Chapter Sixteen: We Cool?

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Watch the video above BEFORE or AFTER this chapter to understand my head space

Not proofread, yuh

Dakota's POV

I walk into my room and sit down as I watch Cassie fiddling with her fingers as she looks at the floor nervously

"Cassie if you have something to say then say it" I say impatiently, this catches her attention and she sits down in front of me on the bed

"I.....haven't been ok for a while, I have been constantly thinking of something that happened on Halloween...with Daniel" She says and I instantly sit up

"What happened..are you ok" I say worriedly as I think of the worst

"It's not what your thinking..exactly...he and I were dancing at the party and...we went upstairs and he wanted to have sex....I said no and we kept making out but I turned down his advances to go further....he got mad and said that I was leading him one would want me for me if they were smart...basically saying that I'm not worth anything about my body..that I'm boring and any person that thinks I'm interesting is full of shit" Cassie says and I lean back in realization

"He....basically said that you are really only good for hook ups....Cassie...... you do know that even with what he said, that doesn't excuse you sleeping with a guy who abused your best friend" I say causing her to look at me as she starts to get teary eyed

"I really really like you Cassie...I think you've been dealt a bad hand in life with how much you've been through...with your dad...with guys using what they made you do against you constantly making mistakes and not seeing what's going on...but you really need to see that what you've done now....isn't the end and you can grow from this" I say before getting up and going over to Cassie

"You cheated on McKay, you couldn't tell me how you felt on homecoming even when I'm the one who has been there for you throughout your issues besides slept with my worst enemy and your best friends abusive ex boyfriend, physically and mentally abusive ex......I just want you to see what you've done" I add on as Cassie puts her head down a bit in shame

"You've been seen as something your not.....your not a slut just dumb sometimes.....and I wanna say that you have me a hundred percent don't have me a hundred percent...I need to forgive you just like Maddy does but don't think I've given up on you" I explain as I cup her cheek

Cassie looks at me as tears roll down her face and she grabs my wrist as she stares into my eyes

"I just want to be loved" She says softly

"Then love yourself first....for more than just what's on the outside, your more than a pretty face Cassie...but I can't be the one always telling you that" I say softly as Cassie puts her hand on my waist

"Then who will" Cassie says tearfully and I close my eyes for a second before opening them

"You.....people can't tell you who you are have to see who you are and embrace it...figure out what you like and read people more'll find out all you'll need to know if you see what you don't like and if it outweighs the things you do like" I say in reference to everyone and they mama calling her beautiful but not actually seeing that she's smart, creative and talented along with the guys that forced her to be in videos that they later used against her

(A/n TW⚠️ Sexual Manipulation: Fight me on that idc she was definitely coerced into making those sexual videos, you can see it in her face and she clearly didn't realize that what was going on was sexual manipulation) 

"Ok.....what does this mean for us" She says and I pull her close to me

"You and I have to remain friends for a while....but you have to let Nate go, he's only holding you back...and keeping you where you are now" I say and Cassie nods, I detach from her and run my hand over my face before looking at her

"Is there anything else you wanna talk about....if it's cool with Suze then you can stay the night" I say and Cassie suddenly tenses

"Yea....Cal Jacobs is looking for the person who beat Nate up....I wanted to come warn you and he followed me here but I lost him before I made it to your house but I think you should call your parents or Mouse maybe" She says and I tense up at the mention of my uncle

" Oh ok I'll contact my parents, thanks" I say before going to leave the room but Cassie pulls me back and cups my face

"What are you hiding...I saw you tense up" She says sternly and I look away from her

"Hey.....I told you everything and I know I have to gain your trust but if your there for me..I'm here for you" She says and I feel the tears coming down my face

"Mouse died.....he was killed at a job he was doing and...I haven't told my parents yet" I say as I start to get chocked up, Cassie looks at me with sad eyes before pulling me down and hugging me tightly

We stand there for a few moments as I let everything out when suddenly she pulls away, she take my hand and leads me to my bed

I frown in confusion as she lays down and leaves her legs open, Cassie pulls me on top of her and I go to move away but she pulls me so that my face is buried into her neck

I feel her run her hands up and down my back as she holds me and I relax into her touch as I feel myself drifting off to sleep

I wake up without Cassie under me telling me to must have gone home, I get up and head to my drawers before going into the bathroom

I shower and do my morning routine before going into the living room, I smell bacon cooking causing me to walk to the kitchen where I see Cassie cooking

I smile and walk up to her and hug her from behind

"Good morning Kota...I made your favorite" She says with a smile and my eyes light up at the food she made

"Chocolate chip remembered" I say walking over to the plate of waffles and biting into one with a hum

"Of course I did" she says in a duh tone before turning the stove off, we go into the living room and eat breakfast together

Cassie leaves to get dressed at home while I drive to school, upon arriving to school I walk to my locker to be met with Kat and Maddy who look less than pleased but I shrug and head to my locker

"What's this I hear about you talking to Cassie" Maddy says beside me

"I did and guess what....I didn't forgive her all the way...she's gotta earn my trust back and yours if your willing" I say before grabbing my hood and walking away

"Dakota you do realize she's just not gonna change right" Kat says and I roll my eyes

"Kat we don't know anything for sure...look I was affected by this too and I'll deal with it the best way I know how..if I can forgive my parents then I can forgive Cassie" I say before walking off, I'm not being stupid but I know that not everything is how it seems

Especially when dealing with Nate Jacobs

A/n ok well that went well and yes I'm going with the if Cassie didn't get defensive angle because why not plus how they did her and Kat this season and even Maddy I didn't like plus Nate showing interest in Cassie all of a sudden makes no sense on his part


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