🖤 They wont see my break 🖤

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It is now morning and I have to get ready for school so I did what I needed to do with about 5 minutes to spear so I just headed down to the food hall to wait for everyone. As I was walking I bumped into someone once I looked up to who it was. I saw that it was Stan. "Y/n why are you going to the food hall so early?" He asked as he looked down at me. "None of your business" was all I said as I brushed passed him and kept walking just as I finally reached the doors to the food hall I heard him call my name and when I turned around he was jogging towards me. "Y/n please can we just talk?!" He shouted as we walked into the food hall "no Stan we can not!" I shouted back as I sat down at my table. "Y/n please let me explain everything" he begged as I looked up at him and thought to myself for a moment. 'Should I let him explain himself? No he showed up to the dance with Pansy of all people a day after we break up fuck him!'  "So I'm taking your silence as a yes? He asked looking at me. "Nope I don't want to hear it Stan because your just going to make an empty promise that you won't keep" I said as we made eye contact. "How do you know that huh y/n?" He asked with a scoff "because unless you can prove what you want to tell me in person and not just empty words then I don't want to hear it Stan actions speak louder than words." I said as the door to the food hall opened and people started walking in. "I think you should go to your own table now Stan" I said as I saw Eddie and we waved at each other. I looked back to where Stan was sitting only to see he isn't there anymore and he was at his table looking down. Just then Eddie came and sat next to me and spoke "wow y/n your here early" he said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder "yeah it took me quicker to get ready than normal so I just came here to wait" I said as I looked at Bev and she smiled and waved which I returned. "Hey so I saw Stan sitting here when we came in what were you guys talking about? Did you guys get back together?" He asked with a hint of cheerfulness in his voice "no we didn't he tried to speak to me but I shut him down" I said as I looked at Stan's table only to see he was looking at me. "Y/n I know you still love him" Eddie spoke dragging me away from my thoughts "of course I do Ed's I've been in love with him since that day on the train, but he fucked it up and I'm not having a repeat of what happened with me and Vic" I said as the food was brought down to our tables. "Y/n you know Stan isn't like that" he said as he picked up what he wanted and started to eat "Ed's I know he isn't like Vic but how he treated me it just brought back the memories of how Vic used to make me feel" I said as I looked down at my plate. "In what sense?" Eddie asked as he kept eating "the way he made me feel in love and safe, and the way the both through our relationship out of the window like it didn't matter" I said as a tear rolled down my face. "Hey y/n there is no need to cry" he said as he quickly swallowed what was in his mouth then tried to touch my face to wipe the tear but before he could I moved my face away. "No Eddie I'm fine I won't give them the satisfaction of them knowing they effected me, they won't see me break" I said as I quickly wiped my tears and started eating. I could feel Eddie's eyes on me but I ignored them after having my face down looking at my food I quickly swallowed what I had in my mouth and looked up to look around the room. That's when I felt someone staring at me I looked around till I met a pair of eyes at the end of the Slytherin table. It was Vic he was staring at me like he was studying me. Once he realised I caught him looking at me he quickly looked down at his plate.

Man people are really testing me.

Author note: hey guys I'm sorry it has been taking me a while to update the stories I've been going through a lot but I promise I will start posting my other story again I just need the motivation, and there will be a few more chapters in this story and then it will be done, until the next update toodles~

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