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"what if we can't find a house that we like?" y/n said as she pulled her shirt on over her head. wilbur sighed. "we will sweetheart, I promise you. i saw one the other day that I'd like to go and look at. it's absolutely beautiful, I think you'll like it. it's like this one, but with less rooms of course." he told her. y/n smiled, "I can't wait now. I'm so excited to move in with you." she said, looking at herself in her mirror. wilbur walked up behind her and hugged her from behind, kissing her head. "me too." y/n looked up at him before looking back at herself in the mirror. "can you pass me my joggers please baby? they're on my bed." she asked. wilbur threw them to her and she caught them. she stepped into them before putting up her hair.

wilbur stepped out of the car and walked over to y/n. "baby, don't stress so much. I hate seeing you so stressed, it stresses me out." he told her, holding her hand. he kissed her cheek. "this is the really nice house I told you about. you wanna go inside and have a look?" he asked her, smiling. y/n nodded. the two entered the house, it was a little bigger than the one they were currently living in with their friends. "what do you think, honey? do you like it?" wilbur asked her. y/n smiled, "I love it. so much, it's beautiful. do you want to make an offer..?" wilbur put his arm around y/n and pulled her close to his side. "yeah, I do. I want to live here with you."  the two smiled at eachother. "we're gonna live together. oh my god! we're gonna live together!" y/n exclaimed, she was so excited. she flung her arms around wilburs neck and kissed him. he kissed her back and smiled through the kiss. "come on, let's go make an offer." he said through kisses. "in a minute, we can kiss for a little bit longer." the two kissed for a little longer, before going to make an offer.

when they got home, they saw tommy and tubbo sat down on the sofa. "wow, that was quick. did you two find a place?" tommy asked, y/n smiled and grabbed wilburs hand. "we did. it's beautiful. i just hope we get it." y/n replied. "i cant believe you two are already getting a place together, it feels like you guys got together just last week." tubbo exclaimed. "yeah. i cant believe it's been 4 months!" y/n responded, before going upstairs to her bedroom.

a week later
"sweetheart don't worry, we'll get a call about the house. i promise you. they're probably still making the decision on who's going to get it. don't stress it, okay?" wilbur comforted y/n, rubbing circles on her back. she nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. then his phone rang. "that could be nancy (their real estate agent) calling about the house, I'll be right back honey." wilbur got up and left the room, "hello?" y/n laid on his bed, she was worried they weren't going to get the house. she loved that house, and she knew wilbur loved it too. she wanted a house with the man she loved. if she couldn't have that, she didn't know what she was going to do. "that was nancy." wilbur said as she entered back into the room. "and?" y/n asked, sitting up straight. "we got the house." wilbur had a huge smile plastered across his face now. "we did?" y/n asked. wilbur nodded. "oh my god!" y/n jumped off of wilburs bed and ran up to him. she kissed him on the lips and he kissed her back, lifting her up so her legs were wrapped around his waist. "I'm going to cry, I can't believe it. I'm so happy!" she exclaimed, kissing wilbur again. "I think we should tell the boys now." y/n suggested, wilbur nodded and put her down. they went downstairs and stood in the kitchen with tommy and tubbo. "guys, guess what?" y/n said. "what's up?" tubbo asked. "we got the house." wilbur said. tommy and tubbo both gasped, "I'm so happy for you two." tommy said, giving y/n a hug before giving wilbur a hug too. tubbo did the same. "we're moving in next month." wilbur told them. y/n grabbed wilburs hand. "you wanna do something?" she asked him, a stupid smile appearing on her face. wilbur grinned back at her, "sure." he kissed her cheek and y/n dragged him upstairs into his bedroom. "that's one way to celebrate I guess.." tommy said awkwardly. tubbo laughed at him.

wilbur locked his door and leaned his back against it. y/n was sat on his bed, "come here" he said. y/n got up and walked over to him. he put his hands on her waist and she moved hers to his chest. "I love you." y/n muttered. wilbur smiled at her, "I love you too." he replied. he kissed her and she kissed him back.

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