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"Oh, it's on, little darlin'."

Life's been hard. There's never a guarantee to wake up in the morning and it's horrifying. It's been a month since my diagnosis. Each and every day, I can sense my parent's hesitancy to come into my room to wake me up, in fear of not being able to wake me up. Luke's been trying to keep everyone's spirits up but even he had his moments of terror.

I fell asleep on the couch a few days ago and when he got home from band practice, he found me there. I didn't respond to his first few calls which only made him think the worst. I only woke up when he touched me and shook me a little. I could see the fear in his eyes when I woke up but it was quickly washed away and replaced with relief. But I knew how that moment haunted him.

The boys are the same way. They each give me the sweetest goodbye, more than before. Before, I still had time. But now, the time I have is counting down.

I haven't been to the studio in a week or so, I can barely make it out of the house. Just going up and down the stairs is enough to make me wanna take a nap. I haven't been eating much and I'm coughing up blood constantly.

The blood is a constant reminder that my time is running out. The doctors told me the two ways my body could shut down, the two ways I could die. The first is that my blood and other bodily fluids will fill my lungs and I'll drown from the inside. The second is my lungs simply give up, stopping the oxygen flow to my heart, making it stop beating.

The boys are trying to spend as much time as they can with me but I can tell that they are scared of being the ones who find me dead. They were going to come over today after rehearsal to be with me. The song they had written and dedicated to me is just about finished, which makes me happy.

I stood in our living room, in the house alone. Mom and Dad had to be at work and Luke and the boys were at the studio, normally I'd be with them but I can't make the trip anymore, even if I was riding the wagon there and back.

I decided that instead of standing there, waiting for the boys to get back, I would go outside. Goodness knows that I needed some sun. Mom planted a rose garden for me since they were my favorite flower.

I walked outside, rolling my tank behind me, and went over to the garden. I lowered my cannula a few times to smell the different types of roses. I smiled at the floral scent that brought me so much comfort. I ran my fingers over the delicate petals and avoided the thorns. I wasn't sure how long I was out there with the roses until I heard the door sliding open, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"There you are, Rory! What are you doing out here?" My twin asked, walking over to me, leaving the two boys standing inside the door.

"Oh, Luke! You're here! I'm just admiring the roses, getting lost in the peacefulness of them." I smiled at him. He smiled at me gently.

Feeling Less Dead Than Before {Reggie Peters x OC.Fem} JATPWhere stories live. Discover now