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"Just hang on, baby. We're almost there."

She was only brought out of her thoughts when she saw a familiar truck pull into the parking lot of the park.

She was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay.

Third POV (A few minutes before)

Everyone was in the truck searching for Aurora. Luke had the genius idea to follow her wet footprints until they disappeared. When they ended, Mr. Patterson kept heading in that general direction. Everyone looking out of the truck, in all directions, for her.

"Why on earth would she come way out here? There's nothing out here." Alex said, holding onto Aurora's tanks so it doesn't roll around the truck bed.

Luke suddenly looked around at our surroundings. "Wait... I know where we are! Turn left up here, Dad!" He yelled up front. "There's a small park where Rory and I used to go when you guys were gone. Keep your eyes peeled. It's dark so it might be hard to see." Luke told his friends.

"There! I see a playground!" Reggie pointed out, pointing to the play structures in the distance.

"Dad! You see that old playground back there?" Luke asked up, pointing in the direction of the distant structures.

"Yeah, is that where you think she'd go?" He asked him.

"I know it. She's there." Luke stated, feeling in his gut that she was there. He wouldn't tell anyone but he was angry with her for making such a stupid decision, especially in the condition that she was in. Did she not care that she could die out here?

They pulled around through the park, coming to the parking lot of the playground.

"Ok, split up. If you find her, just scream really loud." Alex said and both boys nodded.

They all headed in their own directions. Alex headed for the gazebo, while Luke and Reggie covered half of the playground.

Reggie went deeper into the playground, going underneath and through each structure. Eventually, he made it to the other side.

He went to turn around when he heard a soft noise coming from the corner of the playground. He squinted his eyes in the dark to see better, only to see a figure crying near the swings. He recognized the figure as the girl he's loved for so long, seeing her bare feet and disheveled hair.

"Aurora." He breathed out before running to her as fast as he could.

He got to her quickly and immediately crouched down beside her, wanting... needing to see that she was okay.

"Aurora, hey, can you look at me?" He asked her.

Her face lifted up and he could see the tear streaks on her face in the moonlight. But other than that she looked fine. Her breathing was semi-steady but she wasn't in a fit. There was no blood, nothing, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Feeling Less Dead Than Before {Reggie Peters x OC.Fem} JATPWhere stories live. Discover now