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"You know what, you're right

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"You know what, you're right. She would love that too."

Third POV

It's now 1995, a year since Aurora Patterson died - the boys were 17 now. To say that things changed after Aurora died was a huge understatement. After her funeral, life wasn't the same for the boys or her family.

Her parents, needing an outlet, blamed music for killing their daughter. They blamed Luke for giving her permission to die with that song. They didn't want music anywhere near them, their house, or their son - especially a guitar or piano. Anything that reminded them of her, they shut out, including her own twin. They couldn't look at him as he looked like her and acted like her. The only time they spoke or looked at him was when they were pleading with him to give up and stop playing music but he didn't listen. They thought they were saving him but music was the only thing he had left of her, other than the material things.

This led to countless fights in the house, normally ending with one of them storming out or stomping to their room. Until one night, when Luke stormed out of the house and got on his bike, riding away. But this time, he didn't go back. He moved into the studio, courtesy of Bobby and his family, and wrote and played there.

Luke hated himself for those last few days of Aurora's life. He was reminded of his twin in everything he did and everywhere he went. He saw her in his own behavior, in his music, in his own reflection. It tore him apart, knowing that the last thing he did was reject her hand, leaving her there in the driveway by herself. She died thinking that he hated her... he never got to say that he loved her or apologize...

The boys were lost without her too. Alex felt lonely, even though he still had the boys. He lost his best friend, she was the only one who could understand some of the things he felt. He had no one to discuss certain topics with or watch movies with. He missed giving her hugs and treating her like the little sister he never had. He tried to be there for Luke and Reggie but it was hard, they were hurting just as much as he was. He just missed her so much...

Feeling Less Dead Than Before {Reggie Peters x OC.Fem} JATPWhere stories live. Discover now