🖤Sorry princess~🖤

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Y/n Pov//

"So like are you excited for our 6th year at Hogwarts"? Eddie asked as we were looking for a booth to sit in on the train "Yeah But it's gonna be like every other year so" I said as we stopped in front of a booth door "You are very right Y/l/n" Eddie said has he knocked on the booth door. We waited for a few seconds till the door opened and when it did it revealed a tall Ravenclaw boy with curly hair, a chubby Hufflepuff, And 2 Gryffindors one with big thick glasses and another one with brown hair. "Can we help you"? He asked in a low voice "Oh yes we were wondering if maybe we could sit in this booth with you guys"  Eddie asked with smile. He was one of the nicest Slytherin's you would ever meet. The tall Ravenclaw boy looked back the the others to see if it was ok and they gave a nod of their heads in reply "yeah ofc you can" The Hufflepuff said with a smile. "Thanks" Eddie said has he walked in me following behind him Eddie sat down next to the boy with glasses and I sat down next to The tall Ravenclaw boy. "Oh btw I'm Ben this is Bill, Richie, and Stan" The Hufflepuff known as Ben said pointing to everyone while naming them. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n and this is Eddie Kasbrake" I said pointing to Eddie who gave a little wave in response "Yeah we know who you guys are especially Miss queen of  Slytherin Y/l/n" Richie said with wink as his attempt to flirt with me. "I mean who doesn't know Y/l/n" Bill said while quickly looking at me. "I mean most people are scared of her bc she looks mean but she is honestly really nice" Eddie said with a smile. "Why thank you Kasbrake but trust me you won't meet anyone nicer in Slytherin then Eds here" I said with a smirk knowing he hates the nickname. "N/nnnn I told you to stop calling me thattttt" He whined with a pout making the booth laugh and me give a chuckle. After a few minutes of everyone talking I decided to give a quick glance at Stan only to notice he was looking at me as well once we made eye contact we both looked away quickly . After another few minutes we hit a bump causing us to hold on but me I was too light and fell onto the floor then I felt someone grab me up to their lap after we went over the bump and were back on smooth ground I realised who's lap I was on. It was Stans. "Um could you please maybe let me go now"? I asked with a shy smile "Oh shit yeah my bad sorry Princess" he said putting me back down in my seat. I couldn't stop smiling like a big idiot at the nickname he gave me.

Hi everyone this is the newest book i'm working on while i come up with another idea for my other losers club book. hope you all like this one as much as the other one x

toodles ~ Steph

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