🖤 Asking the question 🖤

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After I said that this means there is going to be war the losers all looked at each other then back to me. Mike then spoke "that's okay n/n we are all in this together" he said as he did his signature smile making me smile. "I love you guys you know that right?" I said looking at them "yeah why?" Bev asked looking at me raising an eyebrow "because if something happens to me or you guys I just wanted to let you know I love you's" I said with a sad smile. "Hey princess nothing is going to happen okay?" Stan said holding my hand "hang on princess? When did this happen?" Bev asked with a smirk. "When did what happen?" I asked raising my eyebrow "you guys! When did you guys start dating?!" She screamed while throwing her hands in the air. "We aren't dating Bev!" I screamed covering my face with my hands to hide my blush "Then why did he call you princess~" Richie said in a sing along voice. I threw a pillow at him hitting him in the face making him fall off the bed causing us to all laugh "I called her princess because she's my princess" Stan said looking at me with a smile. "So you guys aren't dating but you call her princess and you guys flirt?" Ben asked looking at us "we don't flirt!" I shouted looking away from everyone "yeah we kinda do n/n" Stan said with a smirk. "Bev! I need to talk to you alone outside and Eddie as well!" I shouted as I got up and ran out the door Eddie and Bev following behind me. "What's up n/n?" Eddie asked as I sat down on the couch "as you both know I like Stan, and I've been thinking" I said looking at them "about whattt?" Bev asked sitting down next to me. "I've been thinking of asking him to be my boyfriend but I don't know how" I said looking at both of them they squealed and started jump and down. "Don't worry hun I'm sure he likes you too so just picked up the courage and just ask him!" Bev shouted grabbing my hands pulling me off the couch and spinning me around with her. She then grabbed Eddie's hands and started spinning around with him as well sadly we didn't realise the door opened until we heard a cough. We all turned around to see Mika "umm am I Interrupting something?" She asked smiling at us and raising an eyebrow "no not at all Mika Mikes in his room with the others" I said as I let go of the other two. "Oh I'm not here to see him well while I'm here I might as well but I came to talk to you actually" she explained I looked at her with a raised eyebrow "oh okay um Bev Eddie can me and Mika have a moment alone please?" I asked looking at them. They nodded and waved bye as they walked back to the room then me and Mika sat down on the couch. "So what's up?" I asked looking at her "so there's a rumour going around about you and there is photo evidence" she said looking down. "Hang on what? What's the rumour?" I asked making her look up at me. "That you and Stan are dating there's a photo of you guys kissing in this common room" she said as she took out her phone and showed me the photo.

"Do you know who took the photo?" I asked as I grabbed her phone and looked at the photo "no but I do know who sent it around" she said looking down

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"Do you know who took the photo?" I asked as I grabbed her phone and looked at the photo "no but I do know who sent it around" she said looking down. "Who.?" I asked in a serious voice she paused for a minute and took a deep breath then started to speak "Victor did" she said looking up at me. "That's prick!" I screamed as I stood up and passed her phone back "Y/n I'm so sorry you don't deserve this you have been through enough" she said as she stood up and hugged me I hugged her back. "Okay well I'm going to go I'll see Mike later we have another study date so please be safe and I love you okay?" She said as she let go and started to walk away "I love you too Mika" I said as I walked back to Stans and Mikes room. As I walked in the losers looked at me "what did Mika want?" Mike asked as I sat down. I can't tell them especially Stan. "Oh she wanted to ask me some advice about something" I said with a smile "oh okay" Mike said as the dinner bell rang signalling us to head down for dinner. All the losers and me got up and started walking we were the last ones there. As we opened the door everyone's eyes were on me "why are they looking at you like that?" Ben asked as he stood next to me "I don't know" I said quickly as I started to walk away to the table and sat down Eddie following behind me. Once I sat down everyone was still looking at me "what?." I asked sternly everyone quickly looked away and started whispering to each other "n/n why are they all whispering about you?" Eddie asked as he leaned over to my ear. "Another rumour" I said as I looked down "is that what Mika wanted to talk to you about?" He asked making me look at him. I slowly nodded "what was the rumour" he asked just then I heard the door open again. It was Victor. My blood boiled as we made eye contact "one sec Eds" I said as I stood up and started walking towards him everyone was still looking at me. "Y/n what do you want?" He asked looking down "you fucking prick!" I screamed as I slapped him. "How dare you take that photo of me and Stan and send it around to everyone!" I screamed at his face. "Hang on what photo?" Bev asked "the one of me and Stan kissing on the couch!" I screamed that's when I realised. None of the losers know about that. "Y/n listen I'm sorry but your a slut!" Vic shouted at me "omfg Vic! We broke up 2 fucking years ago!" I screamed as I faced him "Still! Y/n I still love you I always have!" He shouted. I was in shock. "What just because you still love me after 2 years of not being together anymore it gives you a right to take pictures of me and Stan kissing?!" I shouted. "Yes! Y/n your supposed to be with me! Your meant to love me!" He shouted getting your in my face "boy you better back the fuck down before I do what I did to Mila" I warned he didn't listen he kept getting callers and closer. Till we were inch's apart "do it then! Your just a stupid slut! You have nothing good about you expect your body! And besides I can make you feel so so much better than that losers can" he said as he got closer and grabbed my wrist. "Vic let go of me before I smack you silly" I threaten he didn't let go instead he kissed me. My eyes widen in shock "that's it" I heard someone say as they got closer. Just then Vic was pulled away from me I looked to see who it was. It was Richie. Richie then punched him right in the nose "learn how to fucking respect woman you fucking pig" he spat Vic got up and went to swing and Richie that's when I noticed he had knuckle dusters on. 'Fuck' was my only thought before I stood in front of Richie. Vice knuckles collided with my jaw making me fall over "y/n!" I heard someone yell as I heard footsteps running towards me. "Y/n! Omg are you okay?!" I heard someone and it was Bev. I slowly sat up and felt something drip off of my face it was blood. "Y/n! Y/n! Can you hear me?!" Eddie screamed in my face "yes I can now stop screaming" was all I said before I stood up. "Y/n?" I heard Vic ask as he reached towards me. Stan smacked his hand away "don't ever fucking touch her or go near her again" he said as he put my arm around his shoulder and we started to walk out. "Where are you take me Stan!" I asked not fully knowing where he is taking me. "To the hospital wing" was all he said as he opened a door "hello how may I help y- omg quickly get her on the bed!" The nurse shouted as Stan walked me over to a bed and put me on it. "What happened?" The nurse asked as she started to clean off my blood I then explained what happened. "Well he sounds like a horrible young man and trust me he will be punished"  she said as she put a bandage on my cheek. "Okay stay here while I go to Dumbledore and deal with this Can you sit with her young man?" She turned to Stan and asked he nodded. "Well these past couple of weeks have been fun" I said as I looked at him "y/n I need to ask you something" he said looking down "go for it" I said as I kept looking at him. He took a deep breath and spoke again. "Y/n I really really like you and o was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my girlfriend?" He said the last part unsure. I smiled and leaned over and kissed him "so is that a yes?" He asked with a smile "I think the kiss speaks for itself" I said as we leaned in and kissed again. Then we were interrupted by clapping and cheering by the door we looked over and saw all of the losers with massive smiles on their faces. "So when's the wedding?" Richie asked quoting me when I said it to him and Eddie "Richie shut uppp" I whined with a smile.

My perfect life will soon be fucked.

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