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"Oh no! We've been compromised!"

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"Oh no! We've been compromised!"

First POV

It was the weekend so Alex and I decided that today was the best day to go out and have our day together. We asked Julie about the movies that were playing at the moment so she got on her computer and looked but apparently, it didn't matter because we could watch thousands of movies right there on her computer. I guess the internet has grown and now there are sites where people can post movies and you can watch them over and over. No more CDs, VHSs, or Recordings.

Alex and I, instead of going to the theaters, decided to go to the loft with Julie's laptop. We spent half the day watching movies and laughing together, crying together, and screaming together. So far we've watched Mean Girls, The Notebook, While You Were Sleeping, and Scream. We just finished all of the Star Wars movies, including the new ones, and they weren't bad... we just knew that we couldn't tell Reggie they existed or his dreams would be crushed.

Looking at the clock, it was getting late.

"Geez, we've been watching movies all day!" I exclaimed.

"We have but now that it's late, and all the stores are closed, you know what that means." He said mischievously.

Alex and I were planning on going to the mall after it had closed, that way no one would see floating clothes. We put Julie's laptop back on her bed before poofing to the mall. We hit all the clothes stores, trying on things that were crazy and things that we would never be able to afford if we were alive. Fashion had changed a lot, it was more... scandalous than I remember. I thought back to that girl who was performing in the gym when we got there - all the glitz and glamor.

I was tempted to steal a few dresses but Alex talked me out of it, mainly scolding me like a parent and saying that stealing was wrong but it was funny to watch. As the sun began to rise, we put everything back the way it was so that no one was the wiser. We poofed back to the studio and found Reggie and Luke sleeping. I watched as Luke shifted uncomfortably back and forth on the couch under his blanket.

"Alex, can I--" "Go." He smiled at me before nudging me. "Thanks for the awesome day." He said before walking off to go into the loft.

I walked over to Luke and saw the sad look on his face.

"No! No!" 7-year old me called out from my room. Luke quickly got up, grabbed his pillow and blanket, and walked across the hall to my room.

"Rory?" He called out. I was tossing back and forth in my sheets, upset. He climbed into bed with me and shook me awake.

"Rory!" He exclaimed, my eyes shot open and he could see the sweat on my forehead. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

I simply shook my head "no" and started to cry. He reached out and grabbed ahold of me, pulling me into a tight embrace, knowing just what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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Feeling Less Dead Than Before {Reggie Peters x OC.Fem} JATPWhere stories live. Discover now