oh finally somebody other than tommy- oh wait hes a raccoon

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"Mabel?" Ranboo called out, tail flicking.

He'd been wandering through the forest for a while now (at least it seemed), and he was losing hope. But he couldn't shake a certain- feeling- in his head.

A feeling that something horrible was about to happen. Maybe it was because endermen were kinda like cats, and cats usually could tell if something was wrong, and he was part-

Okay, now he's just rambling.

With a shake of his head, a flick of his tail and a sigh, he turned around and headed to where the Mystery Shack was. His shoes crunched on the dead pine needles as he hung his head low, hugging himself. He really hated that sensation, that thought, that feeling-

The Mystery Shack came into view just as a loud rumble shook the earth. Ranboo fell from the sudden mini-earthquake and he looked up, to check that nothing was falling on him. But something was wrong-

The sky was red.

Ranboo's ears lowered as he rushed back to his feet, running to the clearing. Tommy, Dipper and Ford were there, looking visibly paniked.

"What's going on?" The lanky man said, slightly panting.

"Bill got ahold of the rift. He's leaking his world into ours. To be honest, I thought the world would end with a BANG, not a Coo-coo." Ford said, gesturing.

A large, red-ish wave came crashing down. All of Ranboo's instincts told him that he needed to run, so he tried to push the group out of the way. To no avail, of course. That thing had covered the mystery shack, but it didn't feel like water. Just.... compressed air.

All of Ranboo's fur (it wasn't much- just a bunch of really short, tiny hairs on his Ender side) stood up, nervousness overcoming him. But then he heard chattering near him, and whipped around to see-

Tommy had raccoon ears and tail.


Though the situation was dire (their friends could be dead, Tubbo and Mabel were missing, and literal God was ready to make trauma) Ranboo couldn't help but bark out laughter.

"YOU- TECHNO SAID- AND NOW-" Ranboo broke off, tail and ears quivering as he laughed. Tommy's face was bright red with embarrassment, while Ford and Dipper just snorted.

"Okay, I have a weapon for this exact predicament. We'll head to where Bill is, shoot him and we'll be done." Ford said, pulling out a huge gun.

"Americans and their guns." Tommy stated, trying to flatten his ears to his head as much as he could.

"Well right now, it's our only hope. Let's go find Bill."


So where Bill was, was near a clock-tower.

"Remember, we have one shot at this. Don't distract me." Ford said, preparing his gun. He loaded it and aimed, and-

"SDHWNFJWEF I'M ALIVE NOW!" A random bell rang.

And Ford missed.

Ranboo can't really recall what happened after that, only that the top of the tower was blown up.

He sat up, brushing off his sleeves. Tommy (who was unconscious), Dipper and Ford seemed to be mostly fine, albeit a little shaken up. Ford yelled something at Dipper, before Dipper ran down the clock tower.

"Good old' six fingers. I've been waiting an eternity to have a chat face-to-face."

Bill proceeded to pick Ford up, make some sort of speech, then turn him into gold.

Ranboo didn't pay attention to what was going on as he rushed over to Tommy. He had- a rather concerning- wound on his head, but he'd be fine. But he'd have an interesting scar.

"Tommy, you gotta wake up, man..."

Ranboo picked Tommy up, attempting to shuffle the same way Dipper went. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bill zoomed in on somebody, clearly distracted. After a few moments, that "somebody" ran up and attempted to punch Bill in the eye, without any success.

Ranboo watched as Bill took the three journals.

"This is what happens to heroes in my world."

And that would stick with Ranboo for a while.

"Oh? Now what do we have here.." Bill said, picking Ranboo and Tommy up with a telekinetic force.

"Wait wait, don't tell me- XD sent all three of you here? And your kids? Wow, I'm having way too much fun with this." Bill said, eye looking rather- happy. Ranboo didn't like it.

"Don't touch them." Ranboo growled, a scowl making up his face. Tommy was still knocked out- still breathing, but unconscious.

"Oh, I already have. Lookie here, I have the goat boy!" Bill said, rather cheery.

But when He pulled out a stone Tubbo, Ranboo was horrified.

"LET ME GO- LET HIM GO!" Ranboo yelled, attempting (without much success) to thrash out of the telekinetic grip latched onto him.

Ranboo looked down to see his legs turning to stone- not unlike Tubbo's. Bill laughed.

Until he was suddenly let go.

"Nah, I'll have more fun watching you pathetic mortals try. Plus, there's a VIP party at the fearamid! Goodbye, Oreo boy! And Teeth, 8-Ball, you've earned a treat. Have the kid, but leave those two for me."

And Bill drove away in a car.

Wait a fucking ca-

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