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"Woah, who's that sexy thing?"

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"Woah, who's that sexy thing?"

First POV

"She's legit. I got ghost bumps!" I heard Reggie say as I came up to them.

"Hey, guys

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"Hey, guys." I greeted them. "How long have you been here?"

"Uh, only for about a minute." Alex said with a high-pitched voice, meaning he was lying.

"Really?" I asked him with a knowing look and tone.

"Totally." Luke faked laughed.

"You heard me and Julie, didn't you?" I blatantly asked them.

"Yes." "Yep. "Uh-huh." The boys responded making me smile at them.

"You're not crying anymore, right?" Luke asked me, frightened to come near me. I chuckled and shook my head, making him smile and approach me.

"It's really good to hear you sing and play again, sis." Luke said, pulling me into a side hug.

"It felt good. I felt... alive." I said.

"It was beautiful, both of you." Reggie complimented.

I blush lightly and smiled. I was going to thank him when I heard the gate behind us open. A girl came speed-walking in, sobbing.

"Oh my gosh. Was she crying too?" Alex asked.

I wanted to laugh so hard at these boys. They were so awkward when it came to crying females. I didn't cry often but when I did, they did their best to comfort me. But that's because they didn't like seeing me sad and they knew me. With anyone else, people they didn't know well, they ran away like scared puppies.

"Yes! And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying!" Luke exclaimed.

"He's right." Alex agreed, looking at Reggie.

Just to play with them, I started to cry again too. Which was easy since I was still teary-eyed from when I was playing.

"Uh, make that three." I raised my hand, turning their attention to me.

Feeling Less Dead Than Before {Reggie Peters x OC.Fem} JATPWhere stories live. Discover now