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the two had now been together for 3 months. but unfortunately, wilbur had said something wrong and y/n got extremely upset.

"I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU WILBUR!" y/n shouted from her bedroom. her voice was shaky, she had been crying. "GET OUT! GET OUT RIGHT NOW! I DONT WANNA FUCKING SEE YOU!" tommy and tubbo were downstairs. "I have never heard her this mad before." tommy said. "I know. i just hope they don't break up, they love eachother so much, they're really sweet together" tubbo responded. "FINE!" wilbur shouted. then her bedroom door slammed. wilbur stormed downstairs. he put on his jacket and left the house. "where do you think he's off to?" tubbo asked. "I don't know, but I'm going to check up on him. stay here with y/n, try and comfort her or something. I'll be back." tommy said, getting up and opening the front door, before leaving the house and shutting it again. wilbur was sat on the front porch. "wilbur." tommy said. wilbur turned around. "fuck off tommy." he snapped, "no need to be like that mate, I just came to check on you." tommy responded, sitting down on the floor next to him. then he noticed something. "are you fucking smoking?" he asked. "no.." wilbur answered, guiltily. "yes you are," tommy snatched the cigarette out of his hand. "stop it. if you start now, then it's going to become a bad habit" wilbur sighed. "I messed up didn't I." he said. "big time." tommy said, "look, give her some time. then, go and apologise. she needs time to think first." wilbur nodded. "I don't want to be in the same room as her right now. i don't want her to feel uncomfortable." wilbur said. "I know, but you live in the same house. that's going to be really difficult." tommy told him. "can we go and get a drink, please?" wilbur asked. "sure." tommy and wilbur left to go to the pub and have a few drinks. it had been 5 hours since the argument, they had spent a few hours at the pub, and then walked around for a while, to calm down. when they came back, y/n was gone. "where's y/n?!" wilbur asked. "she's staying at niki's until you 'get the courage to apologise'. she is so pissed at you." tubbo explained. "I'm going now." he said. "YOU GO GET HER, MAN!" tommy cheered. wilbur left the house again, and made his way to niki's. he knocked on the door and niki opened it. "oh, hey will." she said. "where's y/n. i want to apologise, I feel like a proper dickhead." he said. "she's upstairs, good luck." niki told him. he walked in and she shut the door. he went upstairs and niki showed him which bedroom she was in. he knocked on the door. "come in." y/n responded. wilbur opened the door and shut it behind him. "oh. it's you. what the fuck do you want." she asked him. he sat down on the bed. "listen to me. i am so so sorry, for what I said. i was being a total prick. you have every right to hate me, break up with me, whatever you want. but just know that I love you. so much. what I said was wrong. i worded it so so wrong. it was just- awful- and I wish I never said it in the first place. i have never, ever wanted to do anything to upset you. i love you and I always will. you're the most perfect girl I've ever met and I don't really know what i would do without you." wilbur apologised. y/n thought for a minute. 'he seems to really mean it. and I love him.. I don't want to break up with him. i don't hate him. do I forgive him? yes.. I think I do.' y/n looked like she was about to cry. and she was. "I love you too." she told him, "I forgive you. these past hours were the worst ones of my life." she said. she flung her arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. he smiled, "I've missed that." he admitted. "it was only a few hours!" y/n responded laughing. "too many hours without a kiss from youuuu" he whined. he kissed her again and she kissed him back. "how's about we go back home, hm?" wilbur asked. y/n smiled. "I'd love to." they got back home, hand in hand. "i see you two made up." tommy observed. "yeah, I couldn't stay mad at him for too long." y/n said, kissing wilburs cheek.

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