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the morning after their anniversary, y/n woke up, still in wilburs room. "will..?" she said quietly in a sleepy voice. she looked around and saw him laying on his side next to her, still sleeping. she smiled. 'he looks so cute when he's asleep.' she thought to herself. she pushed some of his hair out of his face and got out of bed. she put her clothes on and went into her bedroom to change into clean ones. she then went downstairs to sit with the others. "hi!" she said happily, sitting next to tommy on the sofa. "hey!" the boys responded. "wilbur still asleep?" tommy asked. "oh yeah, I don't think he slept well last night." y/n told him. about an hour later, wilbur came downstairs. "morning sweetie!" y/n greeted him happily. "morning honey.." he said, he sounded really tired. "I wouldn't kiss me if I were you by the way, I'm sick" wilbur said, "I hate being sick" he complained. "oh baby, I'm so sorry that you're sick." she consoled him, getting up and walking over to where he was standing. she put her arm around him and rubbed his arm with her hand. "go and rest sweetie, I'll get you anything you need, okay?" wilbur nodded, "thank you y/n.." he responded, going back upstairs. about 5 minutes later, y/n went up to see if he wanted anything. she knocked on his door before walking in. "baby, do you want anything?" she asked. "can I have some water please." wilbur asked her. she nodded, "of course you can." she walked up to him and moved some of his hair out of his face, as she did, she felt his head to see if he had a temperature or anything. "sweetie you're boiling. you need to take your sweater off, I'll open your window, okay?" she told him. "no.. I'm fineee" he whined. "sweetheart you aren't, you are boiling and you're extremely pale. I'm worried about you." y/n told him, opening his window. "yeah I'm gonna throw up" wilbur said, getting up and going to the bathroom. y/n frowned and went to get him some water. he walked out of the bathroom and back upstairs. y/n went back up to his room to give him his water. "here you go honey. why don't you try and sleep? i know you didn't sleep well last night." she told him. he nodded. "thank you sweetie, can we cuddle for just 5 minutes..?" he asked before taking a sip of his water. "yes of course we can. but then I want you to go to sleep. you might feel a bit better when you wake up." wilbur nodded and y/n got into bed with him. he put his arms around her and laid his head on her chest. he fell asleep not long after. y/n got up very slowly and turned off his light. she went back downstairs and her, tommy and tubbo watched a movie. wilbur slept for about 2 hours, and when he woke up he didn't really feel better at all. he came downstairs to go to the bathroom and when he left the bathroom he talked to the others. "hey sweetie, how are you feeling now?" y/n asked. "not good." he said. "I'm doing a stream, feel free to join." he added. y/n looked at him if he was insane. "no you aren't." she said. "why?" wilbur asked. "honey you're sick. you need to rest so you can get better. and I really want you to get better. and surely you want to get better?" wilbur nodded. "I want to stay down here with you guys though! I'm started to get fed up with running all the way down the stairs when I have to throw up" he said. y/n nodded. he sat on the sofa next to her and leaned his head on her shoulder. he ended up going back to sleep again. y/n planted a kiss on his forehead. "do you guys wanna watch a movie" tommy asked. "we've watched like 5 already, but sure" tommy grabbed the remote and started scrolling through netflix. "no, god no, no, absolutely not, no, no, nah," y/n and tubbo repeated as tommy scrolled through. they watched 2 movies, then wilbur woke up again after 4 hours. "I'm dying" he complained.

a/n: I realise that this chapter was completely irrelevant to the story, but I enjoyed writing it. i don't know what else to write for it though, so it ends here.

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