1-a pathetic attempt

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Okay so this story is kinda a mix of "the guy next door" and "best friends",I know it's been a while since I published a book so I'm pretty proud of myself for this,I hope it's not to similar and enjoy:) (also yea this was a oneshot)

Quackity was in his room doing his homework while watching YouTube.
Well atleast he tried too,he was looking at the room across from his window.
His name was Karl,the kid next door I mean.
He was on face time or something,just,
laughing? He couldn't hear it but he could see it.
He didn't know Karl,he was just his neighbor.

They went to the same school but they've never really talked to each other.some of his friends were friends with Karl but he personally didn't know him.
He seemed cool,nice,he'd sometimes hear his laugh from across the room,it was really nice.
He was also ridiculously cute.
He noticed him getting up and walking out of the room.
Quackity quickly got out of his chair and sprinted downstairs,maybe he was going outside??

He saw him walk out the door so he did too.
Quackity got the morning newspaper,like he definitely wasn't flustered to even see him.
Karl said from his mailbox.
Quackity smiled,he always said hello.
Quackity:"hey neighbor!"
Karl got the newspaper from his red mailbox and closed it,he flinched and quickly pulled his finger.

"Shit" he heard him groan,Quackity rushed over to him to see what was wrong.
His finger was bleeding.
Quackity:"Jesus- what happened?!"
Karl:"my mailbox pinched me..."
Quackity:"fuck- cmon"
He took his hand and got back in his house with Karl following.
Quackity:"sit down,if you want.."
Karl sat down at the counter.
He watched as Quackity got a first aid kid from his cabinet and walk back over to him.

He opened it and got out a disinfecting spray.
Quackity:"can you give me your hand?"
Karl put his partiality bleeding hand closer to Quackity.
Karl:"doesn't that hurt?.."
Quackity:"don't worry,it's stings a bit but it's safer incase it gets infected"
He put some disinfectant on his finger before wiping away the blood,wich was surprisingly a lot.

Karl whimpered at the burn.
Quackity got a bandaid big enough for his wound and wrapped it around his finger.
He was delicate...good with his hands?
Karl"done this before?"
Quackity:"yea,I used to get hurt a lot as a kid,
Plus I'm pretty good with my hands.."
Karl laughed.
Quackity:"hey I'm kidding!"
Karl:"sure you are,like you don't have girls come over everytime your mom leaves"

Quackity:"wow stalking? Not cool karl"
Karl scoffed.
Karl:"I'm not stalking you? But you know we can see each other's windows from our rooms so.."
Quackity:"so your saying you've seen me fuck a girl before?...huge ego boost.."
Karl:"your an idiot?"
Quackity:"hey I'm not?"
Karl:"you so are! This whole time living next to you I'm thinking 'hm I wonder what that neighbor kids next doors deal is?' And then your like THIS"
Quackity:"you've thought about me..?"
They looked at each other,both waiting for Karl to say something.

Yea I've definitely not fantasied about you at night before.
Quackity:"it's fine if you do,everyone does~"
Karl:"sure they do,liar"
Quackity:"I mean,the girls that come over say otherwiseee~"
Karl laughed.
Karl:"your kinda shit,yk that hotshot?"
Quackity:"what do you mean??"
Karl:" Karl I'm school your all like 'omg look at me im so hot and mysteriousss~' "
He said in a funny voice.
Quackity:"you think I'm hot?-"

Karl looked at him as they both got red.
Karl:"shut up I don't.."
Quackity:"so your saying I'm ugly? Woowww"
Karl:"what?- no!"
Quackity laughed.
Karl realized it was a joke before punching his shoulder.

Quackity:"cmon,that was pretty funny~"
Karl rolled his eyes.
Karl:"whatever,do you have anything to drink?"
Quackity:"yea cmon"
Quackity got up and walked to the fridge before he opened it.

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