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y/n and wilbur were now home from london. it was 2 hours before they had to be at y/n's cousins wedding. y/n was getting ready in her bedroom, and wilbur was already ready downstairs. y/n had forced him to get ready at the same time as her, even though it wouldn't take him as long, because she was worried about being late. she curled the ends of her hair and finished up her makeup. then she put on her dress, and grabbed her bag. she ran downstairs. "we have got to leave now" she told wilbur. wilbur nodded. y/n slipped on her heels and then opened the door. "bye guys" her and wilbur said as they left. they got in the car and drove to the venue. they parked the car. "okay, we are right on time." y/n said as they got out of the car. they entered the venue, and saw her other cousin, elora, who she actually liked, standing at the door with vanessa (who, if you have forgotten, is y/n's sister). "hi vanessa, hi elora." elora gasped. "oh my god! y/n! i haven't seen you since like 2017 oh my god, you look absolutely beautiful!" y/n laughed, "thank you elora." she said, giving her cousin a hug. "where's the bitch whos wedding it is then?" elora and vanessa also didn't like michelle, as they also had experience with her being a bitch. they laughed, "she's getting into her dress now, she's with mum and aunt nancy." vanessa explained. "oh y/n, who's this cutie you bought with you?" elora asked, looking at wilbur. "oh, this is my boyfriend, wilbur." y/n said, "wilbur, this is my cousin, elora. and yes, I actually like her" y/n laughed. "hi, it's nice to meet you." wilbur said, shaking elora's hand. "are we allowed to go get champagne so I'm atleast a little drunk when I have to talk to that bitch" y/n asked. "nah, we aren't allowed until after the ceremony. i wish we were though, she drives me crazy with her, 'oh, I always smell fantastic, it's just my natural scent!', cause honestly no one gives a fuck" elora mimicked her sister. they all laughed and continued talking, and then y/n noticed her mum and brother across the room. "oh no. i can see nick. hide me wilbur he's going to try and embarrass me in front of you" (nick is y/n's brother) y/n muttered. but it was too late. "OOHHHH Y/NNN!" her brother called out, walking over to her. "hi nick." y/n said. "fancy seeing you here, I thought you hated michelle?" nick asked. "I do, but I can't just not show up to her wedding!" y/n replied. "whos the handsome guy?" nick asked. "are you inlove with him or something?" she laughed. nick laughed with her, "no, but seriously who is he" y/n stopped laughing, "nick this is wilbur, my boyfriend. wilbur, you have now had the unfortunate opportunity of meeting my brother. this is nick." wilbur laughed, "nice to meet you mate, surprised my sister can actually pull guys." nick said, shaking wilburs hand. y/n rolled her eyes and put her hand on wilburs arm, "you wanna go meet my mum? she's over there." she pointed over to where her mother was, while rubbing wilburs arm with her other hand. wilbur nodded. she held his hand and they said goodbye to y/n's siblings and her cousin. "mum!" y/n called to her mother. she turned around, "oh my gosh hi darling! you look wonderful." her mum responded. "ooh, and who's this you've bought with you?" she asked. "this my boyfriend, wilbur. wilbur this is my mum, laura." y/n's mother smiled, "it's so nice to meet you wilbur, how long have you two known eachother?" y/n smiled. "uhm, 8 months I would say? we've been together for 3 months though." wilbur responded, smiling. "mum, where's dad? why isn't he with you?" y/n asked. "oh! he's with your uncle mike." her mum explained. "so, wilbur, tell me about yourself? what do you do?" laura asked (I'll be referring to her as laura aswell because I don't want to repeat too much). "oh, well I'm in a band called lovejoy, we have quite a few songs. I've also made my own songs, and I'm also a content creator." he told her. laura nodded, "how old are you?" she asked him. "I'm 25, soon 26." wilbur responded. they continued talking and her mother got to know wilbur better. "we also live together, not just us though. we live with two friends aswell." y/n told her mother. "why don't you take wilbur to meet your father?" laura asked. "good idea, thanks mum, I'll see you later." y/n said, "bye wilbur," laura said as they walked off. wilbur smiled and waved. y/n