Chapter 17

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"Sweat was beading down my brow, I wiped it away and onto my floral dress as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Two men ran behind me, I could see the ocean drawing nearer from the hill above the sea. I reached the edge of the cliff, turning back in a heaving panic, the faces of the two men smiled with wickedness... they knew it too... I was trapped."

I could feel the anxiety I felt in my dream all over again, as I explained the nightmare to Cole who was sitting at the end of my bed, "that's when I woke up." I left out the part where the two men had black hoods on and were shooting lightning bolts at me that I dodged and ducked... that would really get the questions flowing from him. "Well, I for one am glad it was just a dream... these are some wild dreams you have!"

"Doesn't everyone have wild and wacky dreams?" 

"Not quite as consistent as you do... and for an earthling like yourself, it's quite amazing really! It's lucky you aren't from this realm or from Riccadia... dreams that often and detailed mean another thing entirely."

"What do dreams mean here?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I could hear the grogginess in my voice. My one glass of wine from the night before sat heavily in my stomach and apparently in my throat. "Seers have dreams all the time, usually with hidden messages, warnings or visions. Dreams are the truest reality there is if you ask me." Thank goodness my dreams didn't speak of what was to come, I thought. "Probably the wine getting into my dreams I'd say."

Cole smiled, "probably... you were pretty chatty once that glass was finished." I retraced my thoughts of the night, my chest beginning to beat harder remembering Cole's gaze, his touch. This time yesterday, I loathed Cole, at least I thought I did... and now, looking into his handsome face, I felt something different, not entirely sure what, but different. "In all honesty, I remember you telling me of Ally, I sipped some wine, and my memories kind of go a little shady." Cole laughed, "I thought it might have. Let me show you last night," said Cole as he placed his warm hand on my cheek, I closed my eyes at the touch, seeing myself dressed as Ally, passing out on the table, Cole laughing and picking me up, carrying me in his arms, placing me in my bed and kissing me on the forehead. 

When Cole moved his hands from my cheek I felt warm and red with embarrassment... "wow! I am so sorry!" Cole scratched his chin in amusement, "It was cute... besides, you needed a good night's sleep before today!" I tried not to think about the kiss on the head, that was a mere kindness I'm sure.

It was then that I realised Cretan was supposed to be my guard today, "Where is Cretan? and what is today? don't tell me we are walking around trying to find that thing that doesn't want to be found or something?" I think I might go right back to hating Cole if he made me walk all day aimlessly. "I thought you'd be glad to see me, no? Cretan is still out helping my dearest mother with something, so I'll be 'guarding' you again... and today, I hope you won't be mad... but I thought I'd continue the traditions of your Mother's birthday with you." 

Cole pulled out a jar from behind his back, pieces of paper were folded up inside, just like the jar mother used for her birthday. "When you slapped me, I saw your mother's birthday date and the entire tradition she created for it... you must have been thinking of it recently..." Cole's voice became muffled as my thumping heartbeat filled my ears.

There was so much in that moment that flooded to my mind, the thought of my mother, her eyes, her voice, her smile, her paint-covered hands, her grin on her birthday morning. Then Cole, the images he had seen of us... the compassion he had down deep, the effort and gesture of making me this gift, this gift of keeping my mother alive in this way... the only way I knew how.

"I hope that's okay, we don't have to do any of it if you don't want..." Cole's voice drifted back through the thumping in my chest. Before I even knew what I was doing, my eyes welled with tears, the warmth flooded my face as I threw my arms around Cole's neck. "Thank you, really, thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me."

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