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y/n was streaming geoguessr in her room, when wilbur burst through the door. "hey sweetie, you okay?" wilbur walked over to her. "can you mute quickly?" he asked, y/n nodded and muted the stream. he kissed her lips before pulling away. "I'm doing a gig later, you coming?" he asked her. y/n had to go to dinner with her sister, so she wasn't going to be able to make it, and she felt awful. "baby I'm so sorry I'm not gonna be able to make it," she told him, "I have to go to dinner with my sister, I haven't seen her in years." wilbur frowned, "oh," he said, clearly a little upset, not in an angry way, a sad way. "it's okay." he told her. y/n gave him a hug. "I'm so so sorry that I'm not gonna be there to watch you baby, but I promise you, next time, I'll be there. and I always keep my promises." she gave him a quick kiss on the the cheek. wilbur nodded. he was sad that his girlfriend wasn't going to be there to see him play, but it wasn't her fault. "are you upset?" y/n asked him. "um.. just a little.. but it's not your fault I'm just kinda sad you won't be able to see me play." he said. y/n nodded, "I'm so sorry, I feel so bad." she told him, "I'll be there next time I promise." wilbur smiled and kissed her softly before leaving the room. she unmuted the stream and continued to play geoguessr. after the stream, she texted her sister. 'I'm gonna be a few minutes late for dinner tonight.' she wanted to come and watch wilbur perform one song.

later that day, wilbur was doing his gig and y/n was getting ready for dinner. but she had to stop somewhere beforehand. wilbur was performing at the brighton electric, so she went there before she left for dinner. he was just about to perform their song 'perfume', then noticed y/n in the audience. he smiled and she waved to him. he waved back and y/n mouthed something to him. "can I come on stage quickly?" wilbur nodded. y/n walked up on to the stage. "I wanted to see you perform one song atleast." she said. wilbur smiled, "thank you." he said. while they were talking, tommy was entertaining the audience. "I thought you were going to dinner with your sister?" he asked her. "she can wait five minutes." she told him. he laughed and kissed her. she kissed him back before they pulled away quickly. "I'm so proud of you." y/n said, wilbur smiled, "thank you for coming." he told her before she had to go off stage so he could perform. wilbur walked back up to the microphone, "uh, before I start I just want to say thank you to my girlfriend, um, for being here tonight. even though she has dinner plans in like 2 minutes," he laughed and pointed to where she was, so the audience could see, "I love you" y/n blew him a kiss from the audience. the audience clapped, and he then started playing. at the end, everyone clapped and y/n walked to the front of the audience. "I have to go now sweetie, but you were absolutely amazing." she told wilbur, he hopped off stage to give her a hug. "thank you again for coming." he said. "you're welcome. i love you." y/n replied. "I love you too." wilbur said before she left. he got back on stage and continued to play.

y/n went to dinner with her sister, when she got there, she sat down at the table her sister got for them. "I'm so sorry vanessa, i had to go and see my boyfriend play at his gig." y/n apologised. "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" her sister said, almost choking on her drink. y/n laughed, "yes I do." she said. "let me see him!" vanessa demanded. y/n got up a photo of him on her phone and handed it to vanessa. "is he gorgeous or what!" she exclaimed, y/n took her phone back, "that's my boyfriend you're talking about!" y/n laughed. "you're one lucky girl y/n," vanessa told her, "tell me a bit about him thennnn!!! is he a good kisser?" she asked laughing. y/n laughed and blushed a little, "well, yesss.." she answered, "and he's in a band." vanessa grinned, "have you two um.. you know?" she asked laughing. y/n got all embarrassed, she use to do that all the time whenever y/n got a boyfriend. "I'm not telling you that!" she protested, "if you're refusing to tell me that just means you have!" vanessa said. y/n rolled her eyes, "fine! we have.. once." she lied. vanessa raised an eyebrow, "you're lying" she teased her. "how do you know that?" y/n asked. "because when you were little, everytime you lied you would fiddle with your fingers, and you're doing that right now." vanessa said. "why do you need to know how many times?" y/n asked. "because I have a right as your big sister." vanessa joked. y/n laughed, "I'll tell you but you cannot tell nick! i know you two gossip all the time!" (nick is your younger brother, he is 21. vanessa is 29) y/n told her. "I wonttt!!!!" y/n took a sip of the wine she ordered, "about 30 times..? I don't know the exact number, I don't count!" she admitted. vanessa nodded. "how long have you two been together?" she asked. "starting from the first date or starting from when he asked me to be his girlfriend?" y/n questioned. "first date." y/n put her glass down. "a month and a half." she said. "and you two are that serious about eachother?" vanessa asked, "please don't tell me you're moving too fast!" y/n sighed, "we aren't, I don't think. we're taking it slow.. ish." she told her. vanessa nodded. "our two month anniversary is in 2 weeks, I'm excited." y/n told her. "like, first kiss, when you first got together or first time you did it?" y/n thought for a minute. "umm, yeah!" she said. "that's my girl" vanessa joked. "why don't you come and meet him later?" y/n asked. "really?" y/n smiled, "yes, I'm sure he won't mind!" vanessa agreed to y/n's invite.

