🖤The reunion🖤

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After that night I woke up and got ready for the day, realising I have to see the losers and Pansy again. "Fuck me man" I whispered under my breath as I looked into the mirror to see if I look okay. You could clearly see I've been crying "fuck it everyone saw me cry yesterday anyway" I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room locking the door behind me. I then walked down the stairs to the common room to see Eddie sitting on the couch. He saw me and stood up and faced me fiddling with his hands and kept opening his mouth to speak but no words came out. I rolled my eyes "are you going to actually speak or just stand there and keep opening and closing your mouth?" I asked unamused. He then shook his head and looked at me in the eyes and spoke "you were right" he said looking back down at his hands. "I was right about what?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow "about Pansy she was just using Stan to get to know us to talk to Mila and give her information" he said as he looked me in the eyes. "I told you guys so but you didn't listen" I said as I let my arms cross. "I know and we should of but I want to be the first one to say I'm sorry that I turned on you for a snake" he said as he started crying a little. I dropped my arms and tan to him engulfing him in a hug he stood there shocked for a few moments then hugged me back. "Eds I forgive you but never pull that shit again" I said with a small chuckle to which he returned. "Okay so you ready to head out?" I asked as he wiped his tears then nodded. We then started walking to the food hall for breakfast once we walked in all eyes were on us like normal. We sat down where we normally sat and Ed's started talking to Blaise while I just sat there. I looked around the room to see all the losers eyes were on me staring. I decided to go talk to them. "Hey Ed's I'm going to go talk to the griffendore losers then Mike Stan and Ben okay? I said pulling him awash from his convo with Blaise "yeah just don't be rude about it okay?" He said as I nodded and smiled. I then walked over to the griffendore table and sat next to Bev. "What's good losers" I said with a smile as they all looked at me "y/n don't you hate us why are you here?" Ben asked as he looked up at me. "I did for a little but Eddie came and explained to me that I was right and that you guys are sorry so I thought I'd give you guys another chance". I said with a smile and that's when I looked up to see them in tears "okay now that you guys know that I have to go tell the others I'll see you guys on the field" I said as I stood up and waved at them. I then walked over to the hufflepuff table to talk to Ben I sat down next to him and we smiled at each other "hey Benny boy so Eddie explained to me that I was right and that you guys are sorry so I am deciding to give you guys another chance but never pull that type of stuff again okay?" I said with a bigger smile then I had on before. "Yeah I don't think we plan on to so have you said this to the others yet?" He asked looking at me "yeah to Eddie, Bev, Richie, And bill I just need to talk to Mike and Stan and I'm done so I'm going to go do that I'll see you at the field" I said giving him a hug as I stood up. I then looked over at the Ravenclaw table and Mike and Stan caught my eye I took a deep breath and started to walk towards them. I sat down between the two boys until they realised I was there once they noticed they both looked down "chill guys I ain't gonna hurt ya I'm here to forgive y'all Eddie explained what happened with Pansy and I've come over to say that I forgive you guys but pull that shit again and I'll rip your insides out okay?" I said with a small smile as they looked up at me. "Wait your going to forgive us just like that after we turned on you?" Mike asked with a little bit of hope in his eyes "yes Mike I love all you guys to bits but I do need to talk to Stan so c'mon Stan me and you need to talk" I said as I looked at Stan and stood up him nodding and following. We waved bye to Mike and walked out of the hall into the library again. "Listen Stan I'm sorry that I reacted the way I did I did not mean to lash out on you or Pansy, and I am sorry I know you liked her but sometimes things don't work out" I said as I sat down and looked down at the ground waiting for his response. "Why are you saying sorry y/n? I should be the one saying sorry, I choose my image over you, then afterwards I got with a girl who you warned me about, and then I turned on you, I put you through so much and I'm so sorry do you think you could forgive me?" He asked as he kneeled down and lifted my chin so I could face him with tears in my eyes I spoke. "Yes Stan ofc I can forgive you but as I said pull that shit again and I will end you" I said with a small giggle as he wrapped his arms around me and we cried. After about 20 minutes we heard the door open and saw the losers walk in "so is everything okay now?" Eddie asked with hope in his eyes "yes it is the losers are back baby!" I shouted as I threw my hands up in the air and the losers all came to hug me. After a few minutes we all pulled apart and looked at each other with smiles. I spoke up again "hey wanna skip and go chill in the Slytherin common room?" I asked with a smirk which the losers returned and we all bolted to the Slytherin common rooms and sat down on the couches laughing. "Omg I miss doing shit like that" I said out of breath while laughing. For the whole day we were dancing laughing and having a great time until the night hit and we all went to my room to sleep. It was the same sleeping partners as last time except with Bev this time which she kinda had to sleep with Bill but I don't think he minded that much. We all got changed and got into our beds "goodnight everyone" I said with a smile and everyone said goodnight back. Me and Stan laid in my bed and looked at each other for a good 20 minutes until he spoke "hey y/n do you think we could be together again?" He asked as he looked down I smiled. "Only if you promise I come before your image" I said with a smirk he nodded and said "from now on you will always come first" I blushed and smiled at him. We then looked at each other for another 20 minutes until I broke the silence by kissing him to which he kissed back. We then laid down on our backs looking at the roof I could feel myself drifting to sleep when Stan spoke up again. "I love you princess" he said as he kissed my forehead which made me smile "I love you to handsome" after I said that me and Stan fell into a peaceful slumber.

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