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3rd person pov:

y/n woke up one morning feeling very tired. she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I hate the fucking mornings." she groaned, pulling her covers off and sitting at the edge of her bed. she stared at her phone, '9:38'. she noticed a notification from somebody on twitter. '

hey y/n, I notice that you edit videos. do you mind editing one for me? obviously with payment, I'm not a dickhead.'

y/n stared at the message. 'I guess I could do that today. it's not like I have any plans.' she thought. she responded.

sure, if you send me the video I'll get on with it in 30 mins to an hour. it'll be like £25-£30 payment.'

1 file link'
she shut off her phone and got dressed into a white shirt with black flared jeans and went downstairs to make breakfast. she made herself pancakes and had a glass of water with it, she would've made a coffee, but she decided not to as she was going to go to a café to edit the video. after breakfast, she grabbed her bag and placed her laptop, headphones, purse, keys and phone inside.

when she arrived at the café she stepped inside and sat down at a table. she took her laptop and her headphones out of her bag, and placed them on the table. she plugged in her headphones before going on twitter and opening the file tommy had sent to her. she opened her editing software and added the file to the project.

after about 10 minutes she went up and ordered a coffee. when she got her coffee, she was paying no attention where she was going and walked into someone. "oh god, I'm so sorry!" she apologised, looking at who she had walked into. he was very tall, brunette, and looked quite shook after their interaction. "it's okay, I probably should've moved." he responded. she looked at him confused. "it's not your fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." she reassured him, and he nodded. "what's your name?" he asked. y/n smiled, turning off her phone. "y/n, but could we go over to my table and talk? i kinda left my laptop unattended. i wasn't expecting to walk into somebody so I thought i'd be quick." she told him and he nodded, they walked over to her table and sat down. "my names wilbur- WAIT, you're editing my mates video!" he said. y/n looked over at him. "you know him?" she asked. "yeah I do, we make videos and stream together a lot. I assume you're a video editor?" y/n smiled at him, he was sweet considering she had just walked straight into him. "yes I am, and you're a streamer?" she asked. wilbur nodded. "why are you being so nice by the way? i just walked directly into you!" y/n questioned him. "because you didn't mean to, it was an accident. i cant get pissed at you just because you accidentally walked into me." wilbur told her. "fair point." y/n agreed.

they talked for a bit while y/n edited, and they got to know eachother quite well. "you wanna hang out sometime?" wilbur asked, "we can hang with tommy too if you don't mind." y/n liked the sound of that, "sure." she said. wilbur wrote his number in her contacts, and when she looked at his contact name after he left the café, she realised he had named himself 'the best man ever (VERY HANDSOME)' she laughed, changing the name to 'café boy☕️' then, she messaged him.

'hey café boy'  11:27am

café boy☕️
'hello café woman'  11:49am

word count: 628 words

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