🖤 The fight 🖤

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After waking up and getting dressed we sat in the common room for a bit after a few seconds of silence Bev spoke "hey are you guys excited for the dance tomorrow ?" She asked making me look at her with a raised eyebrow "hang on what dance?" I asked not sure if what she was talking about. "You know the dance all of us 6 years have to do?" She asked looking at me like I stupid "oh fuck that's tomorrow ?" I asked as I put my head back. "Yeah did you forget?" Richie asked looking at me "well no shit Sherlock I have had rough couple of days I can't catch a break!" I shouted as I threw my hands in the air. "Well as much as love hearing you whine we have to get to the food hall like now" Bev said as we all stood up and started running to the food hall. Once we got in we all sat down at our tables and ate once we were done the bell rang for our first class mine was Defence against the dark arts. Which The losers also have with me. After we got to class we all sat down and Snape started to speak "okay class today we are practicing our favourite spells so think of yours and once everyone is done I shall pick 2 students to go against each other, and no illegal spells." He said in stern voice. It took me a minute and I finally got mine after a few minute he spoke again "okay class everyone ready?" He asked us to which we all nodded our heads. "Okay our first 2 students will be Mr. Uris and miss y/l/n" he said making me and Stan look at each other with shocked faces. We then stood up onto the mat and stood at each end "okay remember no illegal spells I don't want a dead kid on my floor" Snape said as he backed away. "Wands at the ready!" He shouted a little making me jump a tiny bit but grab my wand out while Stan grabbed his. "Don't worry darling I'll go easy on you" he said with a smirk "nah boy give me all you got" I said with same smirk. "Okay go!" Snape shouted as me and Stan both put up our wands before he could say his words I spoke quickly. "Stupify!" I shouted as a light blue shot out the tip of my wand right at Stan knocking him off of his feet and get pushed back into the wall. Everyone looked at me in shock including Stan "told you give me all you got" I said with the same smirk from before. "Okay your on" was all he said as he casted a spell that made a massive Snake appear in front of me. "Wow the fear spell not to bad" I said as I held up my wand at the snake and just as it lunged at me I quickly spoke my spell and the Snake went up in flames. "C'mon Stan is that all you got? Ha! I could do this for hours!" I shouted as I smiled at him. He looked at me with a look I've never seen before on him. The look of anger?. He then stood up and put his wand out at me just then a green light shot at me knocking me right in the chest and making me fall over. I looked at Stan only to see him already looking at me but not with a look of concern like normal a look of anger still. "What the fuck Stan?! Really one of the most painful spells on me?! Fine have it your way." Was all I said as I grabbed my wand and spells started coming out of it left and right he was blocking him but then he let his guard down. That's when I got him I used my last spell and a purple light shot out knocking him clear off of the mat. Everyone was in pure shock. Stan then stood up and I saw blood coming from his head yeah I felt bad but now I have blood coming out of my nose and head so I was pissed. Once I calmed down I looked around and saw everyone looking at me in horror I then got off of the mat and grabbed my bag and walked out to the field. Once the bell rang our next class started I didn't go. Then the bell rang again after an hour that was the lunch bell. Just as it rang I saw Stan walking towards the chairs at the field I got up quickly and walked away before he could reach me. I walked back inside and sat at the astronomy tower and just sat there. After a couple of minutes I heard footsteps and looked at the entrance and saw the person who I had avoided. Stan. I looked back out with a scoff  "listen y/n I'm sorry about the whole spell thing but you can't ignore me forever" he said as he reached me. I turned around and faced him "Stan it's not about the practice or spells it the fact that you used a spell on me that fucked me up! I get you don't like to lose but you don't do that! Not to me your girlfriend I don't care what spells you use yeah? But that one was fucked up!" I shouted as he stayed quiet. "Listen I know your mad but you told me to give you my all so I did! What else do you want from me y/n?!" Stan shouted in my face "boy you know damn well not to get into my face, back tf down" I said sternly to which he listened. "Stan I'm happy you got the win yeah? But you really hurt me that's the only reason I used that last spell because you hurt me first!" I shouted at him he stayed silent. "See? You know I'm right" I said as I ran my hands through my hair "y/n I'm sorry okay but I couldn't let people see me get beat not by you or anyone" he said as he looked up at me. "What so your image is more important then your girlfriends health? Wow, un fucking believable" I said as I looked away and he looked down. "Stan look me in the eyes and tell me that my health is more important then your image if you don't I will walk out of this tower and I will not speak to you"  I said sternly. Stan didn't move a muscle he just kept looking at the floor. "Okay I see how it is I'll be gone by the end of the day back to my dorm" was all I said as I walked away with tears in my eyes back to the Ravenclaw dorms and up the stairs to Stans and mikes room and started packing my shit. Just as I finished I heard the door open I looked to see who it was. It was Richie. "Y/n what are you doing?" He asked in a quiet voice as he closed the door "I'm going back to my dorm" I said as I looked away from him. He then came up and hugged me I wrapped my arms around his torso "shhh let it out n/n" was all he said then I broke out into a fit of tears. We sat down on the bed and I slowly calmed down "okay now tell me what happened after first period" he said as he held my hand. I then went on and explained everything to him. After I was done he just hugged me and rubbed my back "hey want me to help you take your stuff back to your dorm?" He asked as he stood up. "Yeah thank you" I said as I stood up as well and grabbed a few bags while he grabbed the rest. Just as we walked out of the Ravenclaw common room we ran into Stan. He tried to to speak to me but I just kept walking Richie following behind me. As we reached my room we put my bags down on the floor and I jumped onto my bed and lied down facing the roof. "Do you want me to go tell the losers what happened and to leave you alone for a bit?" He asked as he went to my door "yeah please Richie thank you I love you" I said with a sad smile "I love you too n/n" he said as he closed the door and walked away. Once his footsteps got far enough so I can barely here them I crawled on my side and cried myself to sleep. 

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