🖤Meeting the Bev and Mike +Eddie and Mila breakup🖤

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It is now morning I woke up around 6:00am like we had too so I put on my school uniform 

After getting dressed I headed down to the Boys dormitory to go wake up Eddie bc I know he wouldn't be awake and I have to get him up pretty much every morning

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After getting dressed I headed down to the Boys dormitory to go wake up Eddie bc I know he wouldn't be awake and I have to get him up pretty much every morning. And honestly it gets annoying so I wanna fuck with him a bit so I walked up to his dorm room and knocked lightly on the door knowing his roommate would open up who happened to be Blaise. "you here to wake up Eddie again N/n"? he asked as he opened the door "Yeah but I wanna do it mean bc it is getting annoying" I said with an evil smirk on my face. Blaise then stepped out of the room and let me in to do my stuff while he heads down to the food hall. I then grabbed out my wand and casted a spell "Levicorpus" I whispered  as a green light shot of from my wand and grabbed jack by the ankles and lifting him up in the air by his ankles. The moment he felt him self get pulled he opened his eyes and screamed "AHHHH WHOEVER IS DOING THIS PUT ME DOWNNNN" he screamed Causing me to laugh in a fit "well maybe wake up by yourself next time or it's gonna be much worse then this" I said after I could breath again. "Ok Ok put me down now N/n"! he screamed like a kid "Oh you want down?" I asked "Ok the your gonna get put down" I said with an evil shit eating grin. Eddie knew what that meant "Wait wait Y/n n-" before he could finish I flicked my wrist and he dropped to the ground landing on his face. "You little bitch" he said as he got up "Yeah well deal with now get ready we have liker 10  minutes" I said and walked out to the common room to wait for him. After what seemed like forever even tho it was only like 5 minutes Eddie finally came out dressed. After realising the how much time we have to get to the food hall I grabbed his hand in mine and started to run through the hallways to the food hall. After another 4 minutes we were at the doors of the food hall and out of breath. After a few seconds of catching our breaths we quickly walked in and sat down at our tables and then had breakfast. After eating I saw Mila looking at me and whispering with her friends normally I wouldn't do anything but then I remembered I had to break up with her for Eddie. "Hey Eds" I said to him pulling him away from his convo with Blaise from across the table "yeah what's up"? he asked. "I'm gonna go see what Mila and her goons are saying abt me and while I'm there I'm gonna break it off with her for you" I said as I looked at him he looked down at his hands then back up at me and gave a small nod I took that has my green light and started walking up to her and her goons. Once I got to them at the end of the table I spoke "So what are you guys saying about me now" I said pretty loud and everyone went silent and looked over to us to see whats gonna happen. "Just the truth" Mila said with a small smirk "Ok which is"? I asked doing the same smirk as her "That your a snake and a lying bitch" she said with an even bigger smile. I went silent then broke out in laughter "Hahah your calling me a snake? That's rich coming from the girl that has cheated on her bf more times then anyone can count, Which btw Eddie wanted me to tell you this" I said as I bent down to eye level with her. "He wanted me to tell you that he dumps your skanky ass" I said with a small smile on my face then stood straight up and looked around to see everyone in pure shock "Why are you all shocked"? I asked looking at everyone and when no one said anything I spoke again "we all know she had it coming" I said with a smile then turned my back to her and started walking back around the table to my seat when I heard something behind me so I turned around. SMACK. Mila had slapped me across the face. Everyone gasped in shock and concern that was until I spoke "Did- did you just slap me" I asked holding my cheek and facing her "Yeah it's what you get bitch" she said with a cocky smile. I looked back at Eddie and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' then I turned back around to Mila and punched her right in her nose. She fell to the ground with blood pouring out of her nose everyone looked at me with pure shock no one knew what to do. She then got up and punched me across the cheek. One after another we were hitting each other. I had her pinned down rn and was punching her over and over again and as I raised my fist up someone grabbed it stopping from hitting her. After that someone grabbed my other arm and started pulling me away from her body then her goons went around her and started yelling to get a teacher. Then the people that grabbed my arms sat me at the table and held me there until I calmed down. After I had calm down I finally looked at who grabbed me it was a Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor. The Ravenclaw was a tall dark skinned guy and the Gryffindor was a girl with bright short red hair. After they realised I had calmed down the Ravenclaw boy spoke "sorry we grabbed you we just thought we needed to stop it" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's ok it was probs for the best, anyway I'm Y/n Y/l/n" I said as I held out my hand to be shook "I'm Mike and this is Beverly" he said as he shook my hand and used his other one to point the red head. "OMG N/N ARE YOU OKAY"? I heard a panic Eddie screamed as he came up to me and hugged me along with the booth gang. "Yeah I'm good Eddie you should know by now I can handle a few hits although I did ruin my favourite tie" I said as I looked down at it causing the others to laugh. "Thanks Bev and Mike for pulling her off" Richie said as he gave them both a side hug. "so you guys all know each other"? Eddie asked sitting on the table next to me looking at the others "Yeah we met a while ago and became a club, we are called the losers club" Mike said as he looked at me and Eddie "Why are you guys called the losers club"? Eddie asked "The seventh years the bowers gang called us it and we soon found out they hated all of our guts so we formed the losers club" Stan said making eye contact with me. "Well I guess if the bowers gang hating our guts makes us apart of the losers club then"? I asked looking at them all "Only if you guys want we were thinking of asking you guys but thought why would you guys wanna hang out with a bunch of losers like us" Bev said looking Eddie and me. "Well if it makes you guys feel any better we don't think you guys are losers, Richie maybe" I said causing everyone to laugh. "You wound me darling" Richie said as he put his hand on his chest. After we all stopped laughing we started talking about other things while we waited for the teachers to arrive I then notice Eddie hasn't said a lot so I looked over at him only to see him staring at Richie. 'No fucking way' I thought as a smile crept it's way onto my face I then nudged Eddie driving his eyes away from the curly head boy. "You like him don't you"? I asked looking at him while the others talked "What- what no no" he said and looked away. "Eds I've been your bsf for 6 years I know you" I said putting my arm around his shoulders. "It doesn't matter I can't tell them I don't know if they will accept me" he said looking down "well let's do this then" I said as I looked at everyone. "Hey losers I got a question" I said causing them all to turn to me "w-whats u-up" Bill said "What do you guys think of the LGBTQIA+" I asked making eye contact with Eddie. " Well we accept everyone for who they are besides Richie is Bisexual so is Bev" Ben said pointing at the two. "Ok well I'm Bi as well" I said smiling at them then looking at Eddie and kicking his foot with mine to give him the hint. "Oh and I'm g-gay" He said stuttering the last word they all looked at us in Silence. Then engulfed me and Eds into a big group hug causing us all to laugh. 'Wow it feels nice to have a friend group' I thought smiling to myself looking at everyone hugging only to catch eyes with Stan who then Smiled and gave me a wink. I smiled back at him and winked as well.  

This is gonna be fun.

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