Chapter Twenty-Eight: Embarrassment

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Dakota's POV

Cassie and I take out seats as Lexi's narrating fills our ears once again, I watch "Nate" wrap a fur coat around "Maddy" as my character walks over with a smirk on her face

"Jake and Marta's relationship was our first impression of love but Danny's relationship with Marta was our first impression of how love can break apart so easily and how much lust can take over" Lexi narrates

"No one had loved me as much as you" Marta says

"No one ever will" Jake says, my character walks up behind Marta as her and Jake kiss and leans into Marta's ear

"But will he ever make love to you the same way I could" My charecter says and I sigh heavily before looking down at the floor

I feel eyes on me as I try my best to ignore them, my curiosity gets the better of me and I look over to see Nate starting holes into my head

I look away and see Cassie looking at me with fire in her eyes, I lean over and kiss Cassie passionately causing her to moan slightly

"Your my one and only....Maddy isn't my are" I say and Cassie let's out a sigh before pecking my lips and looking forward again

I smile to myself but see Maddy looking at me with an unsure look, I hear music start and my eyes widen as I see a heap of shirtless dude on stage starting to work out

I let out a slight laugh as the guys start dancing, I look over to Nate as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat and his demeanor gets more and more uneasy

I hear doors open and I look back to see three detectives walking into the auditorium and standing at the very top, we make eye contact and I nod as they do the same

I look forward and gasp a bit before laughing at the sheer homoerotic shit that's happening right now

"This is...wild" I say as I laugh hard as hell

"I can't tell if we're supposed to be offended or not" Cassie says laughing and I shake my head

"I don't think we should...just appreciate it" I say in the middle of laughs, I look over to see the detectives walking down the isle and I smirk as I look over to Nate who gets up angrily

I smile as the detectives pull him into handcuffs and out of the auditorium, I clap as the music ends and kiss the side of Cassie's head

"Ima go take a call real quick" I say to Cassie before getting up and walking out, as I do I watch Nate fight the cops but one tazes him causing him to fall to the ground in agony

I smile as our eyes meet and I dial my parents

"Hey ok" My father asks and I smirk

"Everything is going as planned...Nate's handled...handle Fez" I say smugly as the cops get Nate off the ground

"That's my girl...go enjoy the play, we'll call you and Cassie home when it's done...don't worry about Jules or Maddy, they'll be fine" He says before hanging up

"Have fun in jail scum" I say before walking back to the auditorium and to my seat with Nate screaming and crying behind me, Cassie's grabs my hand and kisses it as she smiles and pulls my hand to her thigh

"Who called babe" She asks and I smile at her

"My dad was just checking in on us" I say before looking forward

Your next Fez....I hope this hurts

I sit back as a scene with the Maddy and Kat look alikes come on stage and start walking in a maze of mirrors

"Oh no" Cassie says beside me causing me to frown

"What's wrong" I say confused, Cassie gulps as laughing around us starts

"Look at Marta...that's what she wore to the carnival" Cassie says and I look back and see the purple outfit

"Oh I think-

I go to continue my sentence but I'm cut off by the Cassie look alike on the carousel house, I feel my anger flair up and look to Cassie who's face is bright red and tears starting to stream down her face

"We're" I say before getting up and pulling Cassie towards me a bit, she gets up as the laughing continues behind us as stares and pointing continues

"That's so fucked up like I get the concept of the play but why include that shit...ima talk to her because this is some bullshit" I yell as we walk out and Cassie tries to keep up with me, her heels clicking rapidly behind me

"Baby it''s not ok...but I'll talk to her...let me handle it" Cassie says as I open the door for Cassie before leaving out of the school

"Nah let me because she's got me fucked-

"Baby!.....I got it please....just let me talk to her but I don't wanna talk tonight...the embarrassment is enough" She yells before talking softly again, I calm down and take a deep breath

" talk to her" I say and Cassie cups my face

"You can't protect me from everything....I have to deal with it myself sometimes...just like I can't protect you sometimes" Cassie explains and my body relaxes a bit

"I know....just..very protective of you..especially since your dad left and I...I can't stand seeing you upset or feeling like shit" I say and Cassie smiles before pulling me into a kiss

The kiss starts to escalate and my hands make there way to her waist then to her ass, I squeeze it and pull her close causing Cassie to moan

"Wait wait....please uh...can we slow down" Cassie says pulling away, I remove my hands and rub her back as I feel her body is very tense, almost like she's scared I'm gonna get mad at her

I smile and nod before kissing her forehand

"Yea...that's ok...just tell me when your ready" I say and Cassie smiles and pecks my lips before walking to the car, I sigh and adjust myself before opening her door then getting in

I hope Fez was handled

A/n oh jeez.......Nate was arrested🍾🍾🍾🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰


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