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"To me, I saw you holding my hand one moment and then the next I was in the dark room and then a while later I was in your arms

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"To me, I saw you holding my hand one moment and then the next I was in the dark room and then a while later I was in your arms."

First POV

My nap was uneventful, no dreams, no nothing. Can ghosts even dream?

I heard my twin singing lightly and smiled.

Guess that means
I'm buying lunch that day
I know all your secrets
You know all my deep dish
Guess that means that some things...

"Wait, so..." Reggie sighed, interrupting Luke, "When she says, 'deep dish,' is she talking about, like, pizza, or..."

I chuckled as I poofed down next to them.

"I swear, Reg. Pizza is the only thing you think about." I teased him.

"There are other things I think about!" He defended himself.

"Yeah? Like what?" I asked him.

"The band. Ray and Julie. You--" He started listing off things but was interrupted by Alex poofing in between them, unintentionally sitting on Luke's songbook. "Oh! Hey, man. Where you been?" Reggie asked him.

"Um, kind of everywhere. Yeah. No, I met a new ghost friend." He explained.

"For real?" Reggie asked.

"Woah, there are other ghosts besides us?" I clarified.

"Yeah, he answered a ton of questions." Alex answered back.

"Yeah? Like whether Julie was gonna join the band or not?" Luke said bitterly, ripping his book out from underneath Alex.

"Um... Well, we didn't... We didn't really get to that, but I think I know why we're here." He ignores Luke's attitude and turns to Reggie and me. "Okay? All ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over." Alex explained.

"Why would we do that?" Luke questioned him, grabbing all of our attentions.

"I'm just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do is get Julie to play with us. And we have Rory back, I'm not risking losing her again." Luke reasoned.

Reggie grabbed my hand and squeezed it, showing he shared the same sentiment as Luke.

"Yeah. And with Julie, not only can that girl sing, she can write too. Luke and I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics." Reggie said, pointing to Luke's songbook.

"Lyrics that he stole from her dream box while we were gone." I added, scolding him again.

"Oh... Without your drummer. Cool." Alex nodded to the beat of the song.

Feeling Less Dead Than Before {Reggie Peters x OC.Fem} JATPWhere stories live. Discover now