'will my sister wants to meet you later, is that okay with you?' 17:57pm

"he's doing a gig so he won't reply yet." y/n told vanessa. she nodded. y/n went on Instagram and saw a clip from wilburs gig. it was of when y/n got on stage. "vanessa look, this is from his gig. when I got on stage." she showed vanessa the video. "he seems like such a sweetheart, y/n. I'm happy you've found someone you are happy with. your ex's really were pricks!" vanessa then realised something, "you didn't tell me his name" she laughed, y/n laughed with her. "I'm such an idiot, his name is will, we usually call him wilbur though. I think it's what he prefers." vanessa nodded, "you've got yourself a handsome one, you lucky girl" y/n laughed, "I can't tell if you've got a crush on him or not" she joked. "no girly I'd never!!! but if I was you I'd be absolutely dead by now." she said laughing. y/n laughed with her. "he is gorgeous." y/n said.

after dinner, y/n took vanessa back to hers so she could meet wilbur. she opened the door and walked in, vanessa following behind her. she knocked on wilburs bedroom door. "stay there." she said to vanessa. she walked into his room, leaving the door open. "hi sweetie." y/n said smiling. "hi baby!" wilbur replied happily. "how was your gig?" y/n asked sitting on his bed with him. "it was fantastic!! i love the feeling of having people scream your lyrics back at you." he said. y/n smiled, "I'm glad" she said, giving him a kiss on the lips. he kissed back before y/n pulled away. "my sister is here to meet you by the way." y/n said. "really?" wilbur asked, "yes, baby." wilbur nodded and got up, y/n standing up and walking out into the hallway. wilbur followed after her. "vanessa, this is wilbur, my boyfriend. wilbur, this is vanessa, my sister." y/n introduced the two. "nice to meet you." wilbur said. "so you're the one banging my sister!" vanessa said confidently. wilbur laughed. "that would be me." he replied. the three went downstairs to the living room. "you guys have got a really nice place." vanessa said. "thank you! we live here with two others but they're.. i don't actually know where they are." y/n said. "they're at the beach." wilbur answered. wilbur looked at y/n and whispered in her ear. "they aren't gonna be home for another hour and 45." y/n knew exactly what he was suggesting. "you know, even though you're whispering, I can still here you." vanessa winked. "oh yeah I forgot to mention she has scarily good hearing." wilbur went silent. y/n laughed. when vanessa had to go, y/n gave her a hug at the door. "bye vanessa." she said. "bye y/n, it was good to see you! oh and, you two have fun" she said, winking. "OKAYY GOODBYE VANESSA BYE BYE" y/n said frantically, closing the door. wilbur walked up behind her and spun her around so she was facing him. he kissed her lips and she kissed back. they went upstairs to y/n's bedroom, and shut the door. not long after wilbur was shirtless, and y/n only had on her bra and her underwear. wilbur had one hand on her thigh and the other around her waist, y/n had one hand in his hair, and the other on top of his hand that was sat on her thigh. they kissed for a while, before the door swung open. "Y/N- OH I AM SO SORRY!" tubbo shouted, quickly shutting the door. y/n laughed, "I'm gonna go see what he wants." she said, giving wilbur a quick kiss on the cheek. she grabbed a sheet and put it around herself. she left the room and saw tubbo stood in the kitchen. "what's up toby?" she asked. "me and tommy wanted to know if you wanted to stream with us? i was gonna ask wilbur but he wasn't in his room- and then I went into yours and there he was.. so?" tubbo asked. "sure.. we'll be there in 10 minutes!" y/n responded. "I also hope you know your sheet is see through" tubbo added. "thanks toby I'll be sure to not use it to cover up ever again" y/n walked back upstairs. "we can makeout for 10 more minutes but then we HAVE to stream with them." y/n said, removing her sheet.

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