🖤 the first move🖤

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After me and bev finished in the bathroom we walked out and headed to potions class " miss Y/l/n and miss marsh you are five minutes late. Why"? Mr Slughorn asked "it was my fault sir I got into a little rumble with someone and I hurt my fist so miss marsh came into the bathroom to help me get cleaned up" i explained with a small smile "oh okay thank you for explaining miss y/l/n please have a seat" mr Slughorn said with a smile "yes sir" we said at the same time and walked to our seats hers was in between bill and Ben, the love triangle, mine was in between Stan and Henry. Gross. After about 5 minutes Stan whispered in my ear "hey you feeling okay now"? He asked making me look at him and blush a little I took a deep breath before answering "yeah I am thanks to Bev" I said with a smile. "She really has that about her doesn't she"? He said smiling causing me to smile "yeah she does" we laughed quietly "hey you wanna sit with me and the losers at break"? Stan asked "yeah of course" I replied with a smile. "Miss Y/L/N and mr Uris please be quite" mr Slughorn said making everyone look at us, we then looked at each other and started giggling like 2 girls at a sleepover. After another 5 minutes and with 10 minutes left of class a note was passed to me

'Hey also have you realised Eddie and Richie have been close lately?' The not read 'yeah why?' I wrote back and passed it to Stan after a couple of seconds the note was passed back 'I'm pretty sure they like each other so wanna help me set them up?' It read, I smiled. 'Of course' I wrote back and passed it to him, ' okay meet in the library tonight after everyone goes to bed and I'll tell you the plan' it said 'deal.' I wrote back. ' oh also you look very hot when your angry princess' the note read making me smile like an idiot. That stupid fucking nickname 'why thank you kind sir now pay attention' I wrote then passed it back.

"Class is dismissed" Mr Slughorn said causing all of us to pack up and start to leave after I was done I walked out the door to break at the Field to sit on the stands with everyone. As I got there Bev saw me and ran over to me "Y/N come on we have been waiting for you" she said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the stands. We all greeted each other and I sat down next to Stan we smiled and started eating then bowers and his goons came along. "Well we'll if it isn't the losers and the slut" he said with venom "she's probably already fucked all of them even the chick, fag, and the fat kid" Pat said laughing, "how about you pricks stfu and leave us alone" Eddie said making us all look at him. 'Does he have a death wish?!' I thought to myself "what did you say wheezy?!" Belch yelled at him 'that's it no one yells at my best friend' I thought to myself "and what about you slut when is it our turn to get some ass?" Henry said with a sickening smile. "Henry and goons even if I was fucking any of them your all just jealous that these "losers" could hit before you could, which btw I would never sleep with any of you I don't want any of your diseases" I said with a straight face making the losers laugh. "What did you say slut bag?!" Belch screamed in my face so I stood up on the chair to meet his eye level but before I could say anything Patrick spoke up "you do know the only reasons these losers befriended you was to hit it right? The only good thing about you is your body and that's all you ever will be" he spoke smirking and licking his lips. And honestly? That got to me a bit. "Bowers just fuck off we befriended her because she is sweet and unlike you guys we aren't gross fucks. So how about you all fuck off because trust me we may be losers but when it comes to Y/n it's us against yous, do the maths, oh wait I forgot you got kept down a year for being stupid." Stan stood up and spoke, 'wow no one has ever stood up for me before not like this' I thought to myself causing a smile to appear on my face. All the other losers stood up along with Stan against the bowers gang "what are a bunch of losers gonna do?" Bleach asked laughing "they can't technically do anything but Mr. Bowers can." I said smirking that's all it took for Henry and his goons to leave. Expect Vic "Y/n I'm sorry for how they treat you and trust me your more than just your body, you a very smart girl" he said smiling causing me to smile at him "thanks Vic you better go before they lose it" I said hugging him. And with that he left "why was Vic so nice to you"? Bev asked which I was expecting someone to. "Me and him used to date 2 years ago and when we broke up we remained friends and whenever they give me shit he reminds me that they are just sad losers" I said looking at them, they all looked shocked except Eddie he already knew. After that we went to the rest of our classes and then went to our dorms for bed. After I knew everyone was asleep I left the Slytherin common room and headed to the library to meet Stan. "Stan?" I asked once I opened the door. No reply. After a few minutes of looking I felt someone put their hand around my mouth from behind "shhh it's okay princess' they said I knew then it was Stan. "You scared the shit out of me" I said as he let go causing him to laugh which made me laugh after about 20 minutes of us laughing he finally spoke "okay so here's the plan" he then proceeded to tell me the plan to get Eddie and Richie together after he told the plan we walked out of the library and to the stairs to our dorms "this is goodbye until tomorrow" I said making us laugh "yeah it is" he replied with a small smile. As I turned around to walk up the stairs to the Slytherin dorms Stan grabbed my arm causing me to turn around face him "Stan?" I asked making him look at me he took a deep breath and then kissed me on the cheek. I was in shock. "Goodnight princess" he said with a smile as he walked away to his dorm "goodnight Stan" I said as I turned away quickly and ran up the stairs to the Slytherin dorms once I got into my dorm room I lied and bed and touched my cheek 'I can't believe he kissed me on the cheek!' I thought to myself smiling as I slowly fell into the nights slumber 'tomorrow is gonna be a good day' was my last thought before I fell into a peaceful slumber.

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