walked up to her dad. "father dearest, your favourite child is finally here" she said. her dad laughed, "hi darling," he responded, "who is this you have with you?" he asked. "dad this is wilbur, he's my boyfriend, wilbur this is my dad, Ian." y/n introduced them and they got to know eachother while she talked to her uncle mike. "where's finn?" (finn is michelle's soon to be husband) y/n asked, he was nice and got on really well with y/n. "he's over there talking to elora and your siblings." her uncle pointed. "will, sweetie, I'm going to go and talk to michelle's fiancé, are you coming?" y/n asked. "oh uhm, yes! it was nice meeting you sir." wilbur said, waving goodbye to y/n's father. "finn!" y/n called, walking over to where her cousin's fiancé was standing. "hi y/n!" finn responded, giving her a hug. "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?" he asked her. "well... firstly, congratulations on the engagement. and I've got myself a boyfriend now," she replied, pointing to wilbur, "this is wilbur, wilbur this is finn." finn smiled, "nice to meet you finn," wilbur said, shaking his hand, "congratulations" finn nodded, "thanks mate." he said. y/n continued to introduce wilbur to her family, before the ceremony started. y/n and wilbur sat next to her parents, and waited. they watched while finn walked down the aisle with his parents walking beside him. "weddings are so beautiful." y/n whispered to wilbur. "I know," wilbur responded, he smiled. when michelle started walking down the aisle, everyone stood up, they watched, "she looks so pretty, I'm shocked to say but I'm happy for her." y/n whispered. wilbur nodded and laughed quietly. once they had married, everyone was sat down at different tables. wilbur and y/n were sat at a table with elora, vanessa, nick and y/n's other cousin carmen, who was the youngest out of all of them (15), but atleast she was nice. it was all going well, until michelle came over. "hey y/n." she said, leaning on the table. "hey michelle, congratulations on the marriage." y/n replied. "thank you. so, tell me about you? are you engaged yet?" she asked. "um, no michelle. me and wilbur have only been together for 3 months. i told you that over the phone yesterday." y/n responded. "oh, what a shame. i didn't think you would be.." michelle scoffed. "what's that supposed to mean?" y/n asked her. michelle laughed, "well, I don't see why anyone would want to marry you, you can be a real bitch you know.." she said. "michelle what the actual fuck? you've been a bitch to me my entire life, how are you going to call ME a bitch?" y/n replied, she was so upset and quite offended at what michelle had said. she got up and left the venue. "y/n- honey," wilbur tried getting her attention, but she didn't turn around. wilbur got up and followed after her. "someone can't take a harmless joke." michelle laughed. "honey that wasn't funny, you clearly upset her." finn confronted her. "oh she'll be fine she's a grown woman." michelle rolled her eyes. meanwhile outside, y/n was leaned against the car. wilbur walked up to her, "sweetie i am so sorry." he told her, "for what? you didn't do anything?" she said confused. "I know. but I felt bad for you after she said that to you." wilbur answered, pulling y/n in for a hug. "I can't go back in there. i don't want to see her. that was so embarrassing." y/n told wilbur. "it's okay. get in the car, I'll get our jackets, okay?" he handed y/n the car keys and she got in the car while he got their jackets. he entered the venue and was immediately approached by michelle. "where's your girlfriend? she coming back in? or is she being over dramatic like last time." wilbur sighed, "we're leaving, congratulations on your marriage." wilbur told her, walking over to their table and grabbing their jackets. "you can't leave my wedding! that's so disrespectful!" michelle replied. "y/n's upset, we have a right to leave. you were rude to her. she showed up to your wedding last minute and you still decide to insult her like that?" wilbur confronted her, before leaving the venue again. he got in the car and drove home. when the got in, the other two were surprised to see them. "wow, short wedding huh?" tommy asked. "michelle is a bitch. i hate her and I don't want to see her again." y/n said, going upstairs to change into something more comfortable.

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