well, say that it does last forever. Birds won't go to the south, everything is always hot, and there will be no celebrations other than birthdays. Getting older is a part of life."

"How do you know? None of you are normal, you've never been to school."

"Well, I was thought to be a traitor to my own nation. I forget things. I work with anarchists. But there's good things about getting older, too."

"Like what?"

"Well, because I got older, I married Tubbo, we adopted Micheal, Tommy adopted Shroud, and we're happy. So the world isn't all bad. But life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's learning to dance in the rain."

Then, Ranboo hugged Mabel. (awe ranboo and mabel fluff)


"What the fuck."

Tommy, Tubbo, Ford and Dipper were staring at an odd probe of some kind.

"Careful, it senses fear."

Well good luck with that. Tommy and Dipper were practically pissing their pants about this. So, Ford struck first. He destroyed one of the droids, before pushing the "teenager trio" out of the way so they don't get caught.

Then, Ford is hit and caught.

"Well fuck." Tubbo said.

"Great Uncle Ford! We have to save him, come on!"

The trio raced after Ford's droid, natural stamina coming to the older teens. The droid attached itself to another, bigger ship.

"JESUS CHRIST! Tubbo, swords!" Tommy shouted as Dipper connected with his magnet gun. Right before the ship shot off, Tubbo and Tommy stabbed the swords into the ship, holding on as it shot out. Ford hits his head and gets knocked out as Dipper is desperately trying to make the ship stop.

"AHA!" Dipper shouts, pressing a button on the gun, before the ship starts falling.


----------- (sorry my writing is getting kinda shit i'm too antsy and excited to write weirdmaggedon)

Mabel was sitting on her bed. Micheal and Shroud were outside, playing with Waddles with Ranboo's supervision, so she was alone.

"Great Uncle Ford, are you alright?" She heard Dipper's voice say.

"Of course. That was really brave, Dipper. You both, as well. Say, Dipper. Do yuo want to be my apprentice? Help me study the anomalies of this town with me?"

"Of course! I'd love to."

Mabel couldn't believe her ears.

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