🖤 "y/n your in danger" 🖤

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While me and Stan were sleeping I had another dream but this time? It was different.


I woke up in a very familiar place, the cemetery my favourite place to go to talk to my grandmother Agatha. I started walking around till I found her grave I then sat down and started to speak
Y/n: oh grandmother you have no idea what's been happening I have been stalked and I solved another mystery like the kits you used to get me
Y/g: oh honey I know already I told you I will always look over you even when I'm dead
Y/n: grandma?
Y/g: yes honey it's me I've come to warn you
Y/n: warn me? About what?
Y/g: Henry and his father they are coming for you and they are going to come in hard you need to be safe do not ever be alone.
Y/n: grandma I'll be okay I've got friends who are willing to die for me and I am willing to did for them
Y/g: be careful what you say darling.
Just then I heard a rustle in the bush beside me
Y/g: they are here! Quick run!
My grandma shouted just when I stood up Henry and his dad came out of the bushes running full speed towards me
Y/g: here take this and wake up it will protect you just call on it
Y/n: grandma what about you?!
Y/g: I'll be fine go now!
I started running Henry and his dad chasing me every minute they were getting closer and closer. Then I tripped over a rock and landed on the ground they caught up to me
D/h: got you know slut there's not getting away
Henry said as he reached is hand out towards me ready to grab me. But just before he could reach I was shaken awake.

"Y/n wake up!"it was Stan. I shot up looking around to make sure I wasn't still dreaming "Stan?" I asked looking at him "y/n it's okay I'm here" Stan said in a soothing voice while he hugged me just then I felt something in my pocket. "Hang on one minute" I said to Stan as I made him let me go I then felt into my pocket and pulled something out. A necklace. The one grandma gave me in my dream. "Y/n where did that come from?" Stan asked me I looked at him. "Stan I'm in danger a lot of it." I said looking up at him with tears in my eyes "can you get all the losers here?" I asked looking around "yeah I'll wake up Mike to sit with you" he said as he walked over to Mikes bed "mike wake up I need you to sit with y/n while I go get the losers she needs to talk to all of us" I heard Stan say to Mike as he sat up "yeah sure?" He said unsure of what was happening.
After 20 minutes Stan came back in with the rest of the losers "y/n why did you get Stan to wake us up at 4:00am?" Eddie whined wiping the sleep out of his eye. "Because I need to tell you guys something so sit down all of you" I ordered they did as they were told "okay what's up?" Bev asked as she sat next to me. I then explained the whole dream and showed them the necklace to prove it. "Wait so you had a dream you were at your dead grandmothers grave and she gave you a necklace to protect you from spells and then Henry and his dead chased you?" Richie asked looking at as if I was crazy "I know it sounds crazy but this would explain why I feel like I'm being watched" I said to which they all nodded. "I'm sorry" I randomly said out of the blue "for what love?" Bev asked looking at me "I'm sorry that I'm putting you guys in danger and that you guys might get hurt because of me" I said looking down a tear rolling on to my top. The losers hugged me "y/n as you said in your dream we would die for you, and you would die for us" Eddie said as he pulled my chin to look at him o smiled. "Yk what would be fun?" Richie said making us all look at him "what trashmouth?" Stan said unamused "going for a late night swim in the lake to clear our minds" he said with a smirk. The losers started to protest "yk what? That doesn't sound like a bad idea" I said while smirking at Richie. Richie looked at me with another smirk we both nodded then hopped off the bed and ran out the door. "Fucking idiots" I heard Eddie say as they started chasing us down the stairs. After a couple of minutes me and Richie reached the lake we stopped for a moment to catch our breaths "omg you guys we are going to be in so much shit" Bev said as she and the rest came up to us catching their breaths aswell. "Fine if yous don't wanna go swimming can we at least sit on the edge and put our feet in the water?" I asked looking at them they all nodded and took of their slippers and sat on the edge with their feet in the water. Me and Richie looked at each other and smirked again I then pointed at myself then Bev then I pointed at Richie then pointed to Eddie signalling him to push Eddie in and I'll push Bev. We walked up behind the two and looked at each other I held up three fingers then started counting them down once I got to one I nodded to Richie he then put his arms up ready to push so did I "now!" I screamed as we pushed both of them, letting out a scream as the dropped and hit the water once they came back up me and Richie were on the floor laughing the other laughing with us. "You dicks!" Eddie screamed as he sat in the water I looked at Richie again then nodded towards Bill he got the hint we went behind Bill and Ben we then pushed them in. It was now down to me and Richie against Stan and Mike. Richie and Mike started wrestling and Mike fell in the water taking Rich along with him. It was now just me and Stan. I creeped closer arms out "don't even think about y/n" Stan said with a small smile "fine I'm not even going to try can I atleast get a hug?" I asked he then opened his arms to give me a hug. Once I wrapped my arms around his torso I looked up at him with a smirk "ah fuck" he said before I pulled him into the water with me. Once me and Stan came back up we were all laughing. "I'm going to kill you y/n" Stan said through laughs. After a couple of minutes we all calmed down and floated around for a bit then an idea came to mind "oi wanna play chicken fight?" I asked with a smirk "oh fuck yeah! Y/n's on my team!" Richie screamed making us laugh i swam towards him "bring it" Stan said as Bev got on top of his shoulders "so this is a fight of the chicks is it?" I asked as I hopped on top of Richie's shoulders "your on then" was the last thing I said before Stan charged at us and we Charged at him and Bev. After about 5 minutes I finally pushed Bev off of his shoulders and she hit the water with a splash! "Ahah fuck yeah we win!" I screamed as Richie threw me off of him into the water once I came back up I saw all of the losers laughing I laughed with them. After we calmed down we just swan around and laughed and joked till the sun started to rise "oh shit we need to get back before class starts" Bev said as she got out us following her lead. After another couple of minutes we were back in our rooms. "Fuck me it's your fault if we are late y/n" Mike said as we walked into the room "yeah yeah I'll take the blame" I said as I went to the bathroom to get ready. I still couldn't get the dream out of my head or shake off the feeling someone is still watching me. "Hey Y/n you ready to go?" I heard Stan ask on the other side of the door "yeah one sec" I said as I pulled up my socks and put my shoes on. We then headed off to the food hall for the morning we once we got there we all went to our tables and started the day.

I still feeling someone is watching me.

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