🖤parents day🖤

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It's now the next morning and me, Stan, And Mike all woke up with a throbbing headache "omg my head is killing me Y/n why did you make us do that?" Mike said as he stood up out of bed "hey I didn't make you drink shit that was your guys choice" I said as I laughed a little. "Ughhhh it's parents day today" Stan said as he stood up out of bed and stretched. "oh fuck that means I have to see my daddddd" I said as I rolled around throwing a fit "I know it's going to be hard but it's only for like 4 hours"  Mike said as he changed his shirt. "This going to be the worst 4 hours of my life" I said as I got up and started getting dressed. After we were all done we went down to the common room to wait for the losers after they got here they all started complaining about headaches "oh wait I got something that might help a little bit" I said as I reached into my bag and pulled out some Advil. "Omg y/n your a lifesaver" Bev said as I gave her one and I gave one to each loser we then al walked to the food hall where I saw them. My parents. My mother rushed at me with a  small smile on her face making me open my arms with a smile she then engulfed me in a hug "omg baby I missed you so much" she said with happy tears "aw mumma I missed you too I have so much to tell you" I said with a small smile. That soon faded as my dad walked up to us me and my mother let go of each other and I just stared at him. "What no hug for your old man?" He said with a smirk "no" I said with a straight face and turned away to look back at my mother "y/n outside now." My father said in a stern voice making me shiver. I knew what was coming I just hoped no one would see it. I thought for a moment as I looked around and spotted the losers they seem to be looking for me aswell. "Y/n now." My father said as he grabbed my arm "No." I said as I kept looking down. "What did you just say?" He asked as he tightened he grip around my wrist making me spin around "I said no!" I screamed as I pulled my wrist out of his hand. Me screaming got everyone's attention including the losers. "Don't you remember what happens when you disobey me y/n?!"  My father screamed in my face yet I didn't flinch. "Yeah but your not going to do that this time are you?! I would say because everyone is watching but you don't care about them, so instead I'm not scared because I won't let you control me or my mother ever again!" I raised my voice at him making him widen his eyes in shock. "I see you finally grew up but now that your older we can fight properly" he said with a smirk. "Not on my watch" I heard someone say as I looked to see it was Bev. "And who are you?!" My father screamed in her face just then all the other losers came to my sides and made a circle around me to protect me from my father. "We are the losers club also known as your daughters best friends and as long as we are here you will not go near her or her mother ever again." Bev said standing up to my dad. I saw him slowly reach behind him. "Bev! Duck!" I said as he pulled out his wand and went to hit her with a spell I pulled out mine and blocked his spell. "You wanna tango father? Let's fucking tango" I said as I got the boys to help Bev up and move away and made them take my mother with them. "We'll look at you protecting your little friends but you do know they are going to leave you and what a surprise your mostly friends with boys! Your a little slut!" He screamed with a smirk. My blood boiled I quickly put my wand up and stupifyed him. He fell back in shock I then stormed up to him and put my wand at his throat. "Your words can no longer hurt me father and you will never ever! Touch my friends or my mother or myself again, so you understand?" I said with a stern face and voice. "Go fuck yourself" he spat as I put my foot on his throat blocking his air way "day you understand! Say it you fucking dirty pig!" I screamed. "I understand" he said with a raspy voice "good" was all I said as I got off of his throat making him gasp for air. Just then the teachers walked in. "What is the meaning on this?!" Dumbledore asked as he rushed over to my father and I "this man pulled out a wand and tried to kill my friends and I" I said as I looked at them. Snape then grabbed my fathers arm and lifted him up " miss y/n do you know this man?" Snap asked making me look at my father. I took a deep breath and looked at my mother who had tears in eyes. "No." Was all I said Snape then nodded and pulled my father away the teachers following after him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My mother than came rushing to me and engulfing me in a hug "Omg baby I was so scared he was going to hurt you" she said as she cried in my shoulder "mother he can never hurt us again not where he is going" I said as I looked at the losers with a smile. My mother must of felt me smiling on her shoulder because she let go of me and looked at then losers. "Are you guys her friends?" My mother asked as she looked at the losers. "Yes we are Mrs. y/l/n" Richie said with a smile. "Well then what are you guys waiting for get in here!" My mother shouted as she Motioned them to join the hug. They all looked at each other and Richie smiled "don't have to tell me twice!" He shouted excitedly as he ran towards us and wrapped his arms around me and my mother. I then looked at all the losers making them shrug and join in the hug. After a few minutes we all let go "okay now that that's over go spend time with your guys parents I'm sure they wanna see you" I said with a small smile they all looked down. "What's wrong dears?" My mother asked in a sweet voice "none of our parents showed up" Bev spoke up making me look at my mother and her look at me. We both then nodded at each other "well until your parents wanna step up and act like parents I will be your new mother if that's okay with you guys" my mother making all the losers look up at us. "Wait really? All of us?" Bev asked in disbelief "yes! On the holidays and stuff if you guys ever want a break from your families you can come to our home it is always opened for yous especially if you were willing to risk your life for my daughter" she said with a sweet smile making all the losers smile. "Okay now time to introduce everyone to you mum, this is Bev,Mike,Ben,Bill,Richie, you already know Eddie, and this man right he is Stan" I said pointing at everyone. "Well nice to meet you all I'm Mrs. y/l/n but you can call me Cherry" she said with a smile "now that you guys know each sit down so we can eat I'm starving" I said making everyone laugh. "Your always hungry" my mother said with a smile "no I'm not" I said as I looked away dramatically. "You kinda are princess" Stan said as he sat next to me "oooo princess hey? What is he your boyfriend?" My mother laughed I looked at Stan with a smile. "Actually yes mother he is" I said as I held Stans hand my mother stopped laughing and looked at us with a shock face. She then smiled the biggest smile I've seen her smile in years "ahhh my baby has a boyfriend!!" She screamed as she hugged me "yes I do mother now please let me go so I can eat" I said making all of us laugh again. The next 2 hours we all sat down while eating and talking and laughing and it felt so nice to have my family in one place. After those 2 hours we walked my mother out of the doors to her carriage she then gave all of us a hug each and said goodbye. Once she hugged me she spoke "make sure you write to me and tell me everything okay? Keep me updated on you and mr handsome over there" she said with a smirk "okay I will mum I love bye" I said as she let go and got in her carriage and waved goodbye to all of us as we waved goodbye back. Her carriage left we all walked back to the Ravenclaw dorms and into Mike and Stan's room. We decided that the losers are having a sleep over. As we got in I threw myself on mine and Stan's bed "omg today was so much effort" I whined as I rolled around trying to get comfortable all the losers laughed and we all spreaded out around the room. After a few hours of messing around we all started to fall asleep me and Stan lied in bed cuddling each other  "goodnight handsome" I said with a smile as I kissed him "goodnight princess" he said as we slowly fell into a peaceful slumber.